Has anyone experienced spells of blurry, c... - PSP Association

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Has anyone experienced spells of blurry, cloudy vision with thick tongue and

Edytheanne profile image
10 Replies

and weakness on one side including arm and leg? It lasted about 30 min. and then went away

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Edytheanne profile image
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10 Replies
Pinda profile image

My husband gets cloudy and blurred vision,he has weakness down the right side of his body.This is there a lot of the time,the vision has spells.He has had a prism fitted over his glasses at the hospital,which is the first thing that has helped his very bad double vision and the blurring etc.I think it is all part of the disease,sadly.

jillannf6 profile image


yes i have real problems with vision esp on the computer

i have blurred/double vision and a (slight) reduction in downgaze

and am not blinking much and closing my eyes a lot which makes them v dry and they smart -eye drops help;a bit but i cannot wear my c lenses any more

but it is all the PSP

love jill :-)

Kathy profile image

Hi Edytheanne,

Mum sometimes gets "one-sided" symptoms in response to stress (such as the day after they had to have the dog put to sleep ) but it only lasted half a day. However, she has also had a TIA (mini-stroke) which also gave her one-sided symptoms and slurred speech for a couple of hours.

Hope things resolve quickly

love Kathy x

barbara22 profile image

HI Edytheanne,I have been in a state of shock over the past year i guess,told i have TIA,also psp at the same time,The symptoms you talk of are correct I had a crust on my tounge like a scab,/vision came and went, dizzyness when going up steps standing up,felt like i was in over drive back and fourth.I also have ostioarthritis in all my body joints so added to the other problems iv found all this very difficult to cope with and to talk about,I find my spelling isnt good most of the time my thinking i have problems with ,I make notes of things now,My left side seems the worst but notice if i carry any weight in r/hand feels like im dragged down and let go of things I have no controle over anything.I feel like iv done hard days work >Your not alone and We all understand what you and all are going through,if i send this it will be a first as i usualy get anoyed at my self and the lights on computer hurt my eyes run wattery.I read lots of the stories on this sight and feel for every one as i can relate to all these horrid symptoms I take one day at a time,I have lots of questions this sight has answerd lots for me and im greatfull for that as we are not alone. ALL THE BEST TO YOU AND EVERYONE KIND REGARDS MUCH LOVE BARBARA XX

PSPA_KatH profile image

Hi there

I am so sorry to hear about your recent problems. The episodes you describe should be reported to your GP as it could be that you may be experiencing a transient ischaemic attack (TIA) and your doctor and your neurologist should be aware of this. It is important not to automatically attribute all unusual symptoms experienced to PSP without consulting your doctor or neurologist first as they may well be due to another cause which may be treatable.

Edytheanne profile image

Thank You all for your comments. We REALLY appreciate them. We are here across the pond in USA and this is the best site for support we have every found. A trip to ER a couple of hours after the episode to doctors that were unfamiliar wtih PSP. Once they called the primary doctor he assured everyone it was the PSP and did not keep over night for more eval. So difficult this awful disease. Thanks Again.

dllera profile image

Hi there - my Dad experienced the "one-side" effect of PSP -lots of blurred vision, very dizzy etc. For quite a while -people were asking me if my dad had a stroke - -sadly this is just part of the disease. I am in the States as well - -I'm in Washington State -where are you?

Edytheanne profile image
Edytheanne in reply to dllera

My sister has PSP and lives in Minnesota. Her "spell" only lasted 30 min. She hasn't had one sense. So sorry about your Dad..where are you in WA?

jimandsharynp profile image
jimandsharynp in reply to dllera

Hi, my dear wife has PSP and we are in sunny Florida.

dllera profile image

Ah - Minnesota is a little far from here -have you checked out the curepsp.org site? You may be able to find support group for you and your sister there. They have a pretty good forum. I live in Woodinville which is on the "eastside" of Seattle. I am sorry to hear about your sister. My dad just passed way on the 23rd of January -we started seeing symptoms around 2002 so Dad lived a very long time with the disease -almost 10 yrs - so believe me - -I've seen it all. The dizzyness and blurred vision is just part of of supranuclear - -falls will probably be next - - Sinemet may give your sister some relief -it sounds like she may have the PSP-P subtype. Please let me know if I can offer any advice at any time.

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