Posts - PKD Charity for Autosomal Dominant PKD | HealthUnlocked

PKD Charity for Autosomal Dominant PKD

1,164 members263 posts

All posts for February 2019

A Visitor Is Here

I woke up this morning with a very nervous feeling, I thought I left that visito...


Finally, i got my MRI imagining done and the results well it bought me some com...

Recently diagnosed...under-informed...full of questions that I am sure I don't actually want the answers too

... and scared beyond belief I am 51 with no outward symptoms, no family hist...
orca67 profile image
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Total Kidney Volume

Can someone tell me if kidney size keeps growing in pkd. What is the normal Tota...
Kenchappa profile image

Looking For Information and Support

I have been living with this disease since 1993, presently experiencing severe f...

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