What is the treatment for PCOS: Hi there I... - PCOS UK (Verity)

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What is the treatment for PCOS

SAM2608 profile image
8 Replies

Hi there

I’m hoping you can help 😊

My daughter is just 18, and up until this time last year was very healthy.

She has recently been diagnosed with b12 deficiency/pernicious anemia and also seems to have autoimmune hypothyroidism/Hashimoto’s. She hasn’t had a period now for 3 or 4 months and after blood tests the GP has diagnosed PCOS. We have all gone gluten free, She is taking supplements and the GP mentioned going on the pill to induce a period/bleed. And maybe a scan.

Just wondering what else can I do and what do I need to be trying to push for with GP? Seems just going on the pill is masking the root cause, but not sure what the options are? It all seems a bit unsatisfactory!

My daughter is in denial really - just wants to be a teenager and have fun. She is going to uni next year and I really want to get her in the best place possible...she is also worried she won’t be able to have children ☹️ So hard to see her with so much going on health wise when she is so young.

Any advice gratefully received- thank you in advance


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SAM2608 profile image
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8 Replies
LisaEB profile image

Hi Sam,

PCOS doesn't mean you won't have children for a start, many women have it and many go on to have children.

I was on the pill for many years and have PCOS, and have been pregnant 4 times, they have all ended in miscarriages, but I've been pregnant. PCOS can increase miscarriages, but I'm also over 35 and overweight.. So there could be other factors for me.

The pill regulates the hormones and is good for PCOS, I came off the pill eventually, 1. Because I wanted to get pregnant and 2. Because I would get bruising on my legs, so the pill is not risk free, as you may know.

Ways to help PCOS is diet and exercise. I think of PCOS almost like diabetes, not too much sugar, and try to keep a healthy weight. I actually maintained a good weight the whole time I was on the pill and ballooned once I came off it.

I use Alpha Infolic, which is supposed to help PCOS, it's not available of the nhs, and it works out to be £30 a month, so not really a cheap option but has evidence of helping PCOS, with no side effects like the pill. It is supposed to help fertility as well, but your daughter may not yet be looking at that. I got pregnant after a month using it after a year of trying. It also may help give her periods.

Hope this helps.

SAM2608 profile image
SAM2608 in reply to LisaEB

Hi Lisa

Thanks so much for your message- will be sure to look up Alpha infolic. She’s been taking lots of supplements (also for b12 deficiency and iron deficiency) and just started on vit D, zinc, selenium etc and supplement called myova (? I think) which has inositol and folic acid in...also gone gluten free. I’m wondering if best thing is to try this all first and see if any period arrives, or if she should start taking the pill now too? It’s been 3 or 4 months since last period. I just read something about it being dangerous to not bring on a period, so don’t know if trying the diet and lifestyle route is the best thing...so much to take in!!!

Thank you so much again for your help


LisaEB profile image
LisaEB in reply to SAM2608

Hi Sam, I didn't have periods when I was younger. I mentioned it many times to doctors and they didn't bat an eyelid back then. It wasn't until I mentioned it when I was say 27/28 to a Dr in passing, she told me it wasn't normal and that's when I was diagnosed with PCOS. I went for scan and they could see the cysts. Even though more recently they had a look at said it was better, this was before any supplements, so sometimes your body can resolve them I guess.

Firstly is your daughter overweight? As that doesn't help periods.

Is she stressed? As that also doesn't help periods.

I was told I should take the pill at least 4 times a year to get the bleed, which I have done over the years and I do seem to get periods now in my 30s. I'm not on a regular cycle, but I do get them every month. I also got pregnant very quickly the first time, think I was like 33.

I took Myova recently it is similar to Alpha Infolic, myinstol is the ingredient you need. I prefer the Alpha just because you drink it with water, as it is powder, and you get two pints of water in your day at least. I've seen more studies with Alpha as well, but I've not seen much difference to the way you feel on either of them.

The supplements I would say could see eat foods high in those supplements? I would favour natural over supplements, but if she can't it's better than nothing.

Look at the nhs website for more info, there is a procedure called drilling for example, if she find in the future she can't get pregnant and fertitily treatments. Does she want to do something as drastic as freeze her eggs? However, she is only 18, so she shouldn't be too worried about it.

My sister also has PCOS and had a baby, it really does not.mean you can't have kids, so I wouldn't panic. I'm 36 and I may not have kids, not because I can't get pregnant but I don't seem to be able to carry them, what would you do then? I have friends who adopted as IVF didn't work for them, not sure if this was linked to pcos.

Do all you can. Like I say, eat a balanced diets, good amount of exercise, just generally be healthy. Take the supplement, Myova or Alpha, whichever you like. Possibly take the pill to at least stimulate a bleed. And also have control of the bleeding. I go from 20-40days, its hard to plan when you don't know when you are due for a period, so it might give her more control of her life being on the pill. Unfortunately at the moment I don't believe there is a miracle cure.

SAM2608 profile image
SAM2608 in reply to LisaEB

Great - thank you, will continue with the supplements and good diet and exercise, etc. No she isn’t overweight- I would say she has put on a little weight but is still slim - she doesn’t do much exercise though other than walking really - I’m trying to encourage it.

No she really isn’t thinking about family yet - just notionally in the future I guess..GP has mentioned a scan, so maybe time to remind him and get that underway too.

Thank you so much again- really helps to hear your experience...but I’m sorry you’ve had to go through all this too.

Take care and best wishes 😊

DanielleHughes21 profile image

I was diagnosed at 16 and was told the same as your daughter but then was scared by being told I'll never have children, I was on a fasting diet to keep the weight down when I fell pregnant with my son at 18 I thought I would never conceive so kept him. I was on the pill from 16 and it worked but now on Metformin to help with moods and weight loss again. I would suggest going for all gp has offered as it will help but for her to keep on top of recognising when it gets any worse or flares up else could affect her uni work with pain or moods.

SAM2608 profile image
SAM2608 in reply to DanielleHughes21

Thank you Danielle - so hard to be diagnosed at such a young age. I will keep finding out as much as I can for her - I do worry about her keeping on top of it when she goes to uni...really appreciate your reply x

I have just posted on pregnancy so please read :)

What other symptoms does your daughter have?

Some of the symptoms like hursuitism (if she has it she knows what it is) cause low self esteem but there is treatment

lilacjazz profile image

Hi, SamI just registered here looking for the same problem. I am 21 and just a year ago, in December I was diagnosed with PCOS and had like 5-6 mini cysts. My gynaecologist prescribed me to take Yasmin which is a combined pill. The pill has helped me by making my periods regular, shorter and less painful which is still something. Since then I haven't been checked as I used to go to the same lady back in my country and I have no experience with NHS here. I am still on the pill but I need to get checked somewhere as I can just feel that the cysts are still there and it is very disturbing. I am also studying at university, and even though there is not a huge pain from the PCOS I can feel it, and it makes me anxious. I hope your daughter is better now and you found suitable treatment.

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