Regular exercise can help with Parkin... - Parkinson's New Z...

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Regular exercise can help with Parkinson's. What sort of exercise have you found helpful?

ParkinsonsNZ1 profile imageParkinsonsNZ1Parkinson's New Zealand55 Voters

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15 Replies
jocelyngrantham profile image

I am keen to do dance classes for PWP and have put my name dowm but presumably we need more takers.....

Rwiseone profile image

I also attend the gym once a week at the moment and do cardio and resistance work.

LittleTaniwha profile image

I find mental/physical relaxation techniques helpful

Colz profile image

I attend dance lessons two nights a week - ballroom and ceroc.

pauagirrl profile image

chi gong and aikido help alot with balance, stamina and co-ordination

Muzz48 profile image

Chi gong helped with my balance and I walk a couple of times a week.

runna1 profile image

I exercise every if I can.I get to the gym at least three days a week. After giving up running pre - Parkinson's ( for about six years) due to severe cramping in my feet I started running on the treadmill. December 2011 I entered a 5k fun run and was first in my age group. Some days I can run some days I can't . On those "can't " days I walk. My goal this year is to do a 10k fun run. If I had someone to walk with I would definitely be using the Nordic walking poles I purchased some time ago. My fitness is my strength not only physically but mentally as wil.

gunesh profile image

I am walking as an exercise for the last 60 years.

Earlier,it used to be more than 5 Km per day.

Now around 2 Km per day.

I am comfortable and active.

ezgolf profile image


I found any sport or work where the focus is on the sport you play or work you do and not on the exercise you do or get from your exercise .

judithmeakin profile image

I play you golf at least twice a week 18 holes and walk the course with an electric buggy.

goldengirl91 profile image
goldengirl91 in reply to judithmeakin

Yes I play golf once a week, walk the course, enjoy the company too.

judithmeakin profile image

Where do you play?

goldengirl91 profile image
goldengirl91 in reply to judithmeakin

Judith, I play just up the road from your club at Coringa. I have been there over 40 years--feel a bit like part of the woodwork. I have been on single figures years back, but now play on a 26 handicap. I play once a week (18 holes) and belong to a hiking group as well. Grace

gloriabus profile image

Cycling - high cadence (80 - 90 RPM) on a stationary bike for 30 minutes per day, 7 days per week

- cycling 15 - 20km per day on a road bike 3 times per week

gldl34g profile image
gldl34g in reply to gloriabus

Hi, gloriabus. gldl34g hear . I have had Parkinsons for four years. I have a real interest in Cycling for Parkinson's. struggling to find training program. I have found a little info from Jay Alberts phd Cleveland Ohio Usa,but detail is difficult to come by. Do you have any too share

Kind Regards,
