Posts - Oesophageal & Gastric Cancer | HealthUnlocked

Oesophageal & Gastric Cancer

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All posts for April 2019


Hi It,s three weeks today since I had my oesphagetomy the last three days I,ve b...
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I had the op. for oesaphageal cancer 8 years ago, and occasionally suffer from w...
Graham39 profile image


I'm really scared of having my endoscopy procedure ,will the numbing spray sto...
Francis888 profile image
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10 days after exploratory laparoscopy

Should I go on a club outing tomorrow morning? It would involve a two hour coach...
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Hi I am 4 years post Ivor Lewis pull up. At 2 years post I had an obstructed bow...
5799 profile image

Dumb question?

Has anyone, or some one you know, turned down curative total gastrectomy when of...
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Hiatal Hernia

Hello, I’ve been taking Omeprazole 20mg for 10 years with no major issues.. abo...
Bagelina75 profile image

The first step is over.

Had my exploratory laparoscopy on Thursday. All went well except that on recover...
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After eating belching mucous and can't catch breath

My father has been to several doctors and can't figure out what's wrong with him...
helpmydad72 profile image

PPIs and Ibs

Taken every PPI now, they all seem to make my IBS much worse. Is this normal?
Spaceboy profile image

Difficulty Swallowing and Frothy Spit After Eating

I am an 19 year old male. In the past year I have been having problems with my s...
Tom1510 profile image

Update from Stomach Cancer confirmed.

Saw the surgeon today. He told me that he would be willing to operate because he...
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Stasis 12 years after oesophagectomy (for achalasia)

Hi there. Has anyone else had this stasis problem after oesophagectomy. I was ...
SurreyGuy profile image

Pain from Stent and Inoperable cancer of the Oesophagus

My brother was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in August last year at 27 years...
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Flooding of the midriff and chest

Hi does anyone have episodes where the mucus/reflux seems to flood the whole upp...
carolg1 profile image

Stomach cancer confirmed

Although I was expecting this result It is still a bitter pill to swallow. Now ...
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Need advice to wean off high dose of PPI

Hello everyone,, I have been on 80mg Pantoprazole for well over a year and lower...
4optimistic profile image

I’m new here but am glad to find this place!

Hello, I live in Las Vegas. I am post esophagectomy from 3 1/2 years ago. I am n...
0420 profile image

H. Pylori Retest

Since March 2018, when diagnosed with H. Pylori, I've had two upper gastroscopy....
Navstar profile image

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