Mirena coil experiences?: Does anyone have... - Thyroid UK

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Mirena coil experiences?

Regenallotment profile image
43 Replies

Does anyone have experience of a Mirena Coil with Hypothyroidism (esp. Hashimoto's)?

I have very heavy periods, now on 100mcg Levo and feeling much improved. I'm 48 so very likely peri-menopausal too.

Just had an appointment with the Womens' Health Nurse at our practice who suggested Mirena IUD as it is slow release progesterone, may stop my periods all together.

I asked about mood implications as I've not long finished successful CBT for clinical anxiety and depression and would prefer not to 'upset' my current mood.

Hubby had a vasectomy 18 years ago so we don't need contraception.

I asked about links to thyroid hormones and she is checking with the GP, Dr. Google tells me its common for IUDs to CAUSE hypothyroid symptoms, I've found older posts here suggesting similar, so if I do go ahead I'm guessing I could feel more hypo and require another dose increase.

Its the heavy periods that is the main issue, on the heaviest day I can't go more than an hour or so without a loo dash (tampons and pads). Not ideal when in the classroom with fixed break times. Very clotty too, so not ideal for tampons. The nights when its heavy are horrendous.

I have been prescribed and have taken Transexamic Acid which does have an effect but it does make me feel very nauseous, dumbed down/fuggy. So looking at alternatives.

I have had a uterine scan, two small <1cm fibroids and no signs of anything else unusual.

I have also had a raft of swabs showing no STIs nor bacterial vaginosis etc.

Any thoughts/tips/experiences you can share to help me?

Thanks 🦋

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Regenallotment profile image
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43 Replies
lau99 profile image

I have the Kyleena coil (the same as Mirena, just smaller), and have done since June 2019 - about 2 months after my TT! I had it put in for heavy, painful periods too, and I've had a few pelvic ultrasounds that revealed that I have a couple of small uterine fibroids as well (perhaps the cause of my once heavy periods?).

My period was heavy as usual (but considerably more painful and lasted a bit longer) right after I had it put in, and they stayed similar to how they were before I had it put in for roughly 6 months afterwards. After that, they became a lot lighter (and irregular - this was new for me as my period has always been pretty clockwork) and now, I rarely have a period - maybe once every 3 months? I still get the cramps before it comes so I know when it's probably going to show up, but there is hardly any blood and it lasts usually around 3-4 days (compared to my previous 6 or 7).

I don't think I have any unpleasant side-effects, and will probably get another one put in once this one expires. I did wonder for a long time whether some of my lingering symptoms were because of the IUD (e.g., low mood + suicidal thoughts, chronic abdominal bloating, weight gain etc.) , but now that I am approaching optimal thyroid hormone replacement, I realise that it was mostly because I was undermedicated for so long.

I hope this helps :)

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to lau99

Kyleena made me extremely depressed!

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to Zazbag

this is my worry, I checked the nhs yellow card reports and the psych section is HUGE. red flag 🚩

lau99 profile image
lau99 in reply to Zazbag

I'm sorry to hear that you had a rough time with it :(

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to lau99

interesting, so my last period coincided with a dose change. I think I’ll wait a few cycles and see. Much appreciated 🙏

lau99 profile image
lau99 in reply to Regenallotment

I'm not sure that my last period coincided with a dose change? Could you explain what you mean? :)

Symptoms that I thought might have been because of the Kyleena started to disappear after a few weeks on Armour, which tells me that it was probably just hypo/lack of thyroid making me feel so terrible. Everyone is different though, and it was kind of difficult to tell where my symptoms were coming from for a while, because I had my thyroid removed and the Kyleena put in within almost the same timeframe.

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to lau99

Apologies, it was MY last period that coincided with a dose change, I can see why you thought I was asking about yours, just being illiterate, I apologise, I have edited my message. Ah thats interesting, so having Armour improved it after TT, this is good. They do say on the Bayer site that it can take 3-6 months to settle. thanks for your experiences, its so useful to compare. 🦋

lau99 profile image
lau99 in reply to Regenallotment

Ohh I gotcha! No need to apologise :) Thank you, and no problem at all x I'm glad we have this forum to share experiences.

tattybogle profile image

i've used it for several yrs (and more or less every other method of contraception known to man ~ in the end i got fed up with the lot of em and got sterilised).

