Posts - PSP Association | HealthUnlocked

PSP Association

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All posts for July 2011

falling forwards

hi i tend to fall fwds and usually to the right(unlike the literature which refe...
jillannf6 profile image

Hurrah for the good days!

Mum was really good yesterday :-) she stayed awake all day for one thing! She ma...
Kathy profile image

PSP Symposium, London, Wednesday 28 September, 2011

The PSP Association's Annual Symposium will take place on Wednesday 28 September...
PSPA_DebbieB profile image
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Help with rigidity and severe stiffness problems. Any advice?

My husband was diagnosed with PSP very early in 2008.At the moment we are having...
HGE2844 profile image


Hi all I dont know if any body else suffers with dry skin but i get it all over...

Is there a general length of time for the progression of PSP, or is each case different?

Alexandra23 profile image

Has acupuncture woeked for anyone? I am currently taking acupuncture from a Chinese trditional medicine specialist.

LyndaEllis profile image

Does anyone else have a severe problem with insomnia?

LyndaEllis profile image

Personalisation, Direct Payments & Individual Budgets - an answer?

The new agenda for Social Care is all about personalisation. As I understand the...
hmfsli profile image

Keeping it together

It has been great to start reading your blogs - a big step for me as i am inclin...
vallynn profile image

Diary of a Daughter and Carer – The good, the bad and the ugly

Diary of a Daughter and Carer – The good, the bad and the ugly I’ve just had a ...
AmyT profile image

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