How do you manage navigating the forum... - Weight Loss Support
How do you manage navigating the forum? Please comment, to make any problems clear and feel free to make suggestions.
Please select all that apply:

The group’s page seems to be okay when there isn’t a site-wide glitch.
Have just completed the poll

OK if you have plenty of time to scroll down lots of posts especially on your weigh in day.

Any glitches soon get sorted out and if the advice and assistance offered by admins on joining is taken on board there shouldn't be any difficulty. The recent addition of FAQs is an excellent tool if members access it when in difficulty.
Hit and miss with me 😁 4-5weeks
Hi and welcome, Veronica
This may help
I'd like to invite you to join our Newbie Club, which we hope will be a good place for you to connect with members, who are also just starting out. If you just post a few words to introduce yourself and respond to others there, you'll soon break the ice. Here's the link
You'll find all the information you need to navigate the forum in the header, so please take the time to read it carefully.
Wishing you all the best
This is because l don't know what Pam doing rather than the site
As HU is in its embryonic stages I prefer to use Nutracheck until HU is easier for me. Sorry.
Is that for a calories checker, or for support, mustgetslim?
Everything. Hate to say this but I think HU would learn loads from Nutracheck - very much 'belongs' to the members. Members advise each other - admin will advise when appropriate. Not as complicated as HU. Suggest someone joins NC because it is brilliant. Someone who is getting this site off the ground and who is good at site building, etc. I have no time to learn this site and its vagaries unfortunately. Members can always email admin or whoever for expert advice. Think this HU through the NHS is a great idea though. Will pop on occasionally to see what is happening. x
You do realise we Admins are just members and not employees of HU, or the NHS, don't you?
We volunteer our assistance to fellow members, in a pay it forward system and offer to share our experience of weight loss, not expert advice
It's great that you've found somewhere that suits you better . We all have to find our own path. but I can't imagine any forum 'belonging ' to the members more than this one and as moreless says all our hard working admins are volunteers.
I have just looked at the site, and you have to pay, at the moment I am with S.W. so I will stay here, it keeps my brain ticking trying to find sites so hey ho.
The above conversation was from 2 years ago San_ray, so I am not sure that mustgetslim is still with us. I am assuming that you are saying that you have to pay for the Nutracheck site? There is no payment to belong to the weight loss forum and we are here 7 days a week, practically 24 hours a day

I think it would be helpful if there was a way responses to a person's post can show as read once they have been viewed
I get that this would be cool but in what way useful? Just interested
It took me some getting used to when i began on the forum in April 2017.. But I think things are a little more organised now. What I find a bit silly is that, using android, on the full site, I have to go into a post (any post) and then scroll down down down to the bottom below the comments, to find the link list (Daily Diary for eg) I'm on Samsung so it might be just my kind of phone. But it is cumbersome.
Another thing that would be great is if I could search my own posts for e.g. to find my last weigh in. Or search within posts for e.g. to find something some mentioned i daily diary later rather than wade through every comment til I find it. Dreaming too big perhaps?
Another thing that would be great is if notifications were separated in some way.. likes in green responses in red for e.g.. missing someone's response is easy when you have 88 notifications most of which are likes. Responses can go unnoticed.
Just struggle with navigating from one subject to another. Eg l saw your reply about the newbie links in an email but l can't actually find it to read when l press the see the reply link. Maybe it's the tablet l use. However l do find all the comments, recipes and encouragements really helpful
No, that's the vagaries of the poll, Mardri, as it's happening to me too! The notifications only bring us to the header and we have to scroll through to find the actual response!
On normal threads, you should get a red notification dot, next to the bell at the top middle of your screen. If you click on that, it should take you directly to the response
Thanks for that, it's a bit clearer to me now so should help quite a lot.
I find the site easy to use if I have found something a little difficult there’s always someone to help.
I think that the FAQs page is a great idea; I've also noticed If someone has any other query, it is answered quickly.
All in all, I think the site is very clear and extremely helpful; thanks to all concerned. 😊
Dont post much as dont have time and to tired to think
I'm very sorry to hear that, Den. How is your weight loss going? If you don't post at all, we can't help you. Even if you posted on a weigh-in, once a week, I'm sure you'd do better
Sad to read this Den63
Try to make YOU a priority, your health has got to be worth it.
Just find 10 minutes a day, you'll find amazing things happen when you make the smallest changes.

It might help to have post with most recent comment on at the top.. but I realise this is complicated but it would help find the chat as it goes on. I find the forum a bit convoluted but this is because there is so much good information on there. I think I made my first comment in August after I had been lurking for a while!

