Has anyone had Eustachian Tube Dysfunction diagnosed as a cause of tinnitus? Via a very long route I have finally got into a hospital (community ENT were, to be frank, useless). I've had the scary things excluded via CT and MRI and the working diagnosis is now Eustachian Tube Dysfunction. At the moment I've been given a steroid nasal spray with a follow up in April and specialist referral for audiovestibular tests. The tinnitus is so bad though that I literally can't cope. I'm wondering what, if anything, they will be able to do if it's Eustachian Tube related? 😱
Eustachian Tube Dysfunction: Has anyone had... - Tinnitus UK
Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

two thoughts,
Firstly, have a look at the website of Tinnitus UK and absorb some of their very helpful information.
Secondly, if you put “Eustachian tube disfunction” into the search box top left, on this page, you will see what others have said and the responses.
You’ve been doing the right things by having the worst things excluded so it’s now onward and upwards.

Thank you! Very helpful. I'm new to this forum but I can see it will be very helpful. Thanks for taking the time to get back to me.
good luck. I hope they can help you
Hi Sue.
Me too and. Have had this for around 9 years now.
It’s a pressure problem and my left ear will just not “Pop”
It has done around 4 times in 9 years only and it’s always much better afterwards.
I have seen ENT and they reckon there is nothing wrong?
I give up!!!!
Might try the nasal spray again though
Good luck x
Hi SueX
Yeh my Tinnitus is caused by my Eustachian Tube Dysfunction to. I have had it for 3 years now best thing I find to do is inhaling steam before bedtime as this is the worse time to have a whistling in your ear. My ETD causes the tubes to make mucus all the time, you might experience it by a crackling or squiggy sound when you chew or yawn. The steam help the gunk to transition from the tubes to your throat, and will help the Tinnitus. I also chew gum during the day as this movement also helps to get the gunk moving. I have written a lot about my experience on the Eustachian Tube Forum on Facebook hope that helps. Oh by the way buy a facial steamer for the steam inhaling, makes it way easier
Hi Sue, yesxI have tinnitus from eustacian tube dysfunction, diagnosed by ENT Consultant and GP. To help ease it I use Sterimar Congestion spray first then Vicks or Beconaise nasal spray. I also take a paracetamol tablet. This really works and helps. Once the pressure from the eustacian tubes are eased the tinnitus gets much quieter. It can take a few weeks if they are blocked, after a cold, so don't worry. My ears get worse when the weather changes too, when the air pressure changes. The nasal spray you have been given should start to help soon. Hope this helps too, hxx
This is reassuring. At least there appear to be some things one can do to alleviate the noise a bit. I'm on a steroid nasal spray at the moment that the ENT lady prescribed...but can't say it's doing anything yet.
Hi, I have just been back to my drs yesterday regarding the same problem, this has been going on since May. I like you, have had all the relevant scans etc and all is good but it’s not resolving the loudness in my head which on top of tinnitus is driving me absolutely crazy.
I ve seen a consultant who says it’s my brain playing tricks and prescribed a hearing aid and tinnitus counselling, which I ve do be and it’s no better 😡😡
Anyway the Dr yesterday prescribed me with yet another steroid nasel spray, antihistamines and anti depressants yes anti depressants 😱😱😱 I queried this and he said please try it but don’t expect it to be cured but hopefully it will make it more bearable , well we will see 🤔
I have tried EVERYTHING for eustacian tube dysfunction in the past and used to find Sudafed, steaming and blowing holding my nose would normally make it better but not this time so I ll do what the dr says and see what happens 🤔
Oh I'm so sorry to hear you are suffering so badly with ETD. I did not know that antihistamines were helpful. I will ask the ENT (although it's a long wait until my next appointment...). It is comforting to learn that I'm not the only one struggling. Every day has literally become a battle with this horrid thing in my head.
I went through a similar thing a number of years ago pre-covid. A vicious circle of discomfort, nasal sprays, tinnitus, mucus imbalance, IBS etc. with lots of hospital appointments getting nowhere. My consultant bumped me on to another consultant specialising in deviated septum (which I had).
We concluded that it wasn't appropriate but he mentioned that when children have glue ear these days they try and get them to use a nasal balloon and suggested I try it. There is one called Otovent. It's a bit weird to get used to but simply, it's a surgical grade balloon that you put on a plastic knob with a hole in and you have to inflate it by blowng into it through one nostril whilst covering up the other one. This puts pressure into the eustachion tube from the inside and opens it up. It worked for me. I now use it periodically when I feel my eustachion tube getting a bit tacky.
Hope this helps.
Hello, sorry you've had such a terrible time. I have Otovent but haven't used it yet. I must do so. I read somewhere that treatment depends on what type of ETD you have - I do not know whether mine is the one where the tube is too open or too closed. I've looked back at the clinic letter but the ENT doctor doesn't specify. I wonder how you know.
yes. Acupuncture is a lifesaver and the only thing that relieves this condition. I’ve had tinnitus for fifty years since I was a kid. I’ve tried many health protocols in the years although I’m very acclimated to the sound. The right acupuncturist knows where to put the needles and cause the gunk to drain. The only thing that works!
I don't know if it's related but I can tell you that I did not have any kind of noise in my ear or my head until this ear Doctor blew air in my ear and then another one took his thumb and was pumping my ear and then I took the second hearing test within a month and then boom I have ringing, And before that every time my head would get stopped up it would always be on the left side since I did that if my head gets stopped up it's all over not just on one side I guess mine was stuck but then messing with that 1 here so much caused the problem And there's nothing I can do about it they'll run you through all kinds of tests but the best thing you can do about it that I found out and it's hard is to focus on something else and keep your mind busy don't think about it it seems to mind seems to just go away when I do that, If it keeps you awake at night just take something to make you sleep Also when first happened I got prayed for every time I went to church and that subsided it tremendously, To be honest I believe it went away and then my dumb self went back to an ear Doctor for some odd reason and got it started back
USA medics offer better tests than UK. In UK they only "camera up the nose, view end of eus tube". BUT in USA a medic put camera up nose and INTO my eustachian tube, then on the whole way to view the back of my middle ear. (My right ear doesn't pop, been that way 20 years.)
USA medic said it's glue ear, my eustachian tube's so narrow it sticks, which causes middle ear build-up. In UK they won't do this test. I've told UK medics - they have no solution. UK suggests: make a hole in my ear drum to equalise pressure and force the tube to open. But then the ear drum can get infected, can't swim, shower worry, always a worry with a perforated eardrum.
I am 100% positive for definite that this is not causing my T.
Tried nasal sprays, they worsen T and intracranial pressure headaches. I believe T's caused by radio frequency waves. Mobile phone transmission especially