Thyroid UK

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LadyBarb profile image
17 Replies

Further to my other posts, and with me going to see Doc on 26th, can some of the many geniuses on this forum give me some indication as to what the blood tests I've already had are saying, please? Anything I could.should bring up with Doc (apart from no contact re the "high" notations? :D

As ever, all help much appreciated! B x

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LadyBarb profile image
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17 Replies
ITYFIALMCTT profile image

My non-genius comments. :)

The CRP (a marker of inflammation) is high at 44 (could be for a variety of reasons such as a recent virus, injury etc.).

The out of range triglycerides are part of the overall cholesterol calculations - and despite them your Cholesterol/HDL ratio is only a little beyond the recommended one (4 or less).


LadyBarb profile image
LadyBarb in reply to ITYFIALMCTT

Very much on point, thanks ! :)

The Thyroid result was the stunner of them all..! I put on all this weight, I know it's not from over-eating/bad eating (will I ever get over eating that flaming doughnut? LOL) ~ and my Cholesterol which has been in the high 8's for at least the last 17 years, is down???

And yes, with the M.E./Fibro my system is always fighting "something" and/or looking for something to 'fight'/heal. (Why doesn't it just 'heal' itself and leave me in peace? ;) )

ITYFIALMCTT profile image
ITYFIALMCTT in reply to LadyBarb

I can't see the thyroid results - possibly because I can't see the top third of the photograph?

LadyBarb profile image
LadyBarb in reply to ITYFIALMCTT

I knew it was a bad pic ~ one of several ~ I just didn't realise I'd put up the worst one where these weren't showing! Sorry ~ chronic insomnia and posting things isn't a good mix.

FT4 12.6 (Range 9.0 to 24)

FT3 4.1 (Range 3.5 to 6.5)

TSH 2.15 (Range 0.3 to 6.0)

Hope these help? :)

ITYFIALMCTT profile image
ITYFIALMCTT in reply to LadyBarb

Insomnia makes everything tricky :)

Can you edit these into the original post as well so that people can see them easily? That way you might obtain more comments than in a sub-thread?

Plus, it would be helpful to mention any medication that you're taking or diagnosis (if you have one).

LadyBarb profile image
LadyBarb in reply to ITYFIALMCTT

Not having a good day ~ brain working backwards I think.

FYI, 29 years diagnosis of M.E./Fibro ~ constant infections ~ Painkillers, Pethidine, Co-proxamol, Nitrazepam (stops 'dancing legs' doesn't help sleep. Pregabalin (Lyrica 50mg) for trigeminal neuralgia; Zirtek for allergies; Imigran 100m for (ever increasing) Migraines; currently taking Erythromycin 250mg for what may (currently) an inflammation of my Gallbladder (long story); Buccastem M 3mg for Nausea; Stemetil 5mg (as required); have massive gut problems and 'sensitivities' to too many foods to mention, but especially anything containing grains and flours, and getting 'right' medications, even right Brand (nightmare!).

Sudden gain of over 1 stone in short period, not possible the way I eat. Very healthy diet.

Mother nearly died of Hypothyroidism before she was diagnosed; reason? Tests were all 'normal'.

I'm due to go back to see Doc on Wednesday 26th.

greygoose profile image

Ignore the cholesterol. High cholesterol is just a symptom of low thyroid.

LadyBarb profile image
LadyBarb in reply to greygoose

Thanks greygoose! The weird thing is, as I've just mentioned to ITYFIALMCTT, is that it's down from the high 8's..! Weird, or what?

ITYFIALMCTT profile image
ITYFIALMCTT in reply to LadyBarb

LadyBarb, Cholesterol measurements can vary substantially - they can even rise in response to a dental infection in addition to their association with various conditions. They can be high in Spring because people's vitamin D levels are low (used up a lot of their stores).

LadyBarb profile image
LadyBarb in reply to ITYFIALMCTT

The only thing I know about my Cholesterol, which might turn out to be accurate, is that it's been put down to being "Familial" and that it's always been above 8.5, no matter what time of the year it's been taken.

I get an annual injection of Vitamin D ~ I'm not sure when it's due unfortunately. I'm housebound and mainly bedbound, because my bed is about the only place I get a little relief from pain.

My neck discs have thinned very badly and some have cracked. Very painful.

Took a bad reaction to my easter treat ~ a cream/jam doughnut (over-reaction to wheat, usually my stomach just bloats very badly) ~ that set off pain re gallbladder, which swung around my ribs and up under my right shoulder. Now have absolutely NO appetite and have to make myself eat.

Bit more of a wreck than I usually am, which is usually more than "bad enough" ~ and now have the query of Hypothyroidism, and Hashimoto's has been mentioned, which unfortunately seems to tie in ~ but, so many similarities between Hypo and M.E./Fibro, I don't know, apart from I've never gained weight with M.E. nor lost my hair, until now.

Will ask Doc for further blood tests on Wednesday: Vit D, B12, Folate, Ferritin, Reverse T3, TPO ~ whatever the Surgery won't pay for I'll have to pay for myself.

in reply to LadyBarb

IMHO you could do with more Thyroid replacement. Your T4 is at the low end and it'd be better if your TSH was lower.... keep looking after yourself xx

Katepots profile image

Sorry Lady Barb,

Just seen your post.

Hmmm there's nothing that really jumps out is there?

Definitely some infection/inflammation as we discussed before.

T4 and T3 both on low side of 'normal' most of us function better towards the higher end.

Will definitely be interesting to see your thyroid antibody results, I reckon they will show if you have any thyroid issues being masked.

Cholesterol great, must be your very good diet now that's brought it down as you don't eat too much bad fat now. Good fats very important though as I'm sure you know.

The monocytes again show inflammation idguess usually from Virus or parasite.

