I can hardly contain myself..: Oh I don't think I have... - NRAS


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I can hardly contain myself..

25 Replies

Oh I don't think I have felt like this since I went on a school trip to Goodrich Castle when I was 7!

That was probably a bit of an exageration, but I am certainly really looking forward to the next few days.

I shall be setting off around 12.30 tomorow, suitcase packed. First stop Sainsburys. I am having a free cholesterol check. Ain't I lucky? Then I shall attend my RA education session, next door, at the community centre. This week mainly... pain management - which will be good.

Then after that I shall be hot footing it up the M5 to Gloucestershire. Heading to meet a lady I have been wanting to meet for some time! Yes Alison you are that personage.. she has been very supportive and informative, and lots of other things, since I first started blogging hereabouts, and I shall be pleased to be able to thank her in person.

Availing myself of her (no doubt) excellent hospitality, we shall then in intripid forager fashion, venture up to Warwickshire. We are then hoping to meet up yet another kind and supportive lady - Yes Tricia P this is your life... (she owns a mansion you know but doesn't like to brag about it).

Then if we can stop talking long enough, we shall get said Lady Tricia's chauffeur (no really she has one) to drive us to the 10th anniversary birthday lunch at the Golf Club. We had toyed with the idea of a doing 18 holes before lunch, but the crutchs,splints and walking sticks for 3 peoples as well as humongous golf clubs (a handicap in itself!) might be a bit too much for one poor caddy, so we shall forego that.

There is then (highlight of the day) the lunch and a chance to meet some other wonderful people I have "met" on here, especially our LynW, as well as having the opportunity of celebrating NRAS' 10th year. It's going to be an exciting day.

So I'm off to pack me tackle and get a good night's rest.


Take care everyone

Julie xxx

P.s Anyone mention RA??

25 Replies

Sounds absolutely fabulous. I hope you all have a fantastic time. Say hello to the ladies for me

Thank you

Love Karen xx

in reply to

Thankyou very much Karen, I am sure it will be an event to remember and I shall pass on your good wishes to everyone.

Julie xx

im blushing.. did I say there is kfc down the road from me?.. pub. and an excellent indian restuarant if you dont want to brave my cooking lol xx

in reply to

Now Ali I am sure you are an excellent cookist. I am personally not into KFC although I could do an indian an injustice (a meal that is - naughty). But as I shall probably be being right naughty at the lunch I think I will brave your cuisine, if that is ok?? Or if you like I have some leftovers in the fridge we can munch over - only joking... haha. After all that driving I shall probably be too knackered to eat. ... as if. Catch you laters.

Julie xx

need you message me with diet if food likes dislikes and eta please

kfc was a joke! have you alerted the police. , fire and ambulance service that we are going to warwickshire????? xx

in reply to

Yep .. Just got all my directions, now know here I am going. Looks fairly straight forward (famous last words). All emergency services alerted Going to check cozi for size... oh dear I am going to peak too early at this rate!

sylvi profile image
sylvi in reply to

if you find your way to bulkington there a cup of tea waiting here for you as well. xx

Tricia-P profile image

The chauffer has asked if he can come in for a bit of lunch, as he's not sure if he'll get any tea that night since he's having 3 ladies with RA to cart about. So i've said yes but he musn't drop crumbs on the carpets or spit olive stones in the bushes.

Me myself I'm really looking forward to meet my guests; Summer for the 2nd time and Julie55 the lady who has kept us so amused with her wonderful blogs ladies I look forward to seeing you.

Love Tricia P xxxx

Gina_K profile image

Woo Hoo! Have a great time girls, am sure you will all have a great time, wish I was there!

xxxx Gina.

Tricia-P profile image
Tricia-P in reply to Gina_K

Gina next time dublin keep a bed free, hope your keeping well, I've not been on for a while the RA has done for my eyes spine and now being tested for vasculitis. So more appts than free time, but still keeping on top of it, I hope but back on the steroids well I did have 3 weeks of freedom from them hey ho

love and hugs

xxTricia Pxx

another time Gina xx will sort a glos event/ ra fundaraiser early october xx

Hope you have a really great time will be thinking of you all Rheumy mates together xxx

Tricia-P profile image

Much love to you all, we will report back from the lunch, hats an all

hell do we need a hat!!!!


mandy/sparkle/ gina/ mel/ and co keep the office open in our absence lol....!! he he xx

pharmacy direct(me!) will be off line thursday and friday... as will two very prolific bloggers

in reply to

Have a brill time Ali thanx for all your input into this its been great xxx

Oh good morning - thanks to everyone for their good wishes.. - Tricia you never said I needed a hat... blooming heck I only have a swimming cap???

Speak to you soon as..... take care Julie xxxx

emandedmum profile image

Have a lovely time ladies, hope the sun shines on you and your adventures! Jo xx

Lizz profile image

oo im so jealous, would love to be going - Hope the weather is kind, have lots of fun and please say hello to anyone who knows me - mention lizziemuse and i bet someone will know who u mean xxXxx

Lizz profile image

lizziemuse? Well, i DO love Muse lol, but i meant to write lizziemouse!!! xxXxx

Tiasteph profile image

How exciting! Have a really fabulous time ladies, looking forward to reading some blogs on your return :)

HarleySue profile image

Sounds like you are all going to have a great time - can't wait to hear all about your adventures............

I read your blogs every day and find them most amusing & informative, they've kept me going through some dark times. Have'nt been too well lately but have managed a trip to my daughter in France (where I am at the moment) so reading all your news is great. French doctor reduced my naproxyn as he was shocked at dose with methotrexate & cimzia anti-tnf injections and I think I feel less like a zombie.My bloods have certainly improved. However the hot weather plays havoc with fatigue & pain - can't have it all !

Have a great 'road trip' girls & enjoy !

in reply to HarleySue

Hi Sue

its interesting what you say about naproxen. I dont like it it made me swell up legs wise so i stopped it. Went on line and read about adverse heart risks etc ! think cox 2 inhibitors are considered quite dangerous drugs in some coutries xxx

Really hoping you all have a fab time!!

Hope you all have a safe journeys x

cox 2 inhibitors arcoxia, celocoxib et al increased cardio risk xx

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