Binge eater. Recovering from a relapse. - Weight Loss Support

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Binge eater. Recovering from a relapse.

Ineedtochange profile image
Ineedtochange1st 7lbs2023 August
2 Replies

Hi.As a recovering binge eater, I've been taking things one hour at a time for a few weeks, and it's going pretty well. Not perfect, but a huge improvement from before.

Last night I had my first real blip where I ate to soothe my feelings. While I weighed and counted it all and was still "in control", I've woken to worries and doubts about my ability to not revert to old habits of 'oh well, may as well continue'.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

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Ineedtochange profile image
1st 7lbs
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2 Replies
j9_bee_playin profile image

Hi. Congrats on your progress, and I'm so impressed that you're giving it a go.

It can be so hard to say no to scrumptious food when you're feeling blue and in need of comfort.. especially if you're keeping yourself away from binging on it purely by willpower.

Here's what I've found that has helped me:

1. Instead of removing things from my diet I've added stuff. I now HAVE to eat 4 fruits and 4 veggies every day. I try to find opportunities to stuff them into the meals and snacks that I have throughout the day so I don't have to sit and eat them one at a time at the end of the day (which sucks by the way). It is a LOT of food to eat but I feel a lot healthier and I now find that I'm ALWAYS FULL and so not likely to overeat calorie dense foods.

2. Savour and enjoy the foods you want (NOTHING is off limits) by having a small-ish serving and then wait 15 minutes before you get yourself more. If it is particularly unhealthy stuff (eg. chocolate bars) eat something healthy in between to fill your stomach (eg. eat a bowl of Wheetabix .. or an apple!). You're not saying "no" to yourself instead you're saying "let's wait and see if we still want it @ 9:15".

3. Be kind to yourself. You're struggling and looking for kindness. Try to find people in your life that you can turn to for the comfort you seek; human comfort instead of comfort food. Join an in-person support group for the most stressful aspect of your life.

Good luck

Ineedtochange profile image
Ineedtochange1st 7lbs2023 August in reply to j9_bee_playin

Thank you 😊

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