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Holistic Health & Healing ...

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Physical health is important but it cannot be the purpose of life. Mental health is higher but even that cannot be life's aim. It is the ultimate spiritual wellness - cleansing of all the dust of ignorance and ego gathered over the soul-diamond - that really should be the objective. Thus, in the 8-fold Raja Yoga, we progress from physical Asana to mental interiorization and focusing to meditation to finally, Samadhi. The first 4 parts (Yama,Niyama,Asana,Pranayama) together make the tangible outer part (Bahiranga Yoga) ; the latter 4 parts (Partyahara,Dharana,Dhyana and Samadhi) are subtler, inner practices called Antaranga Yoga.

Body and mind work on each other, but the effect of mind on body is deeper than the effect of body over the mind ; yet the influence that the soul has over both body and mind is the subtlest and profoundest.

We all know that if one is angry, depressed, paranoid for long, even the physical health will suffer. And when we have the soul-qualities of love and forgiveness, faith and devotion, how easy it is to control anger and fear etc. ! Modern Neurocardiology and PsychoNeuroImmunology super-sciences are gradually confirming these aspects of thoughts and feelings in overall health and wellness.

Yoga is therefore not just physical postures but much more. The more vital and important contribution of Yoga is in managing mental negativities like worry, fear, jealousy, insecurity, anger, hatred, conflicts etc. Human mind is like a drunken monkey until we learn to control it, but once tamed through yogic techniques and introspective self-awareness, it is the most powerful force we have.

The yogic technique of Pranayama is one of the least understood and used blessings that humanity has.

It is not breath control, but life force control. Breath is only the carrier used as a handle here. Our abilities to digest food, remove solid and liquid wastes, beat heart and circulate blood, flow breath and even think and feel - these are all actually done through life force or Prana. If Prana works fine, everything works fine. Mind has too much life-energy like a little child, so it gets hyperactive.

Together with Yama, Niyama and Asana which come before it in 8-fold Raja Yoga, and with Pratyahara (interiorization of life force and hence consciousness) and Meditation that come after it, Pranayama is a wondrous science.

Most of the ailments that humanity suffers from today, are psychosomatic (mind-body), and yoga is the best holistic cure. The Bible says, 'For all thy getting, get understanding' and the Gita says, 'Wisdom is the best cleanser' ('Na hi gyanen sadrisham pavitram ih vidyate').

All scriptures stress upon right living and mental cleanliness, not just physical hygiene which has its own important place but cannot be everything.

May all find health and happiness,

Hans Dholakia

Online Life Coach for Total Wellness Thro' Blending Science with Spirituality


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