Hello: Hi everyone. I’m not sure if i... - Weight Loss Support

Weight Loss Support

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4 Replies

Hi everyone.

I’m not sure if i need to follow people first in order for people to see this post as i only came across this app 5 minutes ago, but i thought i’d give it a go.

I’m 21 years old and I weigh over 21 stones. We bought new scales tonight and these ones only go to 21. I was worried but brushed it off as “i can’t be that heavy”, i was 19st last time i weighed myself either end of last year or beginning of this year. The scales went all the way to 21 and stopped at zero again when i stepped on them, i know they’re working because my dad went on them before me. I haven’t told my parents because they will worry. I’ve always had issues of weighing more than my friends. I’m nearly 6ft tall and 4 years ago i weighed 12 or 13 stones and my collar bone stuck out to the point my mum has made me promise i won’t be that thin again - but that’s my “ideal” weight according to my BMI.

I’m here because i know now i really need to lose weight as i’m worried about my health. I have depression and really bad anxiety and i think my weight is making it a lot worse. My point to this is asking for help i think because i really really struggle with motivation. I just think to myself what’s the point. I feel like losing 10 stone is impossible.

4 Replies
moreless profile image
morelessAdministratorSS Supercook7 stone

Hi and welcome, bellapasta :)

It's not necessary to follow anyone at all, although you may meet people that you find inspirational and following them would mean you'd be alerted to any threads they start.

My advice to you, would be to concentrate on your health and let weight loss be a side-effect. If you're eating correctly and getting a moderate amount of exercise, then everything else will fall into place.

You don't need to tell your parents how much you weigh and your BMI is only a guideline, not an absolute, you and your body will know when you've reached the correct weight for you.

Don't feel you need to go on a diet, restrict calories, or eat tiny boring meals, as that is just not necessary. Aim for fresh foods whenever you can and avoid processed foods as much as possible and that includes anything labelled low fat/fat free, or so called 'healthy' snack bars/biscuits and shakes.

You can ask for your parents' support in your aim for a healthier lifestyle, so that the family shop will reflect your goals - fresh meat, fish, veg, eggs, full fat dairy. This could be your guide phcuk.org/wp-content/upload...

Aim for 3 good meals a day, with no snacking, 'healthy' or otherwise.

At the moment, you are allowed out once a day for exercise, so go for a walk with, or without your parents if you're needing some space. You could join our Fit is Fun Club for ideas and support, but there's no need to go mad with exercise at this stage of the game.

I should mention too that depression, anxiety and weight gain are all symptoms of an underactive thyroid, so you may want to have a look at this forum, to see if it's worth pursuing a diagnosis healthunlocked.com/thyroiduk

One last thing, the app doesn't allow you access to everything this forum has to offer, so I advise that you use your browser to log onto the full website. It can be done using your phone healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...

All of the information you need about the forum can be found in Pinned Posts healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... and I hope you'll be joining all the Events, Challenges and Clubs that we run, especially a weigh-in and the daily diary.

It doesn't matter if the scales don't move for the first few weeks, the important thing is the mutual support of the weigh-in and the Wednesday Wobble Warriors are super supportive and will be happy to welcome you into their ranks.

We've found active participation to be key to successful weight loss and, of course, it's a good way to get to know people, find inspiration and share support and encouragement.

Wishing you all the best :)

Pennypot profile image

Hi and welcome . I only joined this week after doing several other diets . I feel in the right frame if mind this time and I'm determined to shift the weight . Been a tough week so far but I'm hoping the scales on Friday wil show a small loss . You have made the first step , well done . YOU CAN DO THIS .

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone

Hello and welcome, well done for biting the bullet and coming here! :-) would you like to join us in today's weigh in? Here's the link so you can find it easy, hope to see you there :-) x


SuccessfulLoser profile image

Hey there,

Well done on stepping up and sharing.

We can give you all the support and advice but it's important to find something that works for you so you can stick to it :)

Make small changes often, rather than trying to do everything all at once. That can be a bit of a shock otherwise!

Focus on healthy eating, good nutrition and some moderate activity like walking. As mentioned above - let weight loss be the side effect, not the focus.

Also 10st sounds like a lot I know. But instead set small little goals for yourself. Then when you reach that goal, the satisfaction will motivate you further to reach your next little goal and so on. Before you know it, those little goals all add up to amazing progress.

It's not easy but you can do it :)

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