Posts - Changing Faces | HealthUnlocked

Changing Faces

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All posts for June 2022

A colleague retires, and its a big loss ....

Today's been a day. A colleague and director retired. He's done his bit for the ...

Ruined nose job

I had a nosejob 2 weeks ago, and it ruined everything. I had a very average nose...
Naja21 profile image

Fibrous dysplasia.

Hi Everyone, My name is Sean and I’m 54 years old. I live up in north London. I ...
Leeds1968 profile image
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Thank you, Justin Bieber!

Since Justin Bieber spoke out about his Ramsay Hunt syndrome (RHS) diagnosis, mo...

Would i ever be happy ?

Hi, i'm writing it her because no one understand. I'm a 21 female from Belgium ...
Alexher profile image

Tee’s story: “I’m finally comfortable with my appearance and sexuality.”

Meet Tee! Tee has a rare craniofacial condition called anterior encephalocele....
AlexChangingFaces profile image