Posts - No Smoking Day | HealthUnlocked

No Smoking Day

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All posts for January 2011

Happy Birthday...................

.............. to all of us who have made the one month mark. One down & many mo...

a little light hearted

so here i am a month in a place i never ever imagined i could get the voices...

1st final stop date.

Hi guys, I am a bit nervous, after a couple of failed attempts tomorrow is the ...
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champix side effects

Hi all........... Stumbled across this forum while searching for sites on side ...

Hello, new here

Hi I'm new here. Gave up the ciggies on Friday evening at 6pm. Using nicotine ...

Tired, aching, feel sick - is this normal???!

I've been a non-smoker for 8 hours!!! But I feel dreadful as the title says, I h...

Still cooking on gas

Good Afternoonfellow quitters, How is everyone doing on the start of the new we...


Hey all, I'm 4 weeks in, and just wanted to know if anyone else feels like they...

My Reason (warning, a story of death)

Hello all, I have read through people's posts on here and there is a little tren...

day 15 and the bad craves are back!!!

Well day 14 was so good and i didnt have many craves at all but today just takes...
emma5396 profile image

Yay! I made it to a month

I have made it to this thread and havent smoked for a month today. Used some NR...

1st day on Nicorette patches

Hello everyone, I'm Jo, i'm 33 and mum to George (4) & Max (3), this is my 1st ...

WHY are some days so much better than others?

I'm having a bad morning after a week or so with hardly any cravings. WHY??? I'...

a better dream sort of

i had a dream last night my bank card was refused in a shop because i had no mon...

I brought 10...

Saturday afternoon was terrible, I can never remember any of my previous quits b...

2nd Week!

I am happy to say I have reached the 2nd week of my quitting! However I am sad t...

virtually crave free today

today has been virtually crave free, unbeleivable my first day like this felt s...

4 days not smoking

Hi my name is .Marty. I have been smoking for 30 years 2 packs a day this is ...

my day 4

well 1 hour to go of my day 4! Cant believe it. Not feeling many benefits as yet...

my day 3

thanks for my replies on day 2 x glad some1 was listening. lol x Today has been ...

Well bugger me,,,

I HAD A CRAVING!!! Thats right fallen angel had a craving lol. What am i now??...

Starting again, again

OK so last week did not go well. But gonna keep quitting till i quit! But it's t...

Week 3 here i come - feeling stronger

Hi all well today is 14 days without smoking and i am realy pleased with myself....
emma5396 profile image

Oh Dear

Yawn... So who's going to be brave enough to tell GlaxoSmithKline....:rolleyes:...
austinlegro profile image
11 Years Smoke Free

30 Days

WOW After smoking for so long, and attempting to quit so many times and failing...


27th day today woooo nearly a month and i have noticed the benefits of stopping ...

1 month today!

Made it to 1 month cold turkey. Had many lows but seem to be doing ok now. Still...

Once more into the breach

Hi All, This is my first day of my latest quit. I was wondering if anyone would...

one month tomorrow, and still totally smoke free

It feels so good to have broken the back of this quit... My last fag was on the ...

Day 3 No changes?!?!

Hi Its day 3 of not smoking, quit mainly cause of bad grey dull skin and hollown...

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