Always refer back to the Newbie Club and or the FAQ's, lilly
Yes thanks for that moreless..
Just think of me like a serene swan on the surface but paddling like mad underneath... I need to gain confidence..
Not well at mo that doesn’t help.
Sorry to hear you are not well Beechnuts Hope you feel better soon x x
I'm sure you'll get the hang of things in no time at all, especially when you're fighting fit again
Thank you moreless and cracker you are very kind.
Why is it when we feel so ill that we lose out appetite completely and yet the scales often stay the same.?
I will be glad when this year is over had shingles earlier in year, then every cold that’s doing the rounds , now bad chest infection on top of my asthma .I want to curl up and hibernate, feel like absolute ........ I will bounce back eventually.
Good luck to everyone I love reading the posts.
That's our body's way of looking after us, Lilly. It doesn't want us to fade away, so uses energy from places that it deems unnecessary, hanging onto our fat stores, for future privations.
You take care of yourself and keep posting. You'll be surprised how the company of your forum buddies will make you feel better
Member since 2nd January 2017.
Like most things that are worthwhile, you need to invest a little time.
Amazing administrators, always there and understanding real people with good hearts.
Your assistance on Monday was excellent, I hope I can find the Monday movers next Monday! Thanks
Morning moreless , I have been here almost 11 months. I didn’t really understand how to find my way around the site in the early days so I was a ‘scroller’. Since September when you started the Newbie Club, I have learnt a lot and find it much easier now. The Newbie club and FAQ have both been excellent new additions.

You have been so helpful and kind Moreless and I appreciate that you are an administrator, but also a 'member' and obviously do this on a voluntary basis. It must be me, although I have to say this is this only site I have found I cannot find my way around. There seem to be so many choices then after selecting one, you find you are faced with more choices. A bit like calling a large company on the phone, only to be given several sets of choices then find none of them are what you are actually looking for. I hope the feedback helps. Thank you for the assistance you have tried to furnish me with. (I feel I must tell you - I have had my own company for 30 years and am professionally qualified, perhaps I lack the patience or perseverance required)............I apologise to you Moreless...... you have certainly tried. I also feel frustrated and a little embarrassed at my failure. Also my failure to lose the 7lbs I am desperate to lose. (Like carrying a bag of potatoes around all day.)
Hi tansy-ann,
Please don't feel embarrassed! I think you need to simplify your searches to one, or two and use the FAQ's to get you there. Only read what I've written and don't follow any other links
Find Events and use that to find a weigh-in, the DD and the What's Happening thread. Those three things are more than enough for your initial needs.
I suspect that you're expecting too much of yourself, too soon. I am a total numpty and expect nothing of myself, but I've managed to crack the code to this forum!
I have total confidence in your ability to crack the code too and to lose those pesky pounds!
Together, we can achieve anything!
I have answered this poll. I find the best thing for me is to just look around until I find the right things I am looking for.

Thank you Moreless (once again), I shall try that..........
Never had any problem whatsoever.
I find getting round the site frustrating, there are so many topics etc and for new people just follow everyone else that is no good for me. The medication I am on makes me forget a lot so with this I get annoyed. I feel it could do with being made simpler with more examples set out for the new people. You have a really good tool here but I feel it is not used to its full potential.
I'm sorry that you feel this way Debbie. Have you read all the information in the Newbie Club and the FAQ's? There are links to just about every conceivable action you could wish to make, including picture instructions.
You joined the forum on Oct 18th, joined the Happiness Challenge on Oct 19th, the Newbie Club on Oct 22nd, a weigh-in and Daily Diary on Oct 23rd and were sent a message on the 25th Oct, offering assistance, if you required it. You were supported and guided on each of these occasions, but that was the last we heard from you, until now.
I'm afraid there's a limit to what we can provide, but support and encouragement is always available to you, when you're here and learning the ropes does take practice. I'm sure that if you log on more frequently and join in, you'll find it easier to remember what to do
Initially really struggled to navigate my way around, but once I got going, found it fairly easy!
moreless Is there any easy way I find all my posts to ensure they are locked? TIA ox
Hi Orcadiana,
Go to your profile and all of your posts are listed there.
It's just a case of working through them and checking, unfortunately.
You've only got 21, so it shouldn't take long.
Good luck!
I do find using the forum difficult but with patience and practice I'm sure I will get better at it .

