Do some adding T3 feel worse before they get be... - Thyroid UK

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Do some adding T3 feel worse before they get better?

Gillybean1 profile image
13 Replies

Hi everyone,

Having reduced my NDT down to 1/2 grain daily and up to adding 10mcg of T3 daily (DIO2 pos/ Hashi's) TSH now back in range for the 1st time in 5years, FT4 now out of range, and FT3 in.

Has anyone experienced feeling worse with increase T3 ie like a hangover,weak legs,unusual headache,nausea, and i wondered if this is a detox effect of the Liver and Gallbladder getting what it needs after a decade and if it will pass ?

Or is this an indication, that its the wrong brand/fillers type of T3 (i take Thybon which is liothyronine hydrochloride not sodium liothyronine) or that T3 is not working?

Latest bloods last week on 1/2 grain NDT and 7.50mcg T3 are:

TSH 0.34 (0.27-4.2) FT3 4 (3.1-6.8) FT4 8.57 (12-22)

BPressure /Pulse/Temp all stable ,in fact much better since dropped down NDT.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated,

Regards G

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Gillybean1 profile image
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13 Replies
Lalatoot profile image

Adding t3 caused me to feel nausea and off for several days after each increase in dose. My biggest symptoms were caused by the lack of t4. This became obvious as I increased my t4 doses twice and the symptoms such as sore throat and loss of voice disappeared.

Gillybean1 profile image
Gillybean1 in reply to Lalatoot

Hi Lalatoot,

Thank you for your reply. And did the nausea subside eventually? did you stick with the T3 or have to leave it out?

Kind regards G

Lalatoot profile image
Lalatoot in reply to Gillybean1

Yes it subsided. I stuck with the t3. My endo told me it would take 6 months to a year of adjustments. Now I am 9 months down the line and am beginning to feel that my doses are right for me. Time and the next blood test will tell.

It is not an instant fix adding T3. It is best to do it slowly. You may also need to adjust T4 dose which adds to the complexity.

Gillybean1 profile image
Gillybean1 in reply to Lalatoot

Lalatoot, thank you for your reply. Maybe i have added too quickly,although i am monitoring BP HR Temp through each day and blood testing 6 weeks after an increase in T3, and still very undermedicated. For me it was a question of lowering the NDT down to clear out some of its T4 element as i am DIO2+ as the T4 appeared to be inhibiting improvement.

Thanks for taking the time.......i will keep trying to fathom it all out.

Every best wish, G

jgelliss profile image

Before any T3 /NDT one needs nutrients to support adrenals /cortisol. Iron is very important vitamin "C" . B-Complex , B-12/folate, magnesium , Celtic Sea Salt for adrenals/Cortisol.

Starting low and slow with T3 /NDT is very important to make it a successful go. I also found that splitting T3/NDT is very helpful .

Best Wishes.

Meanbeannyc profile image
Meanbeannyc in reply to jgelliss

What makes it “successful” vs “unsuccessful”?

jgelliss profile image
jgelliss in reply to Meanbeannyc

Starting with nutrients mentioned above first . Starting with low dose T3 and splitting the T3 dose and raising 2.5 mcg T3 at a time . Keep in mind *Slow and Steady* wins the race .

Meanbeannyc profile image
Meanbeannyc in reply to jgelliss

Yeah endo starred me on high T3 dose in addition to my levo. I’m still recovering.

jgelliss profile image
jgelliss in reply to Meanbeannyc

Unfortunately many Dr are not trained with dosing patients with T3/NDT.

Credit should be given for those Dr's that are *Out Of The Box* and *Open Minded Thinkers* and who *Care* and do give patience T3/NDT for patience *Well-Being .

Wishing you Wellness.

Gillybean1 profile image
Gillybean1 in reply to jgelliss

Hello Jgelliss

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Yes all my other results are good for the first time,and doing baby steps and close monitoring BP/HR/TEMP with every dose increase of T3, I may have moved up too quickly, but did this via the monitoring and blood test and feeling so hypo as i had dropped the NDT down gradually by half a grain, and its the 14 days later the missing amount 'feels' on the body, but i cant just stuff in T3, i can only tolerate it slowly.

