IBS, Inflammation, and everything else! - IBS Network

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IBS, Inflammation, and everything else!

iOwlface profile image
13 Replies

Hi everyone, apologies in advance I just need to vent! Trips to the GP just feel like I keep landing at dead ends.

I've been on Mebeverine for about 5 weeks now. Things are a lot better than they were but I'm still not 100%. Calprotectin levels came back at 94 during my previous test so I was prescribed the 3x a day tablets.

What I want to know is how long does it take for the inflammation to go down? Some days I feel okay and can't really complain. But the last few days I've been off colour, suffering a migraine on Wednesday, no appetite since Monday and looser motions than I'd like. I'm also still getting cramps and discomfort, and worst of all feeling nauseous which I cannot stand (I suffer Emetophobia)

I get to a point where I feel like I've had enough and I'm gona phone the GP again but then everything seems to resolve for a few days before flaring up again, right at the weekend when I can't see the GP.

Just feeling a little fed up. I was advised I'd feel better after 2 weeks of taking this medication but I'm still having these mini flares after 5 weeks.

I'm also using the Nerva app to try tackle the stress around my IBS. It cost a small fortune but I would recommend it. I'm 5 weeks in so I'm a little apprehensive about what happens when the 6 week course finishes, although they do offer a maintenance scheme for afterwards.

Also one last thing, Is there anything else I can take besides the mebeverine? I keep reading that you're not supposed to take any other IBS meds whilst taking it but when I get discomfort between doses I feel a little stuck. I'm also hammering the microwave using my hot bean bag constantly, which comes with its own guilt and consequences!

Thanks for reading, this platform is great!

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iOwlface profile image
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13 Replies
Luisa22 profile image

I remember, well before I had even an inkling I had IBS or bowel problems, getting strange nausea at times, mixed with other symptoms, cardiac-related, and neurological.

I ended up diagnosed by a neurologist with "migraine".

Everyone reckoned the version I had was "abdominal migraine"....which is literally a neurological situtation rather than a literal bowel issue. Strangely, it is supposed to be children who get this version, and I was first diagnosed age 65 (four and a half years ago) !!

Nasty, the whole tangled mess, in my experience! Anyway I found the nausea passed. Instead, what I got focused on lower down in the GI system, and seems settled there now. Mine is very off and on too. I can be completely normal with healthy bm's for ages!

I am not a doctor, and don't know half of many things, but maybe yours is more related to the migraine and it comes in bouts?

Mine was truly horrible (before bowel symptoms) in 2018 when I felt desperately sick and unwell endlessly for weeks, months, with just sudden hours here or there of feeling completely normal. I did think I was dying. But that all changed into what I have now. Which has become to a great extent manageable.

Pollyboo profile image
Pollyboo in reply to Luisa22

Hi Luisa, I was really interested in this post for abdominal migraine. Only a couple of days ago I was talking to my husband about being diagnosed with this when I was 11yrs old. Given then to a tablet to take before meals.

Always had tummy ache and feeling sick growing up. Thought to have appendicitis when I was 10yrs but not the case in hospital for week.

Things no better when I started senior school.

Sadly my Dad died when I was 16yrs old and I had a really bad time then with another round of hospital tests,no counseling for young people back in the 60s. My dad suffered with migraine headaches thinking back.

Grew up and married happily and had two children. Stomach issues all good for about30yrs.

My IBS started when I was 50 ,twenty years ago. Just came out of the blue when on holiday in Scotland. Did it start with the menopause l often wonder. Have tried all sorts of things to try to help myself, Fodmap twice with dietions Homeopathy, Hypnotherapy, Group CBT, plus colonosopy and all the usual bloods ect. My new GP has just prescribed Mebeverine to take 3xs daily which took me back to childhood migraine of the stomach.

Sorry to have gone on a bit here but your post got me thinking.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply to Pollyboo

Pollyboo, maybe your start of IBS when you were 50, was to do with the hormones being all mixed up. I am more or less the same age as you -70 in 2023. I had tummy trouble for a few months age 12, and again age 18 but it disappeared for a very long time. One bout of weird nausea and heavy-headedness when I was about 30 which came and went for about 1 year.

Migraine "auras" (I didn't know what they were) beautiful visual effects of lights, zig zags and colours when stressed.

Never any mention of "migraine" when I was a child either. No one where I lived seemed to know about it. But I learned my mother also got those visual "auras" and called it a "sick headache" or "eye strain".

I hope mebeverine helps you.

