Hi have not been on here for a while is anyone taking... - NRAS


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Hi have not been on here for a while is anyone taking Lefunamide as well as Enbrel anti TNF ?

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6 Replies
Krystin profile image

I take Enbrel.

Beth58 profile image

Hi, yeah I take Leflunomide (not happy with it though) with 3 monthly Kenalog injections and a host of other painkillers/relaxants, can't have Anti-TNF's because of other health issues.


in reply to Beth58

Thanks for the comments hope you get better soon

hello, I have taken both but not at the same time, Enbrel now along with mxt for 17 weeks, life is almost back to normal, I'm so much better :)

What about you? how long? and how are you getting on?

Hi I have been on Enbrel for 3 years lbefore that was on humaria for 3 years last few months having flair ups CRP is constantly 30+ had steroid injections which relieved the symptoms ,so they have now added in Leflunamide hope it works as I don't want to go into hospital for intravenous drugs , as they informed me this would be my only option. Si i am trying to remain positive. Glad that your feeling much better

pottypam profile image

I am on Lefunamide having been through so many others over the last 25 years , And have had infliximib and humira, both of which did not work , .

This I have had a mild reaction too , iching , aut after steroid pills made me feel really ill I am back on it until I have infusion of Rhiximib ? . Still waiting for the appoitment though as my consultant has to do the infusion himself as took 8 attemps lastime by nurses and to no avail , But not been on both, though i did feel methatrexate was good for me but I can not stay on it for long periods due having had cancer but if all else fails i will see if can have it again ,even just get me over xmas . Hope your experiance its not too bad and you feel better soon.

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