So anxious: Having a really bad day. I have had... - Tinnitus UK

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So anxious

nels13 profile image
24 Replies

Having a really bad day. I have had T for 4 weeks and my anxiety is high. Please tell me I will get used to it.

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nels13 profile image
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24 Replies
Spurdog1 profile image

Hi Nels13I have had Tinnitus for 17 years, but that does not mean you will have it for a long time. Most T as we call it is "unique". Different sounds, different pitches/beats. As you see I am still managing as much as many on here.

Step one, difficult as it is Anxiety is a problem that you need to calm yourself on. Deep breaths, relaxation. It is hard but to my mind, the T feeds on anxiety.

What is your favourite thing you like doing? That's the next step. These can be done in the meantime.

Have you made contact with the professionals, doctor, health clinic, British Tinnitus Association, (Who are on here, but do make direct contact).

Friends and family should be told, don't be stuffy and hide it from them. For example, they need to speak up when you are listening, as it will help you hear. Also, they can help you through this. It's not that bad really.

Your message was rather brief. Share your experience on here. Tell us more.

In the meantime, special hugs ((((()))))

nels13 profile image
nels13 in reply to Spurdog1

thank you Spurdog for your reply. I had my ears suctioned about 4 weeks ago. Now I have a pulsating in my ear that was badly clogged up with wax. I saw a private ENT doctor who told me that it was probably temporary and then I went to the tinnitus clinic in Harley Street and the audiologist did all kinds of tests and he too said it should clear up in about 6 to 12 weeks. I am so anxious today but have made an appointment with my doctor who will ring me back.

Spurdog1 profile image
Spurdog1 in reply to nels13

Hi Nels13. This is really good, I sense positivity there. You are probably near London base and sound very adult, your age is important to the listener, even within a 10-year block, like me 60-70. We all have experiences, and it's wonderful to share. Harley is a good step that most of us cannot do, distance/covid restrictions. Did they mention ear spray at all?

For the moment do things you like, but think about perhaps crosswords or jigsaws (Complex activities). I've found that when you concentrate for so long you almost wake up...realising you have concentrated so hard you have "forgotten about T".

nels13 profile image
nels13 in reply to Spurdog1

Yes i am based in London. Both the audiologist and ent said i would go when the ears recalibrate. Does that make sense. I am late 50s

Spurdog1 profile image
Spurdog1 in reply to nels13

Yes, that makes sense, Just try to be calm.

As I said T feeds on Anxiety. Try to get on with life, Ignore it. You never know you may wake up one day and say "where's the tinnitus?".

nels13 profile image
nels13 in reply to Spurdog1

Hope so. Thank you for your support

Spurdog1 profile image

Any time, chin up. DM if you feel more comfortable at any time.

TinnitusUKPat profile image

Hi Nels - four weeks is quite an early stage. I can understand that your anxiety is going to be elevated about when you're likely to see some kind of change in your tinnitus, but honestly it's worth taking on board Spurdog's insight below - getting in control of anxiety is key to managing tinnitus well.

Anxiety and stress tend to work together to make tinnitus more noticeable - this is arguably where the 'loudness' in tinnitus stems from. When our bodies are in a state of stress, which is often a natural progression from experiencing ongoing anxiety, we tend to hone in on sensations and sounds and focus a lot of attention on them - tinnitus is one such sound/sensation which can monopolize our minds.

The result of that escalation from anxiety to stress is often that we create a loop where, despite our intentions, we are keeping tinnitus at the forefront of our minds (see diagram below).

The way to break out of this loop differs for everyone - you may find this a really good time to try out different ways to interrupt and shift how you think about tinnitus, so that this pattern has less chance of establishing itself.

Even relaxing, as contradictory as it seems, is a good way to beat tinnitus at it's own game. Anxiety develops when our reaction to stimulus is to tense up and get into 'fight or flight' mode, ready to bolt at the first sign of danger.

If we have that reaction to tinnitus, our body is going to keep us aware of it until it figures out that danger has passed. If we have a contrary reaction - that this noise will pass and we're not worried about it - that process is going to be a lot quicker and our mind will take on board this response as a good way to handle tinnitus if and when it pops into the forefront of our minds again.

Diagram explaining the perpetual loop created by tinnitus, anxiety and stress.
nels13 profile image
nels13 in reply to TinnitusUKPat

Thank you

Happyrosie profile image

I just want to uphold, nels, what others have been posting. Your brain will get used to the T, it’s called habituation. There’s no ‘cure’ other than what you do for yourself. Such as walking in the open air listening to birds, wind, rain.

Sometimes when I wake in the night the fridge\freezer sounds loud. This is because during the day I am so used to it I don’t hear it. It’s similar with T. Do your best to deal with the anxiety, on which the T feeds, and life will improve.

