Posts - Sensitive Issues for Men | HealthUnlocked

Sensitive Issues for Men

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All posts for October 2023

Penile Implants

Here in the U.S. there are two penile implants for E. D. They are the Coloplast ...
JoeFriday profile image

Mini Cog

If you are over 65 once a year at a Wellness Exam you are given a Cognitive Asse...
JoeFriday profile image

How Yoga has helped me

Until my accident while working as a nude model in 2013, I practised yoga in the...
BarrySimpson profile image
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How many men on this forum have a female urologist? Are you satisfied with her a...
JoeFriday profile image

How do you feel about women in men's sports changing rooms?

I used to go swimming 3 or 4 times a week. In the city where I live, lady atten...
BarrySimpson profile image

Ask The Question...

Guys, you all know we don't talk about certain things. Well, we should.I have j...
Omniscient1 profile image

Do you enjoy Spontaneous Orgasms? Only rarely have I awa...

Frenulum piercing aged 66.

I am a keen naturist, and I am fortunate to be able to spend several weeks per y...
xsevenx profile image

Does Exercise give you Erections?

I have noticed that when taking exercise - going for long walks in the countrysi...
BarrySimpson profile image

Do you enjoy Anal Sex?

I found this concise and informative and thought other readers might like to see...
BarrySimpson profile image

Good to talk or not

have you ever had thoughts or an opinion you wish you could discuss with others,...
OneJoker profile image

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