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All posts for April 2020

Biologics and sex drive

Since being on biologics and mtx I have totally lost my sex drive or maybe it ha...
Buckybri profile image

Lockdown or MTX days - jury is out

The look is how I feel today. Day 21 well a little more than this for many!
Hidden profile image

Methotrexate self-injection

Hello everyone. My rheumatologist has changed my methotrexate from pills to an ...
Grubbypaws profile image
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Surgery checking up phone call

Just had an unexpected phone call from Gp surgery asking how I’m coping with loc...
Hidden profile image

No letter.

I,ve had rheumatoid arthritis for sixteen years and at the moment I,m taking olu...

Colonel Tom

Just watching the interview with this remarkable man on the news and am in tears...
MadBunny profile image

Changing from mtx pills to injection

Hi, is it possible to change between mtx pills and injection and back? Like if I...
phonix profile image

Sore throat

I’m panicking all day today as had a bit of dry throat and tickle cough I’m just...
deejojo08 profile image

Swollen foot

Hi I have RA I've been on biologic injection for 6 months and low dose steriods....
Pasjc profile image

Dynamo -

Just been watching Dynamo and he has reactive arthritis and lupus. At one point ...
Hidden profile image


At last letter arrived from Scot gov today.I must have been at the bottom of the...
Matalow profile image

Taking methotrxate early

I know they say to take mtx injection same day and time every week. Do you thin...
Dreamer85 profile image

Determined to walk Darcy this morning

3 weeks now I have walked Darcy 2 miles every morning. Woke this morning stiff a...
Hidden profile image

Taken off my arthritis meds

Iv been taken off my arthritis meds before my knee op I seen my rheumatoid nurse...
Beth72 profile image

Benepali and shielding

hi there. I am on a weekly injection of benepali 50mg. I have been advised by my...
Shekl1p profile image

Anyone currently on Kevzara?

I’m been cleared to start Kevzara and was wondering if anyone else is currently ...
Nitrobunny profile image

Is it normal to see your pulse beat in your wrist?

I hope everyone is keeping safe and well. I have a question I hope someone can ...
Hessie5 profile image


When people say their rd is active do s that mean a flare up or not properly und...


My understanding is that Mtx lowers your immune system, therefore you are less a...


Hi has anyone been on this medication? I have been offered it and it’s fairly ne...
Barfox profile image

Just when your getting somewhere

It started raining yesterday evening and as the night wore on I got stiffer and ...
Hidden profile image


I’m on lockdown and feel like a prisoner in my own home, getting bit down althou...

Pain and spasms in ribs

Has anyone else had this?. Seems worse when I’m in bed. Has been right round r...
Esmereld profile image

Sharps Bin

I have 2 sharps bins. One for Methotrexate pens and one for Amgevita pens. They ...
Sockknitter profile image


So saw the covid update at 4.30 so they are getting some hospitals back on track...
deejojo08 profile image

Hydroxychloroquine causing stomach problems - what foods and drinks help?

I recently started Hydroxychloroquine and I'm having an upset stomach and stomac...
SkjultIGud profile image

hydroxychloroquine repeat prescription

As predicted, when I called the surgery a couple of weeks ago and they told me i...
Brychni profile image

shoulder and arm pain

hi guys i’ve been having a bad flare up in my shoulder joints which radiates dow...

Crafting with arthritic hands

Anyone got any advice about using support gloves when doing cross stitch? Even h...
Miasnana profile image

Shielding letter at last!

Today I finally received a shielding letter from my GP. The letter said I should...
rounder profile image