Posts - Scleroderma & Raynaud's UK (SRUK) | HealthUnlocked

Scleroderma & Raynaud's UK (SRUK)

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All posts for July 2011

Hello am I in the right place.

Yesterday, after being treated for RA for two years I was diagnosed with mixed c...
AMDP profile image

Has anyone had a blood clot?

I've had mixed connective tissue disease and Raynaud's since I was a teenager. F...
scotgirl profile image

another trip to the doctors

has anyone had boils, & I don't mean just one, i have had them on my breast unde...
Jeanette_Ish profile image
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Sunshine at last

Hi am going by thanking those who have commented on my blogs and answering my qu...
bookworm profile image


i ache and its been a long day, caught my foot in a dip of the path, then my oth...
bookworm profile image

Does anyone else with Raynaud's have asthma?

bookworm profile image

I have a white chalky patch of skin on tip of left forefinger, partly under nail. I showed it to the doctor about 10 wks ago.

He said it probably was a calcium deposit conected with my Raynaud's. I have had...
foxglove profile image

Has anyone got both epilepsy and scleroderma?

I have just been diagnosed with epilepsy and feel like this disease has took ove...
annmarie72 profile image

‘Feeling the Cold’ Survey

The cold is more than a nuisance for sufferers of Raynaud’s and chilblains so Av...
Hidden profile image

Warmest cars?

Whilst all the vehicle manufacturers and sales people tout performance stats lik...
Coldfeet profile image

I have had CREST for almost 7 years now. At the moment I am getting so tired and struggle daily at the moment.

I work and have an active life (keep myself busy). Head pains are a recent probl...
AliW profile image

Finally might be getting my ingrown nail sorted.

Hiya blogging is still bewildering to me, been suffering from an ingrowing toe n...
bookworm profile image

How do you eat?

Systemic Scleroderma has made my mouth smaller and nose pinched my lips and ins...
Chriswell profile image

Think I must have been in a boxing match last night ......

Have woken up and every bit of my body hurts including my inner organs - feel li...
Anteater profile image

Problems with grip

Whether I am having an attack or not, I seem to have trouble with grip. I am con...
JPhlps profile image

Feet affected far more than hands. Is this the same for you?

Hi I have been diagnosed with Raynaud's for a couple of years, and despite Nife...
Pipsmum profile image

Painful eyes.

I have suffered with Raynaud's and Scleroderma for nearly thirty years. I am no...
JaneP profile image

My first blog

I enjoy reading everybody elses blogs (it's good to see other peoples experience...
Rp321 profile image

Latest Trip to the Rheumatologist.

Hi everyone, I havent posted in a while, been trying to keep busy and not let m...
uknlv profile image

Prof HERRICK (Salford Royal) Dr McKENNA (Trafford) and the RSA

I was in Salford Royal (Hope Hospital) for 10 days in April '11 until Easter Sun...
Hidden profile image

Raynaud's, Sjogren's syndrome, rectal prolapse and digital ulcer

Hi I have been diagnosed with Sjogren's for about 4 years, Raynaud's for about ...
Pipsmum profile image

I was just wondering if a connection between Raynaud's and angina is possible? I have both as well as reflux disease and bowel problems.

Bernie profile image