So I was diagnosed with CIN3 had LETTZ procedure February 2020 to remove abnormal cells recently had my follow up smear/ smear of cure. Shown normal cytology and high risk hpv. So was sent for another colposcopy to have a look at my cervix for cell change. Still a small ectropion that they think is causing me to bleed after intercourse so the cortorized the area and told 98.9% of my cervix looked normal and they want to discharge me and my next smear won't be for another 3 years. Now I am so worried that this hpv will not go and these cells will just come back with time and by my next smear in 3 years I am worried it will show high grade cell change again. Has anyone else experienced similar and after the 3 years they have had a normal smear.
Thank you in advance.