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Tinnitus UK

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All posts for April 2020

People who's tinnitus gets louder throughout the day, how do you cope?

Why does tinnitus get louder throughout the day for some people and they get mor...
Alugo6340 profile image

IS this Tinnitus?

Hi all, I have had lots of high pitched noises in my ears over the past few year...
Jillycee profile image

Buzzing in right ear. Started after otomize ear drops

I started to receive buzzing sound in my right ear. I had some irritation in ear...
HChandel profile image
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Otosclerosis - Questions for Otologist (interview)?

Am planning to interview an Otolaryngologist this Saturday morning as part of an...

Blocked eustachian tube advice

It's been a while since I posted on the forum as I have been coping reasonably ...
Jimmuck profile image

New low vibration sounds

I have noticed that quite a lot of people are posting about new noises they are ...
Chall11 profile image

Nortriptyline and Tinnitus

My doctor prescribed nortriptyline stating that it does help some patients elimi...
lynnindiana profile image

Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, and Neurological Issues Following Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Hello. New here. In October of last year, I had my wisdom teeth extracted (at...

Why do certain people on tinnitus forums tell me it's all in my head"?

I know it's in my head as in no one else can hear it but me. I just want to know...
Alugo6340 profile image

Emotional turmoil

I haven’t posted in a very long time, but after our rescue dog who we have had n...
markclay2 profile image

Is it honestly true Fx-322 drug is only gonna be for late deafened people?

I've read their aiming to cure or treat those with noise induced hearing loss, a...
Alugo6340 profile image

My tinnitus shoots up loudly in volume after taking deep breaths?

I was trying to meditate yesterday and I took a few deep breaths and right after...

Ready to help you during Covid-19

Just a quick reminder that your normal BTA sources of support are still open an...

Is this tonic tensor tympani?

It could be part of my loud low drone tinnitus but it's quite bothersome. I been...
Alugo6340 profile image

Tinnitus sufferer since 2003 - and it’s gotten worse

Hi all, I’m in desperate need for some help and advice. I have suffered from no...
Hidden profile image

Sound Masking

Hi, I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. In this video I discuss sound...
Tilyusa profile image

Help please

Hi I am new here, after waiting 7 months for an ENT appointment Covid 19 came al...
glitterbabe profile image

Do I have menieres?

I have intermittent tinnitus. Every few weeks the ringing starts and gradually g...
Legal312 profile image

Anyone ever woke up with extremely loud tinnitus at night that nearly knocked them out of bed?

What on earth causes this? Multiple times since withdrawing from benzos like tap...

What should I do about my sound reactive tinnitus? Has anyone gotten rid of it?

Is there a way to possibly get rid of my sound reactive tinnitus? Like anybody w...
Alugo6340 profile image

Has anyone besides me gotten real sinister creepy tinnitus sounds?

In my other posts I mentioned I get super loud vibrating truck engine tinnitus s...
Alugo6340 profile image

Is it normal for tinnitus to have the same sounds that come and go ?

So I get the same sounds that come and go alot. Sometimes it's a howling wind st...

G5 microwaves

G-5 making waves? I'd stumbled on this platform a couple of years ago. I found i...
Wringing1212 profile image


Went to bed too my hearing aids off went to sleep woke up my tinnitus had gon...

Tinnitus and Anxiety Meds

Is it common to have Tinnitus after stopping Anti Anxiety Meds? I quit cold turk...
Siddjani87 profile image

Search for possible causes

I recently started experiencing T recently as a constant high-pitched whine in m...
Andre1234 profile image


I’ve been prescribed Otomize. After each dose my tinnitus intensifies for severa...
Cjbeeb profile image

Does Tinnitus Just Take or Can it Also Gibe?

Hi Everyone, In this video I discuss how much tinnitus can take from us, but can...

Is this new sound T or something else?

I have had T in my left ear for over 20 years and am totally habituated. A coupl...
Hidden profile image

Pulsatile tinnitus driving me mad

Could anyone give me some hope please? I’ve had pulsatile tinnitus for some year...
Bedlington14 profile image