Something is definetely not right though, either too little NDT now, too little T3, or the combined two are clashing,or im on the wrong brand of T3. just feels so nauseous ,like a hangover, and i havnt consumed alcohol for 10 years ! Because i thought it would help me get better!!

Onwards and upwards, and sincerely, many thanks,

Every best wish, G

jgelliss profile image
jgelliss in reply to Gillybean1

Hello G , I feel your pain . I too was dosed with 5 mcg T3 with no instructions other then take it once a day . I had TT and was dosing with high doses of T4 only . Dr's did not believe at the time about T3/NDT unless the patient was depressed. I am not a good converter from T4 to T3 . And experienced palpitations . The heart has a large T3 receptor sights that I was not getting the T3 it needs. The small dose of T3 was/is a huge game changer for me. Years later I found an Endo that I was hoping would give me T3 . I went to the Endo with a long laundry list I compiled to take and with lots of Prayers blood sweat ans tears that I was finally granted T3 .

T3 at the time did not work well for me. I was very disappointed to say the least . Though my palpitations stopped. A thumping feeling took over.

Found another Endo who was open to NDT. I was given NDT. It took me many years to settle and find my comfort zone with a combo Of T4 and T3. It takes lots of trial/errors till one feels they found their *Optimal Dose*.

I found that when my labs looked good I still did not feel well. Labs are a snap shot of the moment labs where done. Symptoms I found out the hard way are much more telling . Since symptoms are cellular results . One feels and cells tell the full story via symptoms .

I like lab results when I feel something might be off and need to know If FT4 or FT3

needs some tweaking.

Nutrients are *Extremly* important . They help our thyroid meds work better for us.

I found tracking/journaling my symptoms to be extremely helpful. And I continue to do so .

With all the reformulations that took place with NDT and not working well for me . I'm now on T4 /T3. I'm work in progress . I'm very Grateful that though I have no thyroids . I now get my thyroids from a bottle.

Wishing you Strength and Persistence . You will get there.

Gillybean1 profile image
Gillybean1 in reply to jgelliss

Oh you are a sweetheart jgelllis, my daily mantra is 'never mind - i will sort it'. I have rather been pinning my hopes on T3 after 5years (out of the 10years with the prob) of juggling with NDT and never fully well and Endo not happy with TSH out of range, now he is delighted its back in range and T4 is out.

That said ,he is a very kind man, very supportive, got me my T3 prescription finally (prob a bit guilty as i had flagged up DIO2 as a poss prob and he dismissed it...but was wrong turns out)

I didnt feel nausea when my NDT was higher and T3 lower, but my liver results didnt seem to be happy probably with the unconverting T4, and my pulse was racing, i was edgy and FT3 sky high.

My T3 is Thybon which is a hydrochloride version, all the others are sodium format. Its not meant to make any difference, but clearly on this forum for some it does, so i may try that formulation if gluten free, or add some more NDT back in , or drop it out al together......

Im glad you found your sweet spot, because you made me believe its possible for me too. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend...sunny blue skies,

Every best wish,


jgelliss profile image
jgelliss in reply to Gillybean1

Never Give Up G . I know *You* can do it . However I would like to caution you that high T3 can give very bad symptoms just like high T4 for some. Everyone has their own T3 and T4 *Optimal*. It's *Not*. one size fits all.

I experienced with high T3/NDT muscle aches, lethargy, insomnia, my concentration was off . I had to read something several times to know what I was actually reading.

Age hormones, metabolism, how active one is , stresses are all taken into account how much one needs thyroid hormones. I know someone that is heavy and is on a much lower thyroid hormones then I and is doing well.

It's very individual . I had to learn to trust what I was feeling and that it's not in my mind only . I am just mindful of what I'm feeling.

Just Know That You Can. And Will Do It.

Have A Great and Productive Weekend.

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