Posts - Pancreatic Cancer Action | HealthUnlocked

Pancreatic Cancer Action

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All posts for March 2019

Whittle but too late for chemo

Hi, my partner had stage 3 pancreatic cancer in Feb 2017. He had a Whipple oper...

Hypoechoic Lesion

Hey guys, has anyone had this diagnosed via CT scan? It was without contrast. Th...
Ajo13 profile image

Scared I have pancreatic cancer

I have discomfort off and on in my upper abdomen my stools have been clay colore...
Anonymous401 profile image
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Dark greenish yellow stools

I’m sorry if this picture might look disgusting to you but currently i keep on p...
Daneesha profile image

Please help me

Currently., i m facing severe diarrhea with dark greennish yellow color and som...

HELP Very Paranoid about Pancreatic Cancer

Hi, everyone. I’m a 22 year old female. I’m 5’2” and 119lbs. I exercise at lea...
Hidden profile image

My Mum Passed away from toxicity poison due to Chemo Drug F-5U for pancreatic Cancer

Has anyone else heard of this? She had a liver biopsy and the next day her Prima...
Blondie888 profile image

Whipple procedure for cancer if ampulla of vater

Has anyone here had a Whipple for anything other than PC? Mine was in November 2...
Hillary210 profile image

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