It's a funny thing...: It's funny how... - Weight Loss Support

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It's a funny thing...

4 Replies

It's funny how little things can make you feel a bit chuffed about achieving a bit of weight loss.

One of my colleagues was handing around some sort of chocolate bars or similar in the office and when I was asked I replied, in an highly theatrical over-acted voice, "Oh no, I couldn't possibly - I'm watching my lovely slim figure!".

Another colleague grinned, so I turned on him, mainly in jest, and said "And you can stop that laughing too - I've lost 9 kgs in the last few weeks."

He was actualy quite surprised and full of praise for my achievement.

And you know I felt, well, just a tad smug about it.

4 Replies

Made me smile! Well done ?

I have struggled in the last 2 days, mainly due to a painful flare up of my arthritis I have indulged in a few comfort treats. Woke today feeling sorry for myself and annoyed at my weak will. Your comment has really, really cheered me up and I am now determined to get back into it. Looking at the scales this morning, there's no real damage done other than I have lost no weight this week so far (thankfully I switched weigh-in day to Monday so there's still hope for a small loss.

Should have been exclamation mark not question mark! Well done!

legs2013 profile image

You may have had a little blip, but today is a fresh day.

2Bhappy profile image

well done and well said ;)

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