After nothing clinically wrong was found, I have been trying homeopathy too. I know it has helped me in a subtle way as I am much better than I used to be when I thought I was literally dying. Now it's manageable IBS. Though still do get flare ups but not as bad as they were. I still hate them though especially as they come out of the blue though they only last a couple of days.

xjrs profile image

IBS can often be caused by a gut bacterial imbalance. I can highly recommend Alflorex probiotic which has been scientifically studied for IBS. If you have this imbalance and Alflorex helps with it, you may not need the Mebeverine anymore.

Fergie53 profile image
Fergie53 in reply to xjrs

Oh thanks I’m going to try that cos I think I have the gut bacterial imbalance an getting bloating an cramps a lot..

Sparrow58 profile image

The paracetamol I take for headaches, I know they are not the same as migraine, I used to get menstrual migraines. Upset my stomach and set off my IBS. I take immodium occasionally and they give me headaches, I think that is due to not drinking enough water. IBS affects your whole body each day is different. Have you checked the side effects of Mebevrine they may cause nausea. I hate it when it has that listed as I am an emitophobic too. I drink peppermint tea which seems to help with nausea a bit. Take care and I hope you begin to feel better soon x

Luisa22 profile image

I guess you have tried ginger? It can work really well for nausea. Many pregnant women with morning sickness swear by it. The raw ginger root I think is probably best, and nibble a piece maybe about 2cm long by about 1cm thick. It's a bit hot for the mouth, so grating it up and adding honey helps. Or you could grate it up and make a tea with it.

Glitterpants profile image

I have been taking Mebervine for the last few years and found they help me a lot. You have said there is improvement I have found for me personally IBS never really goes away I have just learnt to manage it. A combination of methods have helped medication, hypnotherapy and exercise.

Pollyboo profile image
Pollyboo in reply to Glitterpants

Hi, Just wondering if you take Mebeverine everyday or only occasionally. Thanks Pollyboo

Artboy profile image

hi . I’ve recently had a bad flare up . It’s the first one in 3 years and it feels like the worst. I’ve been suffering with bloating and cramps, nausea , light headed and bad heartburn especially down left side of abdomen. This time the flare up has been hanging around for about 5weeks , causing bad anxiety and worry about what is going on in my body ?!!. After having bloods taken and numerous visits and telephone consultations, I was prescribed the usual ppi-omneprazole 20mg for 3 weeks. It helped with nausea and indigestion but not the cramps. I saw doctor again who said my bloods were fine and prescribed me mebeverine . They worked a little along with being careful what I ate . After a couple of weeks I called doctors as not as effective. He prescribed me mintec capsules which are peppermint oil . They are ok but tend to give my heartburn. My flare up has settled a little but still hanging around. I have good days and bad days . Occasionally I take a mebeverine or a mintec capsule when I suffer bad cramps. At the moment I am not taking any medication, trying to watch what I eat and trying to exercise or keep mobile and occupied. Personally my experience with mebeverine has been ok but seems to lose its effectiveness after few weeks , likewise with buscopan. I have found that a careful diet and exercise and long walks and BREATHING exercises , trying to stay positive and the usual DONT CONSULT DR GOOGLE . By the way I have had all the tests a few years ago to rule out other things. Remember some days are better than others. Don’t give up , keep fighting, keep trying different things. Supplements? Probiotics , yoga , meditation, FODMAP diet … don’t ever give up

Fergie53 profile image
Fergie53 in reply to Artboy

Thank you, that’s really useful information, I’ve sort of had the same experience recently with a bad flare up of IBS with cramps and bloating an Mebeverine doesn’t help much, bicarbonate of soda in warm water helps and also as you said, walks if possible an watching what you eat..

It’s no fun on a bad day!

Superzob profile image

Feeling sick is a common symptom with IBS, so I'm not surprised you have it. The problem I find with IBS is its unpredictability and I believe it's that, more than anything else, which causes the stress (and possibly the nausea and need to urinate more frequently) - the stress then exacerbates the problem, so it's a bit of a vicious cycle. I've not been on any courses, and have had IBS in one form or another (mine keeps changing) for decades, but I found it best to talk to people about it; in warns them in advance that I might not turn up, and it reduces the stress so I'm more likely to keep appointments anyway. It's not a cure, by any means, but accepting that you might have a bad period does seem to make those periods easier to cope with and shorter.

casares8 profile image

I was told you could take more than one medication to help. I tend to alternate, i take mebervine if i want firmer stools, buscopan for painful cramps, and peppermint capsules for wind and nausea

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