On average, how long does it take you to fa... - Women's Health

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On average, how long does it take you to fall asleep at night?

SimoneHU profile imageSimoneHUHealthUnlocked50 Voters
30 minutes – 1 hour
5 – 30 minutes
1 – 2 hours
More than 2 hours
Less than 5 minutes
2 Replies
AllyGY2013 profile image

I go to bed very late - or should I say early in the morning so don't usually have a problem dropping of (5-30mins) BUT there are always times when this doesn't happen and then I lie there for hours.

Quality of sleep is something else - as often awake with pain or persistent cough.

hope10 profile image

The only way i can sleep and not let my mind wander is by reading a book.with a book it takes me about 30 mins to a hour