I've used far better sites, it doesn't flow particularly well and navigation should be more obvious, some of the topic titles are ambiguous.e.g I made my first post and was welcomed by an admin very quickly who gave me a badge ......brilliant, and was guided to the Newbies section and thought this is where I should introduce myself so ended up doing a slightly different post that ended up with two posts serving the same purpose very close together.
As I am due an upgrade on my phone shortly and don't currently have space I have only used the website not the app. Hope this feedback is useful and thanks to all the admins and hosts who are really on the ball, looking forward to 'meeting' you all.
Thanks for your feedback, Barcud
Your second post was made on the open forum, not the newbie thread, so I expect you clicked on write, which really means start a new thread. If you remember that having to fill out a template, with a title, means you're not adding to another person's post, but starting your own.
We have asked for this to be made less ambiguous, but to no avail, so far.
The newbie thread is designed to keep all information pertinent to navigating the forum together, so that you just have one place to refer back to, if you're having difficulties.
Unfortunately, with the Topic titles, we only have 30 characters to use, so have to come up with titles that generally encapsulate the contents. More characters available to us, would make this less ambiguous. We have also asked for this.
I certainly wouldn't bother with the app, as it offers very little access to the different areas of the forum and is only available on iphones anyway. Those of us with Android phones, manage perfectly well
I found it different to any other forum that I have belonged to and not easy to understand how to navigate at first. I am more used to different sections laid out, so that I know where to post on a certain topic. I wanted to be here though, so didn't give up!
However this is not criticism, this is a great forum admin work very hard and are on the ball. Once I worked out how to do things, I got the hang of it all.
I am doing quite a lot on the site, but some of my replies seem to have been lost, perhaps I did not press the right button at the right time?
Been a member since January this year.
No probs with the site at all, needed help occasionally but that's me that is not very technical.
Iove this forum and the members, without it I couldn't have kept going on my quest to be healthy, i don't see it as a diet but rather a new way of life, addmited I'm loosing weight very slowly and that is why I became a member but there is far more to this forum than that.
We all give support and encouragement to each other in other ways too, we are friends without seeing each other, and often just pop in for a natter on the what's happening post.
I am so very grateful to all the admin & volunteers who give of there time & energy to help others, they are a mountain of information when it comes to weight loss, and always on hand to help when necessary.
I am so very grateful for everything they put into this forum because I know at times it's not been easy, I'd like the forum to stay as it is, it works so why fix something if it's not broken!!
I look in events and don't see what I'm looking for. Could each weigh- in/ maintainers club have a folder that would lead you to all the different pages they have made? I also have great difficulty if I want to find out what I last contributed as it is not a post but a thread!
Events only hold current weigh-ins.
The OLD Weigh-ins Topic hold all weigh-ins in date order.
Your own profile holds all your own replies.
We can't offer more than that, as those are the restrictions of the site. You can email HU with your suggestions.

A member only a few days so still working out what's what and where.
I haven't used social media before and I find it very difficult to find the same people again. Also I get lost very easily.
But it is very interesting and full of good ideas, and I'm sure if I keep going I will get better at finding my way around.
Hi moreless
Thanks for the opportunity to comment. I access the forum only on my laptop, and have trouble every week finding the Wednesday weigh-in. I always get there, but often by accident. I think it's because what lands in my inbox every morning is often just normal posts, when perhaps I need always to have that day's weigh in (because once a week it will be "my" one) pinned on the right hand side.
I'm pretty adept with navigating in all sorts of places online, but I find this place unnecessarily complicated.
Thanks again!
Thank you kleineKerze 😊. When you’re on your phone are you using the App? If so then the only way is to scroll down through all the posts
If you’re accessing the full website then this might help
Hi kleineKerze,
I think you would find the Wednesday weigh-in much easier to locate, if you didn't rely on email alerts. I, personally, only use them for posts/people that I follow and have switched off all others.
Just log onto the forum, using your web browser, scroll down to Events on the right of your screen and click on the title Weigh-in for Wednesday.
I hope this helps
Hi, I've been a member for less than a week.
I posted my first post on Sunday to the Sunday weigh-in page and I can see that I have some replies but the link in the notification emails takes me to the top of the Sunday weigh-in page and not to the reply itself. So I find it hard to find the replies and reply to them. This is making it more difficult to use than other websites.
All weigh-in posts have their replies turned off at 9pm (UK time), which is probably why you aren't being taken to the exact reply. You need to respond to all replies before that time, I'm afraid.
If this is happening during 'opening hours', ie between 9pm Saturday and 9pm Sunday, then this is a technical fault that needs reporting to HU.
I hope this helps, Scarlette_Ohana
I still dont no how to enter the weekly weight in on a Saturday I find the site very frustrating and have given up on that one however I am following the Advice etc and still counting my caliries
Sorry you are finding the forum complicated ☹️ Have a look a the pictorial guide here which I hope might help
And keep trying, practice makes perfect as they say 😊
Have a look at the FAQ's, Mrsp70 and follow the instructions
Bear in mind that the Saturday weigh-in will only be available between 9pm Friday and 9pm Saturday, UK time and that the HU app will NOT give you access to Events.
gave up with it

