Are you making any New Years Resoluti... - SHARE Breast Canc...

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Are you making any New Years Resolutions this year?

missa13 profile imagemissa138 Voters
Yes! (Tell us what it is, if you'd like, in the comments.)
Not this year.
5 Replies
haagr profile image

To move forward and not look back.

Maryeg profile image

Eat healthier,get more exercise and keep a positive attitude.

Noella21 profile image

I live the best I can each day. I will not worry about yesterday or tomorrow.

gmasurvivor profile image

To stay positive despite challenging times!

Misor profile image

I definitely want to become more physically active this year. I have recurring back and neck problems and I don't want any more surgery. I have joined a gym, and AI hope to have good resultls in the near future.