Ok, this is probably a crazy idea and doomed to fail but has anyone tried this?
Let's say you have a tinnitus tone at approx 5khz. This to me would feel like something in my hearing system is damaged/miscalibrated/misaligned or it's the classic hair cell death for that particular frequency. Either way, for whatever reason my brain is now amplifying this phantom tone and I perceive it as a ringing.
Could I recalibrate my brain?
My thinking is that I can easily approximate this tone using my musical production software (I do a little production on the side). If I actively listened to this tone for an hour, I'm sure my brain would start to block it out. Then once the tone has stopped, that new calibration will stay there for a while.
Could this then reduce the perception of the tinnitus tone at that frequency?
Ok, the effect might be temporary but perhaps if you listened to it at a low level while sleeping it might last all day?
Anyone tried this?
Just an idea, I might give it a go. I can;t see it doing any harm if the volume level is kept low.