Keep in touch!

nels13 profile image
nels13 in reply to Happyrosie

Thank you, i will do

rabbits65 profile image

Good morning nels13Just remember too , that you are not alone , we are all here, in the same boat . You have some lovely posts and replies , no more for me to add other than very good luck to you . 😃

doglover1973 profile image

Hi nels. It sounds like you've been proactive and have the situation in hand. Well done! I suffer from anxiety and struggle with it now I have tinnitus too. The diagram Pat has posted just about sums it up. So how do you break the cycle? Relaxation is key. Exercises, activities, anything that makes you feel calm inside and out. I hope you find some strategies that work for you. All the best.

Davidus profile image


I'm so sorry you are having T, at four weeks I wish I'd had more concern about it , but at that time I was hoping it was just temporary. NOT! But after joining up with BTA the extremely fine and caring folks here first made you feel at home and secondly everyone was reaching out with family style support.

I was having a horrible time and through that support found a few ways to cope with T, don't get me wrong I still have great angst over this but through the special messages BTA friends have written and then my wife coming across some special headphones I have now some spring in my step and put a smile back in the picture..... I am across the pond, but cherish the care and thoughts that the kind friends have placed on this site to assist me with my T.

My hope is that YOU will persevere through T and come out with peace by your side.


nels13 profile image
nels13 in reply to Davidus

Thank you for your kind words Davidus. I am glad you have found some relief.

Davidus profile image
Davidus in reply to nels13

I hope and pray you relief also, but the bone conduction headphones are a true blessing, check them out if you have the opportunity, you won't regret it. Cheers from Tampa Bay, Florida.

Mrsclairet profile image

Hi nels13 I too started with Tinnitus 4 weeks ago. I have some dreadful days with panic attacks. My Dr has prescribed me antidepressants to help me cope as I wasn't sleeping......Still not to tell the truth. Hearing you say it might be temporary and go in 6 to 12 weeks is the first positive thing I've heard. I'm petrified of having it for ever and not being able to tune it out.

nels13 profile image
nels13 in reply to Mrsclairet

Thanks for your reply Mrs Clairet. My anxiety is not good today. How do you think you got it. Can I ask how old you are.

Mrsclairet profile image

Hi nels13. I have no idea how I got it. I’ve had a vast amount of stress since the beginning of the year.....could it be that? It just started one afternoon at work. I think the pitch has changed a bit, it’s more of a hiss now, where it was ringing in the first week. I have a urgent referral to ENT but not until October. I’m 51.

nels13 profile image
nels13 in reply to Mrsclairet

I am 57 and I have pusustile tinnitus. I had my ears suctioned after ear wax then had an ear infection. I have had it since then. You can dm me if you want to go on this journey together. It really is the pits

Akrin profile image
Akrin in reply to Mrsclairet

Hi Mrsclairet!

I too got tinnitus after a long period of stress about a year ago. Mind you, i did have a very mild tinnitus 16 years prior to that, but this new stress induced sound was awfully louder and sort of took over my head completely. I went to see a physitherapist and a psychologist since then, referred from my GP. My neck and shoulders almost froze and my stress coping was non existent for a long period of time. Still suffer bit from this neck tension but the T has gotten so much better since then. In Sweden there has been some great studies around tinnitus induced by stress and tension. Doctors have injected something to force the muscles to relax completely around certain pressure points with very good results, the tinnitus has actually disappeared completely in some patients. Since it just happened to you for no appearant reason, i think there might be hope for your tinnitus to improve a lot!

Since october is far away, I could share the tips i got from the psychologist and physiotherapist with you, if you'd like! Mine has improved so much in the last year, not just from habituation but actually gotten a lot less loud and intruding because of my treatment!

Kind regards,

Karin from Sweden

Mrsclairet profile image
Mrsclairet in reply to Akrin

Thank uou that would be great. I'm struggling so much. Xx

Mrsclairet profile image

Thank you nels13.

Spurdog1 profile image

Hi Et all. Tinnitus is mainly caused by long periods of stress, Some get it from excess noise (Deep Purple/ ACDC in the ''80s), etc.You are frightened, frightened because you have it and don't know how to deal with it. Relaxation is the key in my 17 years. Chill out (not lean back), do something you love. Something without stress. I'll be watching the Euro footie today. It helps you forget for a period, you are so hooked on the match.

Last weekend I was sea fishing. When the boat engine opens up I can hear normal, the engine noise masks the Tinnitus. Concentrating on the rod tip, I don't hear my tinnitus. Concentrating on your favourite thing takes your mind away from tinnitus.

You are doing fine.

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