Retiring early, does anyone know about financial ... - PMRGCAuk


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Retiring early, does anyone know about financial benefits in uk

Iloveholidays profile image
35 Replies

After struggling at work with Pmr for 2 years 4 months I’m not sure I can continue working. Currently reducing from 8.5 to 8mg pred. I have reduced my hours twice and now only work 18 hours but feel so overwhelmed all the time, my brain cannot keep up with changes, if I see an abbreviation in an email it takes me ages to work out what it is! I end up in tears. I feel so tired all the time. My managers are very supportive and I’m waiting for another occi health assessment.

I already receive my work pension but cannot live on that, if I stopped working does anyone know what benefits I could receive, I pay rent and live alone. I’m 63 and won’t get state pension for another 3 years. I’ve looked at various on line calculations but it’s all so confusing. If anyone is in or has been in the same situation I would appreciate any advice, if you would prefer you can private message me.

I don’t write on here often but follow daily and have find it a lifeline. Thank you 🌸

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Iloveholidays profile image
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35 Replies
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

Think you probably need to work you way through government site again...I know it’s confusing..maybe contact by phone......or can someone in your HR department help you?

Not sure what CAB can do in current circumstances - maybe find tele no of nearest office to you.

You need an expert to help, everyone’s situation is slightly different, so what you can claim may well not be the same as others on here in similar situation .

Iloveholidays profile image
Iloveholidays in reply to DorsetLady

Thank you. I’ll try CAB.

SheffieldJane profile image

Well done for persevering for so long. I really don’t know how you did it. I think that once you have retired you will find your recovery is easier, I hope so. I am glad your HR has been good. I hope that you are retiring officially on health grounds, it is beneficial in a number of ways. You will receive sickness benefit, I imagine and a rent allowance and not be pestered about being available for work. This maybe tested periodically though. HR may be able to give you next steps advice and leaflets. At one time I would have been able to offer more detailed advice but things have changed radically since my time in HR and it always seems harsher, so arm yourself with as much info as you possibly can. CAB is a good idea. I had a friend who worked for an independent Charity that gave unbiased benefits advice. I am not sure that they have survived the last few years. Worth an internet search though ( don’t part with any money). Good luck!

I googled “independent benefits advice for people retiring on health grounds” and got quite a lot. Such as Disability Living Allowance. You may find it less dense than the Government sites initially. Lots to read and compiled by CAB in some instances.

Iloveholidays profile image

Thank you. I’m still working but looking into how I can retire early on health grounds. Life is too short and I keep thinking why am I putting myself through this, I feel so miserable much of the time and I know it’s because I use all my energy for work and nothing left for me in my time. I’m going to really get the wheels in motion now.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Iloveholidays

Is your work pension from a different previous job? I don't think that pension would increase and are you actually entitled to a separate pension from the current employment?

Iloveholidays profile image
Iloveholidays in reply to PMRpro

It’s nhs pension and still employed by nhs. Currently in the new Nest pension.

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to Iloveholidays

Do try the CAB. I used to be an advisor so I know they can help.

I had a DLA meeting person to person and it was really embarrassing wit the interviewer seemingly disbelieving what a GP, Rheumatologist and my blood tests clearly stated.... Grr

Iloveholidays profile image
Iloveholidays in reply to

It’s a constant uphill struggle 🙁

jessiem profile image

Turn2Us and Entitled To are benefit calculators you could look at - just google. I would contact CAB and Age Uk - both do benefit entitlement services - probably over the phone at the moment.

Iloveholidays profile image
Iloveholidays in reply to jessiem

Thank you good to know.

Songbird69 profile image
Songbird69 in reply to jessiem

Entitled is a brilliant site. I have used it for friends.

Iloveholidays profile image
Iloveholidays in reply to Songbird69

Thank you I’ll have a look at that

Ansteynomad profile image

I was medically retired with a year to go before State Pension Age and I claim contribution based Employment and Support Allowance. It's about £75 per week. The whole process has been very straightforward, although there is a long questionnaire to complete and they ask for supporting evidence.

Iloveholidays profile image
Iloveholidays in reply to Ansteynomad

Thank you.

Skysey profile image
Skysey in reply to Ansteynomad

That’s interesting to know. I have just retired on medical grounds and will receive my first pension payment at the end of this month. I will be eligible for my state pension in 8 years. I am not in receipt of any benefits but it would be useful to know if any benefits would be open to me at this stage. I have GCA and I am on 5 mg prednisolone and Leflumonide plus other meds for another autoimmune condition.Thank you for your post.

LWNE profile image

So sorry to hear about your situation. I think the NHS offer an Employee Assistance Service which you can contact 24/7, they may be able to help. I wish you the best of luck.

Iloveholidays profile image
Iloveholidays in reply to LWNE

Yes they do, I’m looking into every avenue now as really feel I can’t continue to work. Thank you.

jacdo profile image

My advice would be to look into everything very carefully.

You may be able to claim new style Employment and Support Allowance if your dr signs you off sick and you have paid the correct contributions. As I understand it you will still be placed in either the work related or support group and these have different consequences to the benefit you would receive and the amount of time you would be entitled. Private pension is also taken into account over a certain amount. You may be entitled to Universal Credit if you have a low income and of course DLA may be an option depending on your health and that is not an income related benefit.

Benefits are very individual, based on each persons particular circumstances so do make sure you use the benefit calculators as recommended already and see if you can get some advice either from CAB or there may be other local organisations where you live.

