PLEASE HELP ME : Why I keep on getting a sore... - Women's Health

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15 Replies

Why I keep on getting a sore bum after my periods?

I have switched to Cloth Pads and wear jogging bottoms when I am on my periods, but still get a sore bum.

My family and I are wondering if whether it is because I am sitting too long because I am disabled?

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15 Replies

Do you use a pressure cushion to sit on? Or a sheepskin?

in reply to Mary-intussuception

I have got 2 gel cushions in my powder wheelchair and push wheelchair.

All I could suggest is Sudocrem or similar cream and talc such as Simple or Cuticura. You could put the talc onto the pad. If Cloth pads are expensive but not helping then not much point, I suppose, rather use a flatter, thinner type of pad and change more frequently ask they may not be as absorbent.

When you transfer from wheelchair to settee or chair do you use a pressure cushion or sheepskin then also?


For any soreness close to the anal area - germaloids cream. This also contains a local anaesthetic so should ease pain/soreness.

in reply to Mary-intussuception

Hello, I take a thrust pill and prescription cream from the doctor, it is going away after a week.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to

It was thrush -

Glad to hear you are getting better. xx🐥

in reply to Mary-intussuception

Hi Mary, I don't know if it's Thrush, but thrust tablet seems to work. It is always happen after my periods. It is always get sore between Posterior Fourcher and bum hold. I have learned to live with it.

Lisa xx

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to

Hi Lisa

Is there anyone you can have a chat with about this such as the Occupational Therapist? I wonder if you could try a different type of pressure cushion?

If, for your next period, you could try the sudocreme then pat over area with talc then this would form a protective barrier from any moisture wouldn't it. A bit awkward whilst in a wheelchair though.

Don't suppose you take yeast tablets by any chance do you?

in reply to Mary-intussuception

Hi Mary,

I have been to my GP about it before and he gave me prescription 12 months thrust tablets and some cream and also I've been to my local pharmacy and gave me the same thing as my GP. I have got gel cushions on both of my wheelchairs. I live with my parents and they knew about it.

When My mum gives me the thrust tablet and put the cream, the burn and the soreness going away.

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to

As long as it works, that's what's important.x🐥

in reply to Mary-intussuception

Hi Mary. Happy New Year to you.

How are you?

I've noticed that I get leak a week before start my period. I am just wondering whether it has got something to do with my sore bum after my period? Xx

Mary-intussuception profile image
Mary-intussuception in reply to

Thank you and

Happy New Year to you too!☆

I'm OK thanks. Just recovering from an Upper Respiratory Tract problem/Infe tion that I got ill with, the week before Christmas! It's left me with Asthma symptoms.

I'm not sure what this leak could be, I'm sorry Lisam.

Do you mean from front or back? If it is a bad leak - enough for you to be concerned - then why not have a word with your GP?

Just to put your mind at rest?


in reply to Mary-intussuception

Hi Mary, The leak comes from the front and it is clean colour. I drink only water and eat the fresh orange with natural yogurt for my breakfast. 4 years I had a bad 5 months with Water Infections and Thrush, my GP did a lot of tastes and the tastes come fine. Since then I have suffered from a sore bum. My Mum took me to my doctor and he said that it is Thrush and gave me a prescription for 12 months thrust pills and 12 months cream. He also said that a lot of ladies can suffer from it after their periods. xx

Natsteveo profile image

Hi Hidden did you manage to get this sorted I get this a lot too my Dr told me to shave my bottom when I can and I put talc on it to keep it dry but it's only stronger when I've had a period too

Love Nat xxx

in reply to Natsteveo

Hello Nat, It is always between Posterior Fourcher and bum hold. I've tried shaving my bottom before, it doesn't work. I take a thrust pill and prescription cream from the doctor, it is going away after a week.

I have learned to live with it.

Lisa xx

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