Hi everyone,
I recently believe my hormone levels have gone a bit haywire. I have really bad hormonal acne, the last 4 periods i have been extremely low during pmt and I have been off the combination pill for around 5 years. I am wanting to go back on contraception and toying between the two different coins and mini pill (I'm 38) the doctor advised me the pill / progesterone only methods will probably make symptoms worse.
I've had hashimotos for over 20 years and tsh is 0.3 , which is around where I feel most in control.
Can anyone with hashimotos advise me on which contraception works for them??
Mirena coil seems to be similar to mini pill and both scare me in terms of adding to my acne and mood swing issues
Copper iud apparently can flare up hashimotos / Can really deplete zinc stores and cause heavy periods - i am an anemic But, I am starting to believe this is the best option?