Just signed up and thought I would say hi. - Tinnitus UK

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Just signed up and thought I would say hi.

10 Replies

Hi all. As the title says I've just signed this evening. I have had tinnitus (both ears) for the last few years now and it is starting to get much worse. My GP has put a referral to local ENT department but I've been told that could take up to 12 months to come through. The referral was done roughly 2 months ago I think, after my GP tried me on Betahistamine. That didn't do anything. The only thing that takes the loud ringing noise away is if I put my headphones in and listen to music, not ideal to do all the time. Is there anything else I can try to try and reduce the ringing? I was considering getting ear plugs to put in but unsure if this would do anything? Apologies for the long message.

10 Replies
Julia1jasper profile image

Hi there

I realise now the noise in head is tinnitus and until maybe 10+ years I didn’t know I had mod/severe hearing loss. I’d thought everyone had this noise and as wasnt tested in school for hearing I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t make stuff out and guess developed ways to understand speech. Boyfriend hassled me for couple years to get tested and that’s when realised what the noise was which ranges from loud buzz to like siren screeching. I’d always thought everyone had it and was reason I couldn’t hear stuff cos was louder than when say the teacher was talking. When told this thing was tinnitus it really cheesed me off and caused many night of no sleep and like yourself id try play music loud etc to try and stop it. Don’t normally go on these forums and neither would I like to say what’s best but I can share how I’ve coped as I know it can be so upsetting especially if a person hasn’t always had. I can deal now because it was always there and over the last few years I accept as the norm. There is nothing to make it go away so now and over the times it doesn’t seem so intrusive as I accept as part of me. There are so many things in life to enjoy so I try to focus on these rather than concentrate on this irritating thing going on. I don’t play the loud music as could possibly make worse and usually just concentrate on what I’ve got to do tmoro and take my focus off it. Sounds so easy but if it’s here to stay then I can’t let it swallow me up and prevent from doing what I want. I don’t know how yours came about and sorry you need wait long time for some kinda answers. Don’t know where u live but I’m in uk and once agreed go docs then audiology things happened really quickly so maybe this could be an alternative route as 12 months seems a little long. Also I do know in some cases it can kinda disappear as I’ve made donation for tinnitus research and received information on the subject. Mine ain’t going anywhere but am grateful I can live with it. Also I believe there is more research on the matter so it’s worth checking out but also some of the forums are not so helpful and maybe just an avenue to sound off. Best of luck and don’t worry. Try get in perspective and seek best advice. I can only tell my experience

Kind regards Julia 🐾

Happyrosie profile image

Hello Landy. I’m a little like Julia in that I’ve had T since childhood and thought it was part of life. Like having five toes on each foot, I didn’t know that not everyone had these noises.

So it’s easier for me.

But as I got older - 74 now - the T has got more intrusive. Even driving along a busy motorway at 70 I can hear it above the engine and the traffic. Makes life a little more difficult. BUT I have so much to be thankful for in the rest of my life that I, mostly, don’t let it get me down.

How I cope is by listening to nature. Even now with the rain I can walk outside and hear the wind I the trees, the rain pattering on my raincoat, whatever natural, oases are around. I try to concentrate on these. Of course my mind skitters away to think of other things but I try to bring it back to my surroundings.

I have hearing aids as this helps to bring the real world a little closer. I had a talk with the audiologist who couldn’t offer me anything except what you will already have read in the British Tinnitus Association website. So don’t pin your hopes on an ENT appointment that could bring you no further.

Just remember, you’re not alone!

Halen12 profile image

Have you had a hearing test by a good audiologist that's the first step or do you currently have hearing aids. The ideal test in my view is an NHS one but failing that if you have a bit of spare cash go private i think its less than fifty quid .

daverussell profile image

Hi Landy77, welcome to the forum.

Betahistine is used to treat vertigo. I get vertigo. I had it was quite often when my tinnitus started and was prescribed Betahistine. Now I rarely get it and not for extended periods (or where I put my own life/or another life in danger). It works wonders for dizziness/nausea, but not for the Tinnitus. I've heard lots of others (on forums) being prescribed BH for Tinnitus to no effect.

Have you tried the Beltone Tinnitus App ? Also look up Sound Therapy - tinnitus.org.uk/Pages/Categ....

The main thing to note is not to have it loud as to drown out your tinnitus. In fact you should have it below the volume of your tinnitus. If it's loud, your tinnitus will probably just compete with it - mine does for any noises, especially loud noises. The long term idea of to habituate.

As for earplugs you may find them useful in environments where you are exposed to loud noise -to prevent further damage, increasing your tinnitus or aggregating noises if you have hyperacusis. I have the latter, so I only use them when vacuuming or if it's noisy in the workshop at the college where I work, but I carry them around with my car keys (in a handy bag they came in) everywhere. I've had to use them a couple of times in as many years, but I find it worthwhile having them at hand.

Habituation can take time. I found having a positive mind set helped. It's easier said than done though. Unfortunately (I must stress) everyone's T journey is different; we all have tinnitus for different reasons and we all have different experiences with it. For the lucky few it's temporary whereas for most of us it's learning to live it. Focus on the latter is my advice and anything else is a bonus.

It important to get a diagnosis, but there's rarely much they can do. It's good you are on the waiting list, but it's always taken time, even without the pandemic. I wish you all the best whatever the outcome. Youre not alone.

Hi all. Apologies for just getting round to responding but things have been a little rough. I did start to write a reply a few days ago but my computer crashed and I lost it. I've spoke to my GP who said he has put my referral through to ent as urgent and unfortunately can't do anything else. I've not had a hearing test but am considering seeing if I can get one privately. I'm trying at the minute to block out the noise but it isn't easy. I've also laid off using my headphones for now to prevent further damage. I shall look for the app you mentioned Dave and get that. I'm in the UK also Julia. My GP did say it was longer now due to current conditions unfortunately. I don't think it helps that I like a lot of quiet, although I'm now trying to have a level of noise as much as I can manage.

SB7516 profile image
SB7516 in reply to


As you’re in the UK most opticians do a free hearing test so maybe try there first before paying private.

in reply to SB7516

Thanks. I have an opticians appointment coming up so will ask them if they do them.

Halen12 profile image

Have just seen an ENT consultant he has referred me for CBT ,he suggested give acupuncture a go but it will not get rid of it. Medications to deal with or calmneffects of T might help. Spoke to.my audiologist who said do the CBT .

Hi all how are we doing? I had my hearing test yesterday, turns out Specsavers did them for free. Hearing has come back as good so at least I know it hasn't been impacted just yet. Have been trying the Beltone app that Dave recommended along with a few noise videos on YouTube. Has been helping to wind down a bit at night. I'm also giving asmr videos a go too in the hope that not only helping with anxiety that I have but helping to wind down and block out my ringing. We shall see how it goes. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has commented and given suggestions for me to try. I shall be working my way through them. I'm not the best at using forums but will try.

SB7516 profile image
SB7516 in reply to

Glad the advice re asking the optician was useful 🙂

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