Thyroid-s closest country to EU where I can buy... - Thyroid UK

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Thyroid-s closest country to EU where I can buy it otc?

newbie85 profile image
44 Replies

I had great success with Thyroid-s a few years ago. Now I don't find any option to get it into EU so I decided to travel to Thailand just to buy it and bring it to my country. However I was thinking if there is any country closer to EU where I could buy it?

I am not asking about internet sources (if anybody knows any EU, not UK, source I would still appreciate sending me dm) but I am asking if anybody knows where I could buy it in chemistry legally without prescription. Maybe Turkey?

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newbie85 profile image
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44 Replies
helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK

People have said that it isn't always easy to get within Thailand. At least, not at every street corner pharmacy.

Remember that Turkey is not in the EU.

I doubt you will be able to buy it anywhere in the EU (nor the UK). If it is available, it will be from an unauthorised source.

newbie85 profile image
newbie85 in reply to helvella

I know Turkey is not in EU, I am not going to buy it on internet but I am going to fly to that country and bring it with me in personal luggage. Turkey was just an example, I don't know if it is possible to buy it there, any country closer to EU than Thailand would be great so I don't need to fly so far just to buy Thyroid-S.

Brightness14 profile image
Brightness14 in reply to newbie85

Why don't you want to go online and but it I do it's easy. NDT is not allowed in France so Iorder online and have it sent to the UK. Then my sister sends it on to me repackaged. Germany manufacturers NDT so they would possible allow it direct.

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to Brightness14

Brightness14, 'Germany manufacturers NDT'

That's interesting. Do you know the brand name for this German NDT?

Lunario profile image
Lunario in reply to RedApple

In Germany, NDT is considered a prescription-only drug. 😞

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to Lunario

Yes it is a POM here in the UK too Lunario. But Brightness14 says that Germany manufactures NDT, and I've not heard of a German NDT brand so am interested to know more about it.

Lunario profile image
Lunario in reply to RedApple

Ah, you are right. A moment of inattention. To answer the question: I am not aware of any German manufacturer. Any NDT that is produced in Germany is made only by certain pharmacies, and you need a prescription.

(Damn, I wish they wouldn't be that restrictive.).

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to RedApple

This is just a guess. There is a pharmacy which produces a desiccated thyroid "product" but not clear if it is made to order or stocked.

It definitely needs a prescription valid in Germany.

Kloesterl Apotheke, Munich – Thyreogland

Their thyroid page (through Google Translate) is here:


And, bizarrely, this is a page from Denmark about this pharmacy (dated 2018) - in English!

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to helvella

Excellent sleuthing, thanks!

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to RedApple

It didn't take that much! The first link is in my medicines document! :-)

Brightness14 profile image
Brightness14 in reply to RedApple

Sorry I can't find where I read about it. Spain makes it too Bioberica Thyroid API

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to Brightness14

Bioberica Thyroid API is the animal derived thyroid hormone that would be used by a compounding pharmacy (to put into capsules or to make pills using excipients).

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Brightness14

Been mentioned several times.

Ever heard of Bioiberica NDT? Thyroid API.

Thyroid S

Is there a role for Natural Desiccated Thyroid in the treatment of levothyroxine unresponsive hypothyroidism?

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Brightness14

Newbie85 says later that they are not allowed to have it posted to them - but are allowed it in their luggage.

03081963 profile image
03081963 in reply to Brightness14

Hi I had a friend bring Thyroid S back from Thailand it’s made a real difference to me

Need to order more online could you recommend a site and approx cost ?

Much appreciated x

Brightness14 profile image
Brightness14 in reply to 03081963

I have sent you the details by PM.

03081963 profile image
03081963 in reply to Brightness14

Many thanks for that Brightness 14 much appreciated x

RedApple profile image

newbie85, Can I just clarify your problem. Is it that your country Slovenia does not allow you to import Thyroid-s by mail directly from Thailand?

newbie85 profile image
newbie85 in reply to RedApple

Yes, I believe no EU country will allow it, customs will reject the package and send it back. This is why buying over internet is not an option for me but if I go there to buy it and bring it with my personal luggage I have more chance.