Hi William, if you are having problems finding your way around, then instead of giving up, come back and talk to us and we will try to help you

Okay,that seems a bit harsh of me,but there is not a "Frustrating" option,because I definitely am never giving up. Why do we not have the "events" on every page, I find it "frustrating" to go back to the same page to read the events list,can it not be locked on each forum to make it easier to access events from each page. Ta
We think the same, Ascelus, just as we'd like to be able to access Topics (recently changed to Interests) from the Posts page. Maybe you could direct your enquiry to Health Unlocked, as we have done, to see if they will be able to change the system?

I have just read some of the replies and realise that this post is from two years ago,is it necessary to keep old posts running
the more i read the more confuseing it becomes
I've been on here less than a week, I can't see much activity?
I would like to join daily food diary but can't work out how to!
Hi, when moreless welcomed you a few days ago and recommended the Daily Diary and a weigh in, she gave you the link for Pinned Posts You'll find them both there, plus all our other activities. Just scroll through and check them all out
I can not found where actually I can start put in the Weight in and the rest of the stuffs
Hi and welcome, Jigsaw04
All of the information you need about the forum can be found in Pinned Posts and I hope you'll be joining all the Events, Challenges and Clubs that we run, especially a weigh-in and the daily diary.
We've found active participation to be key to successful weight loss and, of course, it's a good way to get to know people, find inspiration and share support and encouragement.
Wishing you all the best
Hi, I struggle to find how to put my Weight in page.
I can’t easily find weight in info and what I’m supposed to fo
I’ve gone to “pinned” posts but cannot easily see it. I know I’m new so it will take time but the interface isn’t easy to follow!
You need to take the time to read all of the information carefully and if you're using the HU app, get rid of it and log onto the forum using your phone's browser
The FAQ's will answer your question about weighing in.
Money Saving Expert forums are very easy to navigate... something like that would be amazing
For some reason, since joining the forum, I've found that I've mis-posted my weekly weigh-ins incorrectly, which means I receive a reply from one of the mods. pointing me toward the correct place to post. I've done this more than once, which is irksome as I do not want to be a bother to the mods, nor to myself. I've come close to simply walking away from this forum and forgetting about it, but I do appreciate the community feeling and the ability to contribute to the work of the hive.
That's a common mistake when using a mobile phone, Dfatone and we have asked for the big blue 'Write' to be changed, but no luck yet.
The trick is to remember that the weigh-ins are someone else's post, so you reply to them as you would any other post on the forum. Ignore 'Write', scroll down and use the Reply box. If you have to fill out a template, complete with a title, then you're starting a new post, not replying to an existing one.

It's the clunkiest forum I've ever met and I've being using forums for many years. Most will display a subject line so you get plenty on a page and can choose which to look at.
But the people seem great and I've already found some useful looking help so I guess I can put up with it, grumpy old beggar that I am.
Hello and welcome to the forum slipstick,
Maybe the following link will help you to navigate the forum. You are better using the full site and not the app. The app doesn't give you access to everything.
I am very pleased to see that you think the people here are great and I hope the link I am going to give you will help to make you less grumpy 😆
This link will take yo to all the information you need to navigate the weight loss forum,
and this link will give you a tour of the forum, which might also be helpful
As a peer to peer support group, we all benefit from encouragement and support from one another, so look forward to seeing you join in around the forum
I would recommend that you at least join the Daily Diary and a Weigh In day of your choice.
Wishing you all the best
Finding my way around slowly 😀
It was wonderful until I bought my new 5G phone. I'm having trouble answering reply posts from the other ladies (keep getting "oops, that page no longer exists"). Pretty sure it's my phone problem, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hi OneLump22, what you have described is a current site wide glitch. It has been reported multiple times this week to the HU tech support team and they are working on it. Hopefully they will have the problem solved soon xx
I am never sure where I should go to get information about weight loss. The newsfeed is good and its nice to hear others
Good morning, sky50, and welcome
I can see you joined in January but we haven't seen you on the forum yet. It's good to hear you've been enjoying reading other members' posts. If you follow this blue link it will take you to all our pinned posts - a long list of them, starting with Welcome Newbies and including the weigh in, daily diary (where members share their meal plans) and much more. Spend a little time going through those posts and then join in as much as you can. That will give you the encouragement and support you want, and you can share the support around, too.
Good luck and I hope we'll see you around the forum