I took early retirement last year and although I now have a reduced income, it is the best decision I ever made! It would not have been so good however if I was stressing about money but only you know how much you can afford to live on. Good luck and I hope it all works out for you whatever you decide.

Iloveholidays profile image
Iloveholidays in reply to jacdo

That’s really helpful thank you, enjoy your early retirement, it’s good to hear it was the best decision.

Pixix profile image

Depends on your overall health I think. Disability living allowance, DLA, has now been replaced by PIP, personal independence p! Can’t remember last P! I got this before I had pmr due to car crash injuries, arthritis and fibromyalgia. The form is about 30 pages long...on web site now I think. I had one mailed to me years ago. Then there’s the two hour pretty taxing interview! But at the moment is being replaced by phone calls I think. But do look into it you may be eligible! Sorry I have no idea about employment type benefits. I’m 65 so no state pension yet. I live on company pension and PIP but we had paid off our house and my Hubby has Royal Navy and state pensions oh and private work pension! Good luck S x

Pixix profile image
Pixix in reply to Pixix

Happy to give further info by pm as not interesting to all. I retired at 60. But I had been aiming for early retirement and then got made redundant too! PIP is very much driven by what you can go for yourself eg dress yourself, go to toilet on your own, hie far you can walk unaided, are you able to get your own meals etc. Just Google PIP and look at the application form for it! S x

Iloveholidays profile image
Iloveholidays in reply to Pixix

Thank you for your reply.

Jennyhampshire profile image

CAB helped me. I was in a similar position to you and didn’t even know where to start if I gave up work but I knew I couldn’t carry on. (Stuck at 10mg with flares every time I tried to reduce and the general fatigue, pain and brain fog and I certainly recognise the feeling of reading an email and not making sense of it). I handed in my notice and applied for PIP and ESA both of which I now receive. It wasn’t easy going through the process but now I look back it was the best thing I could of done. I feel like I have reclaimed a bit of my life now and whilst I am living on a lot less money it really isn’t the problem I thought it would be. Having the luxury of every day to myself makes this illness much easier to live with.

Good luck x

Iloveholidays profile image

Thank you, it’s good to hear that it was the right decision to retire early, I’m definitely thinking it’s the way forward for me.

Liby57 profile image

For adults, medical conditions that automatically qualify you for social security disability compensation include: ... Mental disorders, such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, autism, or intellectual disability. Immune system disorders, such as HIV/AIDS, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and kidney disease and

Iloveholidays profile image
Iloveholidays in reply to Liby57

I’m learning so much today. Thank you.

S4ndy profile image

I would recommend making an appointment to see an AgeUK benefit adviser. They can work out your entitlement and help with the forms etc. I am 59 and had my own business which I had to give up due to my health. I am entitled to PIP and also get ESA. Neither of these are means tested in my case as the ESA was based on my NI payments.

My hubby retired a couple of years ago. He gets a state pension and a few small occupational pensions. We are not entitled to any pension credit Because of his all pensions. However, because we rent our home we are entitled to Housing and Council Tax reduction so we pay less than we would. However, our income is very reduced now and needs careful budgeting.

It took two years to sort out my benefits and a lot of assessments etc. It was very stressful and designed to make it difficult and discouraging. I found actually claiming benefits made my mental state far worse. However, I am glad I kept at it and got it sorted in the end. It's never the end though as the DWP want updates and further assessments etc even when there's no possibility of full recovery withoute growing a new skeleton!

My advice to you is get help and don't give up! x

Iloveholidays profile image

I’m glad you got it all sorted, 2 years is a long time and as you say not good for our mental health. It must have been hard giving up your business.

I will get advice thank you.

Darcie12 profile image

You would be entitled to DLA (Disability Living Allowance) and also PIP (Personal Indepenendance Allowance) ie Employment and Support Allowance, as you are under pensional age. Do not leave this entitlement for too long as you cannot claim this after your 65 birthday.

It would be a good idea to speak to HNS HR Department. Good luck.

Iloveholidays profile image

Thank you

Telian profile image

You’ve had lots of advice to which I won’t add but just to say it will be daunting but don’t give up. I did similar some time ago but as others have said it was the best thing I ever did in the end.

On a practical note work out your finances in readiness for whoever you speak to. Make all your notes in an A4 book/folder to keep everything in one place and easy to go to. You can speak to your lenders if you can as this will help you instead of it going round in your head. You will become mentally stronger as work your way through it but pace yourself too as it is exhausting. You may be doing everything right but I I would still make an appointment with CAB. None of it will be a waste of time. They’ll take the weight off the exercise. Good luck.

Iloveholidays profile image

Very good advice thank you, have already started using a note book to keep everything in one place.

Mayadill profile image

Hi was in a similar situation single renter living alone except had already stopped work with small work pension before PMR. Was already disabled. Was nearly 65 so just over a year to State Pension age.Time to claim but what? It's Universal Credit if under pension age. In two parts, one after standard financial assessment, one after health assessment. I was nervous after the horrors one reads but I have to say they've been very nice to me. You send in your fit notes, since I am rather obviously unfit to work, GP has been signing me off for months at a time, and get routine calls from someone at the local Jobcentre, which in my case at least are five mins moaning to each other about the pandemic and talk to you again in a couple of months. You apply on line and it's very efficient. Health questionnaire is a form/booklet they send you to complete. You can also apply for PIP, which is also paper-based.

Iloveholidays profile image

Thank you.

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