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All posts for June 2013

Does anybody find that they are now more stressed now than before being diagnos...
fridayfever profile image

Hay fever

Hi all, Have been suffering from hay fever over the last few days, just wonderi...
Hidden profile image


Hi my name is Tom recently been diagnosed after 6 months off pain,blood tests, t...
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How to deal with bloating while taking methotrexate and prednisolone for arthritis?

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Hot or Cold

I don't always want to reach out and take yet another pill for my pain, I take a...
DandyLad profile image

2nd dose of hydroxy.

Morning all I hope you are all pain free today. So after my 1st experience I ner...
ajd376 profile image

The dreaded MYX! Advice needed please.

I've been on MTX for 10 weeks now, with 6 weeks at 10mgs. I'm also on 1.5grms of...
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"Triple Therapy Is As Effective As Methotrexate Plus a Biologic" - interesting article

"Triple therapy works just as well as methotrexate plus a biologic for patients ...
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Hello All please would you give me some advice? I have been advised that I need ...
CLANCASTER profile image

Oh what a day !!

Hi everyone hope you are all pain free, Yesterday I went to see my GP to get som...
nellysgran profile image

1St dose of hydroxy taken.

So last night I took my 1st dose of hydroxy, after eating. Later had a couple of...
ajd376 profile image

Steroids, how long do they work.?

I'm having great relief from an IM steroid injection the rheumy nurse gave me 9 ...
Moifoi profile image

A waiting game?

Hi, I'm new to this site and having read a lot of the posts, think it's a fabulo...
KatyMary profile image

Pianoforte 55

I have had Psoratic R.A. For 4 yrs. very painful indeed . 6 months ago I decide...
Pianoforte55 profile image

Deal Kent Arthritis Information Day ( please note this is not an NRAS event)

Clare-NRAS profile image

Hi All, anyone suffering from STERNCLAVICULAR SYNDROME? Thought it was shingles to start with but it seems I was wrong! What next? C

caroline777 profile image

Need advice on best way to finish work

Hi everyone, i would like some advice on how to finish at work. I have suffered...
sharlynn profile image

RA and Illegal Sustances

Just wondering if anyone uses or did use illegal substances for their RA and wha...
zimmie profile image

"This is a Musculoskeletal War of Rheumatic Proportions..." Happy NRAS Awareness Week everybody - Thanks for being there! :D

The 1st National Rheumatoid Arthritis Week - 24th to 30th June 2013...
TweeterCal profile image

Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Week: Day 5 = fundraising

Throughout the week we’ve been showing you what we are doing to help people with...


Morning all Injected my second lot of Cimzia last night and MTX this eve ,as...
minxy1960 profile image

Does anyone with RA in knees attend aqua aerobics and have there been any benefits??

Hi all, I've taken the plunge today and joined my local swimming pool. I have ha...
Wooleyem profile image

How did i get here

I am in need of a moan, I have worked since I left school at 16. I only had a ...
Sharon56 profile image

OA question

My 'interesting' rheumy appointment yesterday at least focused my mind on some t...
Hidden profile image

Here I am again! Comments on Arthritis Awareness Week

Hi to all this lovely, blistery, humid Summer afternoon! I have been receiv...
lorann profile image

Hi everyone, I won my ATOS appeal in February 2013. Now i have to attend a work-focused interview at the jobcentre.

I've suffered with depression for ten years, I have a L5-S1 disc prolapse which ...
MsCol profile image

Hay fever !!

Can anyone tell me if I can take hay fever relief nose spray with mtx? Its got b...
Shell1967 profile image

First 2 pricks of cimzia done......

I know when you all saw the first part of the headline you wondered what i was u...
sylvi profile image

First day of cimza

Today was the day. I've successfully injected the first 2 injections, wasn't sur...
Case profile image

Taking leflunomide went out in sun for hour got sunburn got the itchys and some blistdrs.should u be out in sun while takinv these medicine

ozzi profile image