is anyone hopeful that there will be a cure for this in the next 5-10 years? I’ve had tinnitus for 8 years and most of the time have coped well. It’s recently gotten worse and I can hear it over everything. I think having hope that maybe some day there will be a cure would help me to habituate again? Has anyone done some research?
cure some day? : is anyone hopeful that there... - Tinnitus UK
cure some day?

research is going on all the time. If you go to the website of Tinnitus UK nd put “tinnitus Week” into their search box you will be led to Tinnitus Week and to what’s going on.
There is some research going on instigated by the American military because of common occurrence of tinnitus amongst servicemen. In the UK I think we are hindered by the medical profession not treating Tinnitus as a serious illness, preferring instead to dismiss us as having some kind of stress driven hysteria that can be treated by talking therapy. Until that changes I think we will continue to be dismissed as irrelevant. It’s a case of “ Physician heal thyself”.
Hi Amyleeh
I'm no expert, (someone correct or expand on my thoughts here below).
There is some hope around the Susan Shore Device. I believe this is currently seeking approval with the FDA in the US. This device is considered potentially the biggest breakthrough so far, but as yet there are many unanswered questions as the company has not given much away.
It may only improve certain types of tinnitus but I've read it could pave the way for future breakthroughs.
For those in the UK like me I imagine it would still be around 3-5 years away from being available to us.
There are many unanswered questions on the Susan Shore Device, but lots of positive/negative speculation out there. It does give us some hope.
I started with tinnitus and hyperacusis back in 2009 I remember the day vividly and from that point till where we are now my World has been crushed by it for most of that time, but for a few early years when the (Prozac) pills still worked, but here I am now what 15 years on having tried everything else under the sun you name it; more pills, cbt, act, mindfulness, acupuncture, tinnitus retraining therapy (whatever the fk that actually is!?), eating healthy, exercising etc and it’s still as bad as ever! As nothing works! Least not for the chronic version I apparently now have!? And I was told back in 2009 after I’d asked an audiologist back then that they reckon that they would have a decent treatment / cure for this within the next 10-15 years? So, unless it’s not been released yet - we’ve missed that target? Look I’ll be dead honest with you here - this ain’t going to be resolved for a very long time! As tinnitus and Hyperacusis just isn’t publicised or funded any where near enough! (Read my earlier posts that I’ve published about this too), as not going into it all again here, but suffice to say that ‘not enough is being done’ is an understatement! Ask yourself this too - had you heard of Tinnitus before you got it? Well I know I hadn’t. Someone with more sway and persuasive power than us (a celeb, musician or sportsman perhaps who has it bad) needs to lobby the governments of the World and the Medical Bigwigs and raise the much needed publicity that this dreadful condition needs plus help to raise the vast amounts of money needed too to finally sort this out. As, as I’m sure you’re by now well aware of - all they can offer us is something for the “effect” and not for the fucking “cause”!? It’s absolutely laughable and actually shameful that not enough has been done and for the 21st century which we’re know in too - this should’ve been well cracked by now? But no one seems to care about it enough? Look, keep trying to push forward for now and good luck! And you never know, but I wouldn’t hold your breath!
Loved the post and it sums up my feelings about T/ hyperacusis exactly. I'm 11 years in, and I've tried it all - I especially like the bit about TRT, but for me, it is CBT. Biggest load of baloney I've ever come across! And I've been on a private, and two NHS courses. Yep, nothing improves this dreadful bleeding thing, but lots of stuff make it worse. All the best with the racket!
Add to that there are so called health professionals out there who are pedalling the wrong advice which could make you worse!? Like see the guy called “Thorian” who’s posted on here, his story is incredibly sad.
Honestly, I’m sorry you’re struggling so much but I find your post so negative and god help me if I was starting out in my tinnitus journey with a comment like that. Ive had this for 8, almost 9 years and I am living proof that it does get easier. I know I’m going through a hard spell at the moment, but I’m hopeful it will get easier for me again. Also, I really do think there is hope with the Susan shore device that is being researched and almost through fda approval. Hopefully you will learn to change your mindset a small bit so that oh can feel better about the whole thing. Honestly I think back to when 18 year old me first joined this forum and seeing a comment like yours would have made me spiral. All the best
I have had tinnitus for yrs and right sided hearing loss due to Meniers first it was driving me nuts but I have managed to control it by ignoring it!This has actually changed how I suffer as it's with me 24/7 even right now ringing away but I ignore it and no longer suffer like I used to!
I do believe that this has changed my whole outlook with this condition in a way where I'm not letting it effect me!
Not everyone can do do this though but if you try to ignore it then it seems to effect you less!
