Posts - PKD Charity for Autosomal Dominant PKD | HealthUnlocked

PKD Charity for Autosomal Dominant PKD

1,164 members263 posts

All posts for August 2017

Recently discovered cysts on kidneys and liver during CAT scan for fibroids.

Hi all during a recent CAt scan to check for fibroids.The doctors discovered tha...

Mother of 2 PKD babes

My daughter was diagnosed at 2 months old, and my son was diagnosed in utero. Th...

Facebook PKD group

Good evening.. as I am newly diagnosed , I read many of you mentioning the pkd c...
arap88 profile image
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Good evening, one question: my nephro, when I asked him during my last audience ...

Just diagnosed and scared...

Hi, I am newly diagnosed with pkd (3 days ago) under an ultrasound that I have d...
arap88 profile image


Hi everyone , I am new here. I wish the best , good heath and recovery for every...
loulialouly profile image

Hiding my pkd

Hi I am Audra. I was diagnosed with ADPKD in 2013.I've tried to ignore or preten...
AudraB profile image

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