Posts - Unexplained Faints and Consciousness | HealthUnlocked

Unexplained Faints and Consciousness

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All posts for July 2016

Toddler with RAS

My daughter was two and a half years old when she had her first seizure. We took...
Annkell1 profile image


Ever since I can remember (5) I've had these symptoms as though I'm about to fai...
Jasmineak profile image

4 year old with suspected vvs struggling for diagnosis in Australia

My 4 year old has suspected vvs. When he had his four year old vaccination he pa...
rossgad profile image
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13 Year Old - Diagnosis of Syncope

Hi I'm new here as my daughter has been diagnosed today with Syncope (possibly R...

Keeping cool in the warmer weather

With temperatures sky rocketing, heat stroke can affect the vulnerable, leading ...

STARS Frequently Asked Questions

We are currently reviewing our Frequently Asked Questions booklet and would like...

Narrow pulse pressure

As I have a tilt test scheduled for this week I thought it could be useful to ge...
shaklana profile image

14 year old daughter with RAS

Hi new to here my 14 year old daughter has RAS with heart stoppage , tried lots ...

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