That’s so great to hear. It really does take a strong mind to try to ignore it. Mine is also 24/7 with me. I just think back to the days when tinnitus wasn’t an issue for me because I had habituated, I know I will have that again. Also, the way I see it, this group is full of negativity because it’s only people who are looking for answers or in despair who come here (when I forget about my tinnitus I don’t come here) so that’s how I know. I think the reason I got better before was by leaving these forums and not reading the negativity. Plus I really do think there is hope for someone to treat this in the next couple of years. I’m 28 now. Hopefully when I’m 38 there will be something to lessen it 🤣
Well I’m not sorry if I’ve upset you with my “negativity” but that’s possibly due to the lack of “real” medical support that there is. And maybe it’s the establishment you need to target your anger at and not me - as they have been so remiss in not having tackled this properly in the first place! Oh and maybe consider this too - we all on here have varying levels of tinnitus and Hyperacusis luv, maybe if I had your version I’d be dealing with it a lot better. In other words maybe don’t speak for others when you don’t understand what they are going through and so it’s not nice for you to hear these other stories (poor you!), so those really suffering with this have to stay quiet just so they don’t upset you!? lol! Get a reality check luv!
luv 🤣 you know nothing about me or my “version” of tinnitus. Don’t bother replying I have no interest in what you have to say.
Maybe think about how you’ve worded your post next time before sending it?? Look I’ve had this for 15 years now and boy I’ve tried “everything” and several times over! and yes mine went ok for a few years too, but then it went bad a few years later! And it never recovered. So hate to give you a reality check, but this bloody thing can change!? I can’t lie to you, you need to know the facts. As it’s managed to fk my entire life up and cause the breakup of my marriage along with my two young boys and the loss of many friends and the much ignorance of others including so called family too!
No I am not. If I have this sort of expectation I don't think I will be able to accept my situation and then I will get overwhelmed and frustrated. I focus on acceptance and meditation to habituate.

Folks - if we can't have civil discussions in topics like this, I'm going to have to lock them.
One thing which does come across in some threads is a misapprehension about what cognitive behavioural therapy and other types of talking therapy are intended to do. Stress can make tinnitus more noticeable to us and have a significant impact on both our thoughts and subsequent actions.
No talking therapy is going to reverse a hearing loss, an injury to our ear, a concussion or other cause of tinnitus. What it might help with is the thought spirals that some folks living with tinnitus can find themselves being locked into - a belief that tinnitus can't ever get better, for example.
None of us know what anyone else's experience of tinnitus is, or what complexities they have to deal with on a daily basis, so let's try to be kind and patient with each other, eh?
Hi, I'm coming up to nearly 60 years with this debilitating condition. Believe me I've tried everything. Still yet to find anything that's works.It's a mind game,the only way to get by. TV and music maskers. Sorry I can't be more positive.
It drains you,wears you down,drives you insane.
Hope you all find the strength to handle what will be a long journey.
I think hoping there is a cure is the only thing that keeps some of us going sometimes , they can put a man on the moon but can’t treat or cure tinnitus !!
We've had a discussion elsewhere on the forum today about Sound Pharmaceutical's new medication which I think factors into this discussion.
There are two current clinical trials noted in that thread - one for tinnitus related to Meniere's Disease, one for tinnitus related to cochlear implantation. Both of those underlying causes of tinnitus differ in terms of how tinnitus may have come about, how consistent it is and how it might be managed.
If the Sound Pharma trial results in suppressing or eradicating either of those tinnitus sub-types, that wouldn't be a cure for tinnitus as such - perhaps more accurate to say that it's a treatment for a specific way that people acquire or develop tinnitus.
So to think in terms of singular cure is a big ask, because as it has to address a lot of different causes, a number of co-occurring conditions and be financially viable, to name but a few factors which might decide whether or not pharma company pursue a product's development.
If there is one thing that I think we can all agree on, it's that tinnitus affects people differently - a singular cure is 'shoot for the moon' stuff. It assumes that tinnitus is just one thing and if we investigate that one condition enough, we will eventually reach a critical point where we understand it enough to be able to push back against it and wrest control over it.
There are people in the tinnitus community who wouldn't regard a pharmaceutical product as a cure - it might totally suppress their tinnitus, but their beliefs about medicine mean that they are locked out of that 'cure' and have to manage their tinnitus knowing that something is available which might very well help them.
What I'm getting at, via a round the houses approach, is that a single tinnitus 'cure' has to be all things to all people and if that's how tinnitus is seen - as one generic health condition - then the battle is very much uphill. Tinnitus isn't one condition - it has sub-types and those sub-types and their co-occurring conditions introduce more complexity into any discussion of a cure.
I think that the approach of a Sound Pharmaceutical is hopeful to me because it takes into account that people's experiences of tinnitus are different, that it results from different causes and so the medications or interventions needed are different for each person (not on Sound Pharma's payroll, btw).