I'd stick with the devil you know .. a few days a month of 'horrible' but otherwise feeling fairly ok .... versus insignificant periods but no libido for the whole month...

But perhaps that was just me... you might be fine ... i'm not sure i have 'normal' reactions to contraceptive hormone tweaks .. that Depo-Provera injection (progesterone that lasts 3 months) made me hit people .. i kid you not .

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to tattybogle

ah … thanking you for sharing. I was wondering this, better to have 1-2 days off work a month (working from home) maybe and watch and wait. I’m in a good place with MH with occasional blips I can bring myself back from with CBT strategies, hubby’s head remains unpecked at present and my classroom of delightful teens are currently unscathed too. I’ll feel better if I’m not super angry and vile to everyone (I was on the pill). 🙏

tattybogle profile image
tattybogle in reply to Regenallotment

there's a lot to be said for not rocking the boat if it's sailing ok... maybe postpone trying it out till spring has sprung , then at least if it turns you into a grumpy monster you can have a nice long walk and talk things over with some badgers .. anything mental health wise is always hardest over winter.

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to tattybogle

very sage, very sage 🦡 I’m imagining with his ear chewed off!

i had a Mirena fitted years ago when they were new. I've got to be honest and say I hated it. The insertion was very painful and awkward then I had constant spotting and light bleeding all the time, plus it gave me acne type spots on my face. Never had a problem with spots before.

I kept being told it would settle but it never did. I insisted they took it out which they reluctantly did. I guess being new they were probably expensive. I didnt have hypo back then so have no idea whether it affected that.

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to Sparklingsunshine

yep you aren’t selling it to me! Thanks for adding your experiences 💚

Sparklingsunshine profile image
Sparklingsunshine in reply to Regenallotment

The nurse at the family planning clinic couldn't get it in so had to get one of the doctors. She then muttered about my uterus being retroverted and very small and asked me if I'd had C sections or small babies. No I replied, over 9Ibs and 10Ibs respectively. My eldest son was a monster. Still is, he's over 6ft 5" these days. I felt quite insulted on behalf of my poor shrunken reproductive parts. Guessing breastfeeding caused them to contract down.

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to Sparklingsunshine

yikes, sounds awful. I had a coil 35 years ago as an emergency contraception at a dingy sexual health clinic in North London and it was horrific. Had it out within a few months. Mum had one embed in her uterus… blames it for needing a hysterectomy later.

Sparklingsunshine profile image
Sparklingsunshine in reply to Regenallotment

I know a lot of people like them but IUD's always look like medieval torture devices to me. It just seems wrong to be putting something like that into somewhere so delicate. Just my two'penneth.

Timetraveler67 profile image
Timetraveler67 in reply to Regenallotment

what happened to your mum happened to me too it was a terrible experience

ju27 profile image
ju27 in reply to Regenallotment

I had a Merina coil fitted in 2009.... its still in there ... I was told it also is embedded in my womb and would probably need hysterectomy to take it out... !! I'm 58 now

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to ju27

ooooh that’s a ‘not like’ heart 💜 I’m so sorry to hear this x

Sparklingsunshine profile image
Sparklingsunshine in reply to Regenallotment

There used to be a procedure called endometrial ablation where they removed the lining of the womb with a laser, its a day surgery procedure. It was meant to be pretty good at reducing bleeding or even stopping it altogether.

I looked into it as I got terrible period pain and heavy bleeding and used Mefenamic acid for years until one day it caused anaphylaxis and I had to stop it. I dont know if its still offered on NHS or if there's a newer procedure like it.

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to Sparklingsunshine

Ah the old D&T scrape - I remember people having this in the 80s and 90s I'll investigate. Thanks!

Jacs profile image
Jacs in reply to Regenallotment

Hi Regenallotment , I feel your pain. My periods were always horrendous but just got worse and worse, and like you so couldn’t make it to work (45m) despite using both super tampons and night time towels. My bed in the morning often looked like the scene of an horrific murder!

