What’s been the most difficult thing ... - Pancreatic Cancer...

Pancreatic Cancer Action

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What’s been the most difficult thing for you in dealing with pancreatic cancer?

PCA_AliStunt profile imagePCA_AliStuntPancreatic Cancer Action22 Voters

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13 Replies
AndyThorne profile image

Other for me: Watching my father die of a horrible disease

WillF profile image

My 'Other' is the thought that invariably creeps into your head whenever you are doing something nice (going to the beach with the family for example) that this could be the last time you will get the opportunity to do that thing.


cathdw1 profile image
cathdw1 in reply to WillF

This is exactly the way i feel , when i spend time with my kids and grandkids i could weep every time x

Watching my Dad fade away before my eyes and dreading what was to come

jo70 profile image


cathdw1 profile image

Seeing the shock on my kids faces and the horror that they are going to loose their mum

Bradbury profile image

Having watched my brother, fight this terrable cancer and pass away after 17month's. Two and a half years later, my sister has recently been diagnosed with the same tumor and is terminal, I ask the question, is there a Genetic link?

More funding and research is needed to detect this killer early.

Duchess profile image

Watching my husband die, he was only 56 and a great sportsman and to see him suffer this terrible disease and him asking me to try and save him because he did not want to die and leave me and our 4 children, was so heartbreaking.

SanandPete profile image

Seeing my husband so frustrated that he can't do all the things he wants to do because he is so tired and worn out with the disease and the chemo.

Blondie888 profile image

Oncologist Misdiagnosis that the cancer had spread and it did not

poppystorey profile image

My problem seemed to be no one listened time after time I complained with the awful pain.must be 4___5 yrs now I have neuroendocrine cancer.


poppystorey profile image

We haven't all been to medical uni. Plain simple English would help .

poppystorey profile image

We havent all been to Uni .plain simple English would be a great help .

Poppy Storey