Spotting, bloating and weight gain - PCOS UK (Verity)

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Spotting, bloating and weight gain

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I've just had bloods and swab done at the gp for above symptoms today and the spotting has turned into medium flow period type blood after being swabbed. I had a week of spotting between red and clear to pink brown discharge but I'm finding it painful around pelvic and vagina area when going to the toilet and more blood is on the tissue when I wipe. No clots, just fresh red blood. I had a suspicion I may have either a ruptured cyst or some type of infection (Google isn't always much help) I've had a ruptured cyst before, but it wasn't this bad I just missed periods of up to 6 months. I track my periods as I have pcos and very forgetful. On and off since June or July last year I have had spotting. I've never had spotting before except 1 time when my cervix had turned inside out and it was easily cured. However I am growing concerned as to what's going on as I know my body well and since giving up contraception after having children (youngest is 16 month's) my periods were average every 7 weeks, now they have been 10-11 weeks the past few months after the spotting started, bloating every now and then, but I have bled for a week now (spotting) just 3 weeks since my last period. At first I thought it may be implantation bleeding as it started around 10 days after doing the deed but my partner had the snip a year ago so chances of that would be very very low. I'd just like to know of anyone has had similar symptoms and what it actually was? My anxiety has been so bad the past week I nearly crashed my car parking today forgetting to put car in reverse and that's never happened. Oh and to add to the list I woke up with a painful stiff middle finger (No I didn't use it for anything in the night lol) looked it up found it's most likely arthritis as it runs in the family and I had a sharp pain in my lower back/bottom up to my shoulder/top of back while waiting to be seen at the doctors which I found weird. Just waiting on the ultrasound scan they've booked me in for to come through the post now, and just to cure my mind, im doing a preg test 2moz so I can eliminate ectopic pregnancy.. Someone help! Thanks 😅

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