Candida in nose and sinuses: I recently read a post... - PMRGCAuk


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Candida in nose and sinuses

Amkoffee profile image
23 Replies

I recently read a post from someone on this site about being treated for a Candida fungal infection that not only affected their mouth but also affected their nose. This was news to me because I didn't know you could get it in your nose. And I suspect I have had that for quite some time as my nose itches all the time. What I need to know is this:

What medicine did he suggest for your nose?

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Amkoffee profile image
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23 Replies

Hi Amkoffee, It may have been my post, on Friday ("Yes Indeeda... it is Candida!"), but I was wrong.

I apparently had misunderstood the Nurse Practitioner in the morning, when she diagnosed the Candida in my mouth, because when I went back at 5:00 to see the GP (because of an allergic reaction) he said I did not have Candida in my nose; he said that it was a "bacterial infection."

I must have heard the NP incorrectly and assumed the little white dots in my nose were the same as what was in my mouth.

I have two different medicines Nystatin and Naseptin Nasal Cream, which I am apparently allergic to!

Hope that clarifies.

PS - you can get a Sinus Fungal Infection... not sure how.if it differs.

Amkoffee profile image
Amkoffee in reply to

Thank you for replying to my post. I'm sure it was your post that I read. Well I sent an email to my doctor about it and am waiting for a response.

in reply to Amkoffee

Good for you! I hope it's not that, but if it is... at least you'll get treated!

in reply to

Yes, that’s the site I found....

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

Oh no! really would rather have a blogged dose and headache than even think about the contents of that link. Gee thanks. 🤧

in reply to SheffieldJane

Sorry Jane. Forget you read it. I mithered for hours about the big fungal ball feeling my Bose.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

Shoot me now.

in reply to SheffieldJane


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Amkoffee profile image
Amkoffee in reply to

Thank you for the link, I learned something that I didn't expect to learn on that site. I think my youngest son has this problem. It was the middle one I can't remember the name of it now but it's the one that creates polyps. When my son was 9 years old he had surgery in his nose and had his adenoids removed. Now he's 31 and for the last several years he has been suffering tremendously with his nose. (I won't go into details) He and I both thought that he would need to have the surgery done again to fix his problem and since his insurance has an extremely high deductible he cannot afford to have the surgery. So I'm happy that I can pass on that link and maybe he can get his problem solved with medicine instead of surgery.

In my case the one with fungal balls fits me closer than the other two. And so I'm going to discuss this with my doctor. Thank you very much for the info.

in reply to Amkoffee

Like your son I had my adenoids (and tonsils) out as a child. I was a bit younger than him. Possibly 6 or 7 or younger. Parents dead so no one to ask. I remember waking in a cot/ crib in the hospital with blood pouring out of my nose. Had nose and ear problems that are lifelong. I was told by someone who had sinus surgery as an adult that the surgeon told them that it always returns. I decided over the years that it wasn't worth another surgery. It seemed to ease for a while but has returned with a vengeance

I am glad you found it useful but hope you don't have fungal issue. Good luck!!

Pongo13 profile image
Pongo13 in reply to SheffieldJane

Just read it and completely agree. Total yuk.

in reply to SheffieldJane

SERIOUSLY!!!!! So sorry you saw that....

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

I am just being squeamish and childish. It sounds horrible and it can be fixed. Ignore me. Drama queen. Real suffering here folks and I act the goat. Apologies. 🙇‍♀️

in reply to SheffieldJane

NO APOLOGIES necessary.... I am the same way about many things.

in reply to SheffieldJane

You cheered me up as it made me laugh.... just could snort with laughter. Now if it was eyes I would be well squeamish.

When I have taken OTC and prescribed thrush pills my sinusitis cleared up. But usually I have had oral thrush too at the same time. At the moment my Bose is permanently 'blocked' but that feels different and the mucus is different.

Haha my autocorrect changed nose to bose. But it fits so I left it.

Amkoffee profile image
Amkoffee in reply to

I love that you left it as bose. sometimes I wonder how my tablet comes up with words that I did not say. (My autocorrect just changed bose to nose!) I guess I didn't say but I do believe I have thrush in my mouth as well. I don't get the white spots because I have Sjogren's syndrome which causes a very dry mouth and apparently the known white splotches that thrush creates in your mouth does not happen with people that have a very dry mouth. And honestly I never had thrush until I started prednisone and I think it's combination of my PMR and my sjogren syndrome that is causing me this problem. Unfortunately the pill you can take for candida conflicts with several of my other medication (medication I can't stop) so I am unable to take it. It would sure be nice to take it and have it kill Candida everywhere in my body systemically instead of just my mouth.

in reply to Amkoffee

That would be good to be able to do it. When you go in to see them see if you can take it with close supervision. It's very unpleasant and it dies cause fatigue and makes you miserable.

Loriel profile image

Hi Amkoffee, do you know what thrush looks like? It leaves a white coating on your skin and it can make it feel very dry and somewhat sore.

Treatment for in the mouth is the liquid form of Nilstat. This is the most common treatment. If you have it throughout your body and it is proving difficult to get rid of then the doctor can prescribe Nilstat Tablets. This usually works. As far as the nose and sinuses go you really need to see your GP I would think it would be a risk to just let it go untreated. There may be a more specific treatment for this type. I've never heard of it but it may come in the form of a nasal spray for all I know.

All I have to do is mention or think of the word thrush and I'll get it, or so it seems.

Steroid use is a big trigger for it.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Just so you know I live in Australia. Loriel

Amkoffee profile image
Amkoffee in reply to Loriel

I have Sjogren's syndrome in addition to my PMR and that causes me to have a very dry mouth. And according to the Sjogren's syndrome Foundation website it is very common for a person with thrush not develop the white coating or splotches. Apparently that's what happens if you get thrush when you have a very dry mouth. And I have confirmed that because I had no idea I had a fungal infection in my mouth when I went to the oral surgeon to have a sore biopsied. There's no evidence in my mouth no whiteness nothing but the oral surgeon requested that the lab test that biopsy for fungal infection as well as for cancer. Well it turned out I did not have cancer thank goodness but I did have a fungal infection. So he prescribed me some medicine tabletd that you suck on 5 times a day and that seemed to clear it right up. But since that time I've had thrush several times. And then when I read the comment about the nose and sinus Candida I wondered if that was why my nose itched so much. So I'm actually going to go to my ear nose and throat doctor tomorrow. I've got to get this thrush under control because I'm getting it every month. And I can tell but I have it now because as you said it's it's painful to eat. In fact when my oral surgeon discovered I had fungal infection I believe I had had that for literally years. Because I had been complaining to one dentist after another and even oral surgeons I saw everyone I could think of because my tongue was so sensitive to food and every one of them said I had burning mouth syndrome. And I knew I did not because my symptoms did not match up two others that had burning mouth syndrome. For example my tongue burned when I ate people with burning mouth syndrome feel better when they're eating.

_Lori-el profile image
_Lori-el in reply to Amkoffee

Oh Amkoffee, So sorry to hear you've gone through so much. I didn't know thrush could stay hidden like that and so many professionals missing it too. I still wonder if the Nilstat tablets would more efficiently. I know when I have had enough of the liquid that my GP will give me a script for the tablets and by the time a couple of hours have gone by I notice a big difference in the pain level. That burning on the tongue and lips dissipates fairly quickly and then eating becomes more pleasurable again. I take it 3 times a day. Don't know if you get the same meds in New Zealand?

What's your GP like? Helpful or not? Maybe your ENT specialist will have helped more?

Hope the visit went well.

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