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to newbie85

I understand. Here in the UK we can import it from Thailand for our own use.

Unfortunately, it's very unlikely that you will be able to buy it in person anywhere outside of Thailand.

Brightness14 profile image
Brightness14 in reply to RedApple

The factory that manufacturers Thyroid s NDT in Thailand has a distributer in the UK.

You can email the office lady in the Thai factory and if living in the UK it arrives by Parcel Post in about 7 - 10 days it's the cheapest way too.

I have mine sent to a friend in the UK who then posts it onto me here in France.

I have been doing this since 2016. It's not actually imported by the customer as it's already in the UK.

Framboise profile image

Thyroid-S can now be bought in an easy legal way from an authorised source in Thailand. The package customs label states "Health product for personal use'. I photographed my last package. Do you know why is it banned in the EU and your country? I have found a list of where it cannot be shipped to and Slovenia is not on the list. It could be that they can ship to you, or it could be that they have not checked Slovenia and thus have not included it.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Framboise

By whom is it classed as a supplement?

Its declared thyroid hormone content, and that it is a formal prescription medicine in Thailand, would appear to make it equivalent to, say, Armour Thyroid.

Framboise profile image
Framboise in reply to helvella

Well that's an interesting question helvella! I agree that it is the equivalent of Armour, but I've always understood that it is classified and sold in Thailand as a supplement, which is why non-medical individuals could buy stock and resell it around the world online. The Thai NDTs are the the only ones that I've found were sold like this, all others came from pharmacies. That said, I've just checked my latest bottles and neither the bottle nor the box states that it is either a supplement, or a hormone, or any sort of medication. Edited to say it can however be bought at pharmacies in Thailand without prescription or any questions, not all stock it though.

I've been trying to think where I first read about it and thought it was on the old Thyroid UK website, but it's not mentioned at all on the new one. However, on the STTM site's list of thyroid medications it's shown in blue to denote being an NDT, but states "THE NEXT ARE OVER THE COUNTER, called NATURAL THYROID SUPPLEMENTS & ORDERED OFF THE INTERNET: THYROID-S non-prescription..." so perhaps this is an urban legend!

Whatever it is, I'm grateful that I was able to find it so easily after Armour and ERFA had reformulated, Dr Skinner had died, and I hadn't yet found my new lovely endocrinologist.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Framboise

There are few words on the STTM site that I take at face value! There are two different lists of ingredients of Thyroid S!

The manufacturer of Thyroid S lists the following as their thyroid medicines:

- Propylthiouracil 50 mg tablet

- Methimazole (thiamazole) 5 mg tablet

- L-Thyroxine sodium 50 mcg / 100 mcg tablet

- Thyroid extract 60 mg tablet

The standard applied here, on this forum, has been that desiccated thyroid products with claimed and defined thyroid hormone content are referred to as NDT, but those which say (one way or another) that they have none are referred to as glandulars.

The Thai FDA has a confusing site! But they clearly have something like our (UK) arrangements in their 2003 law.

Framboise profile image
Framboise in reply to helvella

How interesting this is! I'll explain why in a PM if you don't mind my sending you one. Meanwhile I shall amend my original post.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Framboise

Welcome to send a PM.

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to Framboise

Framboise, I think it's up to the 'importing' country to decide what 'medicines' can or cannot be brought in, regardless of whether or not the country of manufacture classes it as POM or 'Supplement'.

I know nothing, but this from the Slovenian government website may be relevant.

'Medicinal product means any substance or combination of substances presented for treating or preventing disease in human beings or animals.

