I am 66 Happy 4 yrs post op/chemo rpt urine inf... - My Ovacome

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I am 66 Happy 4 yrs post op/chemo rpt urine infects hrt or not Consultant says no risk! research different view. New to site-so nice!

ekcjem profile image
18 Replies
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ekcjem profile image
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18 Replies
SandyL profile image


I'm also 66 years old and darned proud of it!! I was 53 at diagnosis (Stage 1V, April 1999) and I started HRT right after finishing chemo - so I've been taking it for about 13 years and feel great ... No problems!


ekcjem profile image
ekcjem in reply to SandyL

hi many thanks all the very best eklcjem

in reply to SandyL

Hi Sandy

I was diagnosed aged 59 April 2010 with stage IV, 2 years into remission,no HRT but you give me such hope..............

Chris x x

Whippit profile image

Dear EkcJem

Welcome. I'm glad you've found us on the site even though it's not a place any of us would have chosen to be. I notice you live in the Swansea area so I thought I'd mention I'm the Regional Rep for South Wales. My name's Annie. Please do get in touch via Personal Message if there's anything you feel I can help with.

HRT seems to be something nobody can agree on. My GP is not for HRT as he says I will get symptoms of the menopause at some time so I might as well get them over and done with.

I'm sure there are other very good reasons for taking HRT. It'll be interesting to hear from other members of the site why we might benefit from HRT.

xx Annie

ekcjem profile image
ekcjem in reply to Whippit

great to hear from you I will be in touch. I dont have menopause issues but constant debilitating uti s for 4 years after 3b and op and chemo thanks eklcjem

woolton profile image

I have tried to do it without hrt but symptons were so bad that I went back on it - best thing I did - those hot flushes are awful, all depends how bad your symptons are x

ekcjem profile image
ekcjem in reply to woolton

thanks just cant decide ! elkcjem

MargaretJ profile image

Hi eckjem

Welcome to the site. I was 68 When diagnosed at stage 3c in 2009. I am now 72. I have never taken HRT though I wanted it when I went through the menopause but my Dr said I didn't need it and I cannot say that I have felt the worse for it! I did not have much bother with hot flushes during the menopause though I do get them now they are not unbearable and I take enough medication. As a died in the wool control freak I do not like being dependant on medication. Because of the sciatica I am swallowing painkillers like smarties! (not literally) and currently trying to cut them down. I have cut paracetemol down to 3 doses a day and from today I am trying cutting out the tramadol! Wish me luck!

I am currently in remission!

zuzana profile image
zuzana in reply to MargaretJ

congratulation to remission...well done and keep going strong

love zuzi x

ekcjem profile image
ekcjem in reply to zuzana

hi thanks its been a long journey ! elkcjem

ekcjem profile image
ekcjem in reply to MargaretJ

many thanks sorry re sciatica have also suffered for years. so glad you are in remission-- my problem is endless urine infections not menopause I often feel really ill so hrt is the latest idea thanks elkcjem

zuzana profile image

hi, I'm 32 with stage 3c diagnosed in 2011. i have never taken HRT,my oncologist doesn't agree with HRT and OC so did try without. i did not have much problems with menopause, have odds hot flush but very rarely. only weight gaining is my biggest issue

all the best xxx

MargaretJ profile image
MargaretJ in reply to zuzana

You are young to have the menopause, presumably yours is surgically induced! I seem to have had a second one! LOL mind you I have always carried high levels of testosterone! Hence the bossy bit! LOL!

zuzana profile image
zuzana in reply to MargaretJ

yes, i have had full hysterectomy a year ago :(

Gina555 profile image

Hi ..

I started taking HRT at 51, even though I was still having periods erratically, as some of my family members have low bone density and apparently there is a small window of a few years after menopause when HRT is effective in combating this. Also I was suffering from repeated cystitis, painful intercourse and bacterial vaginosis (ugh!). I was treating that with lactic acid ‘Balance Activ’ from Boots, which worked well for a while, but it kept coming back. HRT was miraculous and fixed everything, including aches and pains and headaches . Unfortunately, two years after starting HRT, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and I wonder how much part the HRT played in this, as it is a known risk factor. Anyway, I have now started to get my old symptoms back, and am wondering about using vaginal oestrogen cream. My Oncologist seems set against HRT. I am unsure about the risk, now that my ovaries have been removed. Does anyone know if HRT would encourage cancer to grow elsewhere, as the cancer cells would have originated from the ovaries? The decision about HRT or not seems to be a case of weighing up the pros and cons, but the information on line is pretty confusing, especially as there has recently been a re-evalution of the two big studies which put everyone off HRT 10 years ago. Also, I read that taking HRT near to the menopause reduces the risk of dementia, but taking it at an older age increases the risk of dementia and alzheimers. I think I would rather put up with a dry vagina!


ekcjem profile image
ekcjem in reply to Gina555

hi thanks i am so confused idont know what to do, my consultant says itis ok but research is very poor i will try oestogen cream for a month and keep researching elkcjem.

Gina555 profile image
Gina555 in reply to ekcjem

I would love to hear how you get on with the cream, and anything interesting you find out from your research!

Take care,


TinaWright profile image

Hi Ladies,

Such an interesting subject. I have to say, I wasn`t aware that we could have HRT after OV cancer unless we were still of child bearing ages.

After my surgery I went straight into the menopause and the symptoms have been awful. I wasn`t offered HRT and when I mentioned it my consultant just sat and shook her head.

I found out yeasterday that I now have thinning of the bones, and vitamin D defiency, I am 54 and two years in cancer remission (21 months since last chemo treatment).

I am aware that we can`t stay on HRT forever and as soon as we do stop we will go through the menopause symptoms. However, HRT is supose to keep us young and all on set of the natural aging process is delayed, surely this has to be a good thing? Then this takes us back to quality of life too, if HRT can offer a better quality of life for as long as possible it has to be beneficial.

My GP told me that the menoapusal symptoms last on average 5 years, thats a long time, especaially if our time is limited.

If my oncologists agreed I wouldn`t hesitate in taking it, even if it did mean another pill to swalow after my already 12 twice a day medication regime.

Soon be registered drug addict, LOL!!!!

Looking forward to more opinions on this subject - love to you ladies from Tina xxx