As mentioned by Sparklingsunshine I tried the mirena but felt awful on it - migraines, low mood etc & had it removed after about 8w as just couldn’t tolerate it anymore

I had the ablation (more than a D&C as the womb is cauterised with a laser) and never looked back period wise and would still recommend it for someone whose periods are making ordinary life difficult but i’d provide a few words of caution which were not explained to me beforehand (and bear in mind this may just be my experience)…

I was given some sort of tablets for a few months before which brought on pretty bad menopausal symptoms (hot flushes etc); these do die back but take a few months to do so. The tablets ‘basically shrink the walls of your womb to prevent excessive blood loss or heamorraghing ‘ (docs description). It was tolerable but lasted longer & was more severe than i’d expected.

Secondly, in my case anyway, my hormone levels dropped off the scale; effectively it made me post-menopausal despite being in my late thirties. Consequently I aged much more quickly than friends, including strength/muscle loss, aged skin, less stamina etc, basically I was ageing like my mum! Eventually I saw Dr Louise Newsons team and have HRT (inc testosterone) and feel much better. This was pricey but they have a lot more expertise and wrote to my GP who took over prescribing so it only took my a couple of apts.

In summary - I would personally go through the same procedure again but would be more prepared for the journey & monitor hormone levels post-procedure & rectify if necessary.

Good luck whatever you decide to do

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to Jacs

thanks so much for sharing this, goodness what a journey x

I had a mirena coil for 5 years, my periods were like spotting.

Since learning more about health, I’d now be a lot more inclined to control them through lifestyle measures but as a fellow mental health sufferer I understand how ridiculously hard it is to implement those when you mentally struggle 🙏🏻

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to

Do you think it contributes to your MH and hypothyroidism? I’ve collated a few resources E.g. a Harvard report of a Danish study that showed definite links to birth control hormones including oral and iud and depression. As opposed to the current line of medical thinking that iud has lower risk for MH. Danish study says not.

in reply to Regenallotment

I don’t actually, I think that chronic mental health issues where hypothyroidism is diagnosed is likely low T3. I assume you’ve already tried to optimise your conversion/add T3? My understanding is that T3 “needs” to be 75% through range, T4 50%. I have yet to reap the rewards of this theory myself (I write this to you from the safety of my sofa where I’ve been for about 3 days 😅😂) but my levels are absolutely abysmal and I’m raising slowly to get to those goals.

Re. M Coil, my MH issues have always been on the severe side (debilitating) so it’s hard for me to say if it made a change as I’m unsure I’d notice subtle changes. However I can say confidently that it did not make me more unstable 🙂

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to

Thanks yes working towards optimal T4 replacement then will look at T3. I was considering self sourcing T3 but ran up against issues with finding lactose free at an affordable / justifiable price. New blood tests next week will reveal latest. Last ones were not optimal so slowly does it. I think I’ll not add this complication to the mix. 🦋 hope you find your way off the sofa, sending hugs 🤗

in reply to Regenallotment

Ah that’s so tough! Maybe you could take a lactase supplement with the lactose-containing T3 to help, I just looked at your labs and saw they are a bit low. I wonder if that’s putting extra pressure on your MH. I have a contact that can get Tiromel for about £32/month if that helps :) otherwise good luck with the coil! I think it is a little stressful getting it in there so maybe go mentally prepared for that 💜 thank you 😊 it feels right now like I’ll never leave the sofa again but I’m sure I’ll get there 😮‍💨 hope you feel better too x

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to

Thanks but lactose free products set me off too, (these have the lactase enzyme in) so best not. Accord T4 was awful (contains lactose) and I'm told Tiromel T3 contains it. Yes I have the contact too. But it won't do me any good. I'll take the slow route and see if I can get NHS to consider it if next bloods warrant a new approach. Helvella's doc has the list of T3 I can take if I can get it, Teva and a couple of others. Thanks for your ideas 🦋

in reply to Regenallotment

oh what a shame 😓 I’m so sorry. I know a private GP (he isn’t extortionate) who might be able to help you, I can send you his name if you like. Otherwise sending you happy coil vibes 😊 x