Any substance or combination of substances which may be used on or administered to human beings or animals with a view to restoring, improving or changing their physiological functions by pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means, or making a medicinal diagnosis is likewise considered a medicinal product.'


helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to RedApple

That's a pretty comprehensive definition! I suspect it would be quite hard to get round legally.


RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to helvella

Reading further on that page, it seems personal use is allowed.

'However, an individual may for their personal use, the personal use of members of close family or pursuant to authorisation for the personal use of a maximum of one individual who is not their family member, or their individual animal which is not of a food producing species, import or export in their personal luggage a medicinal product in the quantity consistent with the relevant therapeutic use, as follows:

for a maximum of three weeks for acute conditions;

for a maximum of three months according to the prescribed dosage for chronic diseases and conditions which require long-term use of medicinal products, or exceptionally for up to 12 months if an individual submits to the competent customs authority proof of permitted residence in the target country in the respective period, unless the regulations on illicit drugs specify otherwise.'

newbie85 profile image
newbie85 in reply to RedApple

Yes that is correct, but these rules are for bringing medicine with personal luggage, it is still not allowed to import it through post.

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to newbie85

Yes I realise that, I was just pleased to see confirmation that you can at least bring the stuff into the country for your own use! 😊

Framboise profile image
Framboise in reply to RedApple

What a shame! I suppose it's ok if someone can travel easily, or has a relative who can do so, not otherwise.

BB001 profile image
BB001 in reply to RedApple

So that definition includes all food! 🤣

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to BB001

Actually that is another issue.

There can be extra restrictions on things like desiccated thyroid due to their sourcing from animals. The rules vary, sometimes quite quickly, on the basis of current veterinary advice.

Just recently, we saw that travellers were told they could not take meat products across the channel into France. Which would probably include desiccated thyroid - except that is already illegal in France.

(I suspect that small quantities of desiccated thyroid carried by bona fide visitors would not be an issue regarding illegality of desiccated thyroid but could still be affected by veterinary rules.)

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to helvella

Oh crikey what a tangled web they weave! Its enough to put me off travelling abroad.....there I am with a bovine product, needles syringes b12 vials, a weird looking estrogen device & tablets in my hand luggage as I dont want them to get lost. I'd probably get locked up! 🤣😂

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to waveylines

It must be the case that most people "get away" with these things, most of the time. But not knowing the possibilities, in the extreme, is not good preparation. If you know you can give some thought what to do if things go wrong.

waveylines profile image
waveylines in reply to helvella

Very true. Well I carry a print out of my meds & wear a medical bracelet And am going to ask my GP surgery for a print summary of my health. Should keep them busy.....assuming they can read English. Last time I went on a cruise....luggage was delivered to cabin, customs on/off cursory. But that was pre covid. Not ventured far since the pandemic.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to waveylines

Hope you have a good holiday!

archipoeta profile image

What about ordering it, buying a large bottle of OTC vitamin pills, putting the thyroid-s in the bottle, keeping the receipt with it, and just putting them in your luggage.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to archipoeta

If newbie85 actually has the Thyroid S tablets, they can be taken into the country in luggage. That does not appear to be an issue.

But switching contents as you suggest could end up causing a worse situation than simply carrying Thyroid S in its own original packaging. It could appear to be intentional smuggling - even if it isn't.

newbie85 profile image
newbie85 in reply to archipoeta

Like helvella wrote, brining it with my personal luggage is not issue and is allowed, the problem is only that I can not order it by internet and send it by post because this is not allowed. If package came from EU country then no problem, they don't check it, if package comes outside EU they ask for invoice to pay for tax and import duties and sometimes they can also check the package. If I could find somebody to send it from EU this would be the easiest way, but since I can not find it I am going to travel to nearest country and bring it with personal luggage.

Brightness14 profile image
Brightness14 in reply to archipoeta

Exactly, easy peasy.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK

This thread reached its conclusion a year or more ago.

In order to prevent further additional requests, it will now be closed.

The ability to reply to this post has been turned off.

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