Epstein bar, H pylori, cibo, Lyme etc all have links with Hashimotos

Might be worth investigating further for parasites.

Really sorry you're so unwell. Good luck on the 26th. X

LadyBarb profile image
LadyBarb in reply to Katepots

Hi, thanks for the further input. Can you tell me a bit more about "parasites"? What sort of parasites?

BTW, I was tested for Lyme (which my Doc and I both know is very difficult to get a positive on), even though I have had a previous Lyme test when I'd a ruddy great big 'bulls-eye' on my knee!

However, with the test being 'negative', this time round too, I (obviously) asked for the copy of the blood tests (thanks to this forum) and there was a note that: "Serology may take 3 to 8 weeks to become positive. Please send a second sample ... if clinically indicated."

I live surrounded by sheep and I've two cats who are 'tic collectors', even though they're regularly treated for tics/fleas (and wormed).

I asked my Vet about the 'tic' problem, and he said that these days it seems that the 'tic' problem can return in as short a period as a fortnight. (!!!). There is apparently no 'tic' treatment that I can give the cats every fortnight. B x

Katepots profile image

I get tics regularly they love me 😩 It's a given that I probably have Lyme but often doesn't show up in bloods even if you are positive apparently. Ask your vet about a seresta collar. Really good and keep my farm dogs free of flees and ticks for months.

Also neem oil is very good, put on my horses and sent my son drops and soap out to Afghanistan when he was there and flee ridden! Pretty much keeps all biting insects at bay.

Couple of interesting links on parasites. This is what I'm testing next as pretty much sorted everything else but have to find myself as my Drs are useless and unhelpful. 😩



LadyBarb profile image
LadyBarb in reply to Katepots

Hi again Katepots :)

I'm going to ask the Doc to take a further blood sample and submit that under the reference number of the first Lyme Disease (as was indicated on the Report of negative Lyme ~ which says it takes 3 to 8 weeks to show up! The Senior Partner was the one who said no further action, but given where I live, I think it's worth a try.

Long story short, I ran out of enough Meds to get me to today (26th) ~ am having a problem sleeping because of pain. Got two of the meds I needed: didn't get the antibiotics, and am now at 6 missed doses of the antibiotic I was on, and am right back at stage one of 'agony', where I'd felt as through there was 'light at the end of the tunnel', just to find it's yet another damn train knocking me for six! :(

This is far too dangerous a place for the cats to wear collars. I originally had them with quick-release name tab collars, and the 3 lost their collars within 24/36 hours. The Shepherd got fed up throwing the collar over the hedge for me, and although I knew the quick release worked, I was not too sure the 'releases' wouldn't get damaged, and it couldn't have done the cats necks any good with the 'pull'.

I haven't heard of neem oil ~ but I'll certainly give it a go..! :)

I'll ask my Doc about 'parasite testing', again because of where I live ~ I've a private "rising spring" water supply. I've never drunk the water, (I don't even drink Glasgow City water, as I've been on bottled water (recommendation of Homeopathic Hospital) since 1988. However, I've a bit of a case of 'over-washing' my hands ~ and even though I've got a UV filter on my incoming water supply ~ who knows what I pick up from the cats too.

They're very clean and groom themselves well ... but, of course ... I pet my cats, and no matter how often I wash my hands, there's going to be sometimes I've gone and picked up a banana to eat, and never thought to wash my hands. :(

I doubt the Doc will go for that sort of testing, and I've more a problem with constipation than 'the runs', which seems to be a common theme with quite a lot of the parasitic infestations, but I'd ask for yeast and candida, it she'd do that?

She had a stool sample from me not so long ago ... and I don't know what tests she did on that, but they were 'all clear'. I'll ask about that again.

I've a list of questions longer than both my arms to ask ... in 20 minutes! Ye Gods help me! B x

Interesting articles on the parasites ..! :) B x

LadyBarb profile image
LadyBarb in reply to LadyBarb

Hi Katepots ...

I don't know what Vit D level is yet ~ I get an annual injection, and can't recall when it's due but I'm going to ask today for blood test for Vit D, B12, Ferritin, Folate, the Thyroid Antibodies, and a few other things I can't recall but at Least I've got them written down! :)

Had a shower and thought I was going to die ... but one interesting thing I noticed/felt. Where I have the horrendous pain under my right shoulder, there's a HUGE patch of rough (unbroken) skin? I found a.n.other old bra, as I can't go out without one, and have dragged the clip way down my back, away from the painful bit.

I don't care if it takes 1/2 hr to speak with the Doc, I need to get things sorted out. A bit miffed that today I've had approx 1 hr sleep and I've got a migraine coming on ~ but hell or high water, I'm going to go see her. If I pass out in front of her, so be it!

I've also got a none too pleasant vaginal discharge. Give I've no womb, there's only the vagina, goodness knows what's going on 'up there', lol. I've saved her the smelly, stained pad ... she can try 'testing' that! She said last time I complained about that, that there wasn't a problem..??? I'd had a shower but I couldn't have washed away the inner vaginal discharge, though she had done a 'swab'.

I've never felt any benefit from the VitD injections, re pain ~ it's interesting what you say about the connection between VitD and pain! Perhaps I'd be better off on tablets..?

Thanks for the figures for B12 and VitD :)

I'll certainly be getting copies of my records for the things I want tested a lot earlier than I asked for them this time. Which reminds me, I've some stuff I need to print out! Oops!

Will contact you later, and thanks for caring..! ~ B x

Katepots profile image

Really sorry you're in so much pain 😩

What did you say your vitamin D levels were? Big link to Vit D and pain.

Also B12 Folate and Ferritin?

Marz posted this graph recently.


I know my pain is better now my vitamin D and B12 are optimal and I avoid potato!

B12 needs to be over 600

Vit D over 60


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