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to

That would be useful, thank you, I'll send you a DM. Good to have in the back pocket. Thanks for your thoughtfulness, I really appreciate you taking the time 🦋💚🦋

in reply to Regenallotment

OK perfect 😊 I await your courier pigeon 🐦

BiscuitBaby profile image

HiI've never had that myself but I always had horrible periods and bad pmt and pain. I'm 47 and still pretty much clockwork. They disappeared before I was diagnosed. That's one of the reasons I went to my Dr. They have never gone back to 28 days. Been on 21 day cycle for 3 years however since being on t3 they are so much more manageable. I'm not doubled over or taking time off work now. My pmt has also much reduced. They only really started to improve once I started on 125/150 mcg t4! I've always been amazed at friends who experience nothing during their period. That's such an alien concept to me!! I hope you get enough advice to make a decision. It's quite an invasive procedure. I also think that if you lose or gain weight it needs refitted?? (I think I remember reading that somewhere a long time ago. Things change though)

csj113 profile image

Hi, on a more positive note, if you decide to go on HRT, Mirena takes care of the progesterone part, and you may have fewer side effects than with other forms of it (and if you have a womb you need progesterone on HRT). I had Mirena years ago, I also have v heavy periods and loved that they stopped completely with Mirena. Unfortunately I had repeated bacterial infections though and it had to come out. But I wish it had worked. I’m now on HRT (Lenzetto spray for oestrogen and utrogestan tablets for progesterone) and that is helping lighten and regulate my periods a bit, which also helps as I have Iron Deficiency Without Anaemia (low Ferritin) which might be partly down to heavy periods/ used to be an endurance athlete/ have had Hashimotos for 30+ years. I’d speak to your GP about HRT and whether it might help with your bleeding.

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to csj113

thanks so much for this, I have history with HRT, I was misdiagnosed peri menopausal in my early-mid forties and became quite unwell until a different GP rescued me 3 years later and tested my thyroid. So just a little wary now. I appreciate your experience though thanks for the info xx

csj113 profile image
csj113 in reply to Regenallotment

ah fair enough though I definitely wouldn’t write off HRT when you genuinely get to peri-menopause. The latest preparations have come a long way too. Good luck

GrowingVeg profile image

I have Minerva coil, I have had it just over 2 years. It generally helped me with pms and no problems... Only that recently I have been feeling really down to the point that I started antidepressants last week. I hadden't connected this with the coil until I read this thread. Might be a connection...

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to GrowingVeg

Sending you uplifting vibes, hopefully you can join your dots and feel better soon. This time of year and less time with my hands in the soil makes me feel low. If your local healthcare providers do a ‘healthy minds’ service I highly recommend it. I was offered 12 weeks CBT and it was the most incredible transformative process, painful and difficult in that hour but so much resolved, explained and so many strategies to help me for the future. Hugs 🦋💚🦋

Feuerfrei profile image

Mirena fitted for heavy periods 7 years ago. I have no regrets and no issues

TiggerMe profile image
TiggerMe in reply to Feuerfrei

Weirdly this post has resurfaced and I noticed your Mirena coil was 7 years old, they need replacing every 5 years?

Shelleyblue profile image

Crikey ! I don't know how i missed this. That's awful. You're almost describing exactly what I had. I have developed hypothyroidism. And went through the me opause early while on mirena coil. I worked in a primary school and suffered terribly with menstruation issues, heavy blood loss, clots, was also give tranexamic acid too. It didn't really help. Saw gynaecologist and had a uterine ablation and coil removed. I felt great 6 months after having it removed . Little did I know that a few months later I would crash and told I had clinical depression when really I had finished my menopause and got very low thyroid hormones too !! After trying antidepressants for 3 months and feeling worse I crashed again and decided to see an endocrinologist privately because the GP wouldnt refer me via NHS. :( How are you doing now ?! :/

Regenallotment profile image
Regenallotment in reply to Shelleyblue

Periods still heavy, clotty, sometimes fortnightly sometimes monthly, feel like a zombie week 1 and 2, keeping up ferritin D Bs and folate help a lot.

Transexamic Acid works to some extent, I tried without it in the holidays to see what it was doing and won’t be trying that again, couldn’t leave the house 😫 constant flooding.

I’ve taken the view that at 50 there can’t be that many more and the 2-3 awful days and nights are preferable to the mirena depression that worries me.

Amazing to hear your story and how you took charge of it yourself. Great work 👏🌱

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