Horrendous fatigue, even though joints ok: I have the... - NRAS


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Horrendous fatigue, even though joints ok

Lotttie4 profile image
21 Replies

I have the most horrendous fatigue, a bit of a sore knee, but really no other symptom. I happened to have my 3 monthly blood tests for RA the other day, all ok. Does anyone else feel totally exhausted, really poorly, even though their RA seems ok? I had a total thyroidectomy 17 years ago, so more blood tests this week. I am on Methotrexate and have been for about 12 years.

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Lotttie4 profile image
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21 Replies
Deeb1764 profile image

I am permanently fatigued it is the worst part of it so I have had to learn the word pace (still learning in fact) and it is doing things in small bursts of activity or it just gets worse for me. I learnt it was a mix of rest and activity I can get things done but I am talking 10-20mins max! You will find on here many many of us suffer with the fatigue so don't feel isolated from it as for some it is the worst symptom even if the bloods read all ok as such.

tyncwmmarchhywel profile image
tyncwmmarchhywel in reply to Deeb1764

I agree totally Deeb, you have to experiance it to try and understand, and try and get your head around the word PACE.

Gottarelax profile image

I'm really tired at the moment. I'm on steroids, sulphasalazine and methotrexate. My joints feel OK (mostly due to the steroids) but the tiredness is well, tiring! I'm office based for work and so I sit all day and cope until evening, but at the weekends when I'm trying to catch up on housework, by the afternoon I'm exhausted and take an afternoon nap for a couple of hours but am still ready to go to bed at 9pm.

Mmrr profile image

Extreme fatigue was one of my first symptoms it preceded joint issues.I manage myself very well, have lots of rest inbetween small amounts of activity, say no to requests out that I can't manage and generally lead a quiet life. I prefer that to the fatigue I know that I will experience if I do too much.

tyncwmmarchhywel profile image
tyncwmmarchhywel in reply to Mmrr

A girl after my own heart, people dont understand that you have not got energy to go out often, especially at night, still you have to learn to say NO.

sylvi profile image

Join the club darling i am like it all the time and my bloods never show anything. xxx

MadBunny profile image

Me too. My bloods are ok, hands ok , my knees have been a bit sore but the fatigue has been horrendous the last month or so. I was putting it down to the awful cold virus ( not covid) that Ive had, and is still lingering.

Lotttie4 profile image

Thank you all for your comments. I have had RA a long time and should be use to it by now. It was just that a GP, who doesn’t know me said, your bloods are fine, your RA is fine, which made me question myself, but I am very far from fine.

Jackie1947 profile image

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia not uncommon with RA. Felt really fatigued. Since being on Benipali it's improved

J1707- profile image

oh yeah it’s almost permanent for me

Chockyuk profile image

Oh yes, I’m in a constant state of pure exhaustion 😔. My Rheumatologist did some further bloods a month ago as I’ve been saying I’m so fatigued, now turns out I’ve got an under active thyroid too, just to add insult to injury. Sometimes it feels like I’ll never get my life back to how I was.

You have my sympathy 🙏 I’ve just been signed off from work yet again for a week as I’m so fatigued. I’m also in the middle of a divorce, trying to get the house together to sell, I decided to paint the kitchen last weekend, which was the worst thing I could have done, what a bleeding bore it is 😂

Lotttie4 profile image
Lotttie4 in reply to Chockyuk

Afraid to say, there are a lot of us with RA and Thyroid problems. Hope they get you stable on thyroid meds soon.

sazkabaz profile image

I feel exactly like this at the minute - just overwhelming tiredness. Can’t do normal life as a mum to 3 young kids and have has to get a lot of extra help. This is after a fairly settled 2 years….. I’m with the rheumy next week and hoping for a plan!! Hope your fatigue starts to ease off soon.

Lotttie4 profile image

Thank you, hope you have a productive appointment.

girli1111 profile image

this is me too! I’m at my wits end with the fatigue at times. Burst into tears at work yesterday morning!

RainbowLeopard profile image

My fatigue is worst when my iron levels are low. They're not low enough for my gp to be concerned, but even a small drop really does make a difference to me. Iron supplements seem to be helping. Everyone is different, but this could be one thing to check out?

LinaM profile image

Yep ! That’s my life … just wish I could do everything lying down as I’m so tired keeping my head upright. I was much worse on methotrexate though … couldn’t get out of bed for three days a week it was awful! I agree with the others who have said they have to pace themselves. It really does make a difference but is incredibly frustrating to do . I consider the fatigue harder to live with than the pain .

Goldsky profile image

I feel exhausted all the time too Lottie, no energy, everything is an effort. I have RA, Fibro and OA. As you can see by the comments, although this won’t help you, you are not alone. Take care

Pulfs profile image

The fatigue is the worst part as it limits what you can do unless you pace yourself. I have a retuximab biological infusion every 6-9 mths and this helps with the fatigue. Can always tell when I’m due for next round as it gets worse. Had RA appointment yesterday to arrange next uniform April.

Hope you manage to cope by doing things in small sessions. Take care x

Happy5 profile image

Ah Lottie4 you've described my week. I'm permanently fatigued , but this week had to really push myself. I made myself go for my body massage Tuesday which helped ease my achy muscles and joints. Today I had my hair done, I try to do what I can to keep some quality of life. I've been on MTX about 10 years I'd say my RA is in remission it's OA in my hands that are painful. I think it's been a long winter and that's not helped.


LuzyCLL profile image

Same here, always very fatigued. It really gets me down.

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