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Pregnancy and Parenting Support

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Weekend Resentment and Anger

I have a one year old and have gone back to work part time three weeks ago. My w...
Seabird55 profile image

When to stop pumping?

Hi lovely people, My baby is 11 weeks old and I have been giving him my milk s...
Luce_16 profile image

V&D after feeding sheep at petting farm - worried about baby.

I have been complete idiot. I went to the petting farm with our toddler yesterda...

sma Alfamino

hi all, my little one nearly 4 months has been place on sma Alfamino due to bein...
AngelMum1 profile image

5 weeks 5 days pregnant brown discharge

as above today I have brown when wiping , this has happened a few times today . ...
Natasha2012 profile image

UTI or bladder infection during pregnancy

Have you had UTI or bladder infection during pregnancy? How did you treat it or ...
konyaga profile image

Prosterior low lying placenta

Hello, just wondering has anyone else specifically got a low lying Prosterior p...
Mar5 profile image

Potty shot.Umbical cord or boy stuff,unable to find three confused girl or boy

Hi everyone, I have a 23-week ultrasound and I'm having trouble guessing the gen...
Avi410 profile image

Clear blue test

I'm struggling they came up within the 10mins are they positives
Clairebear91 profile image

Hi I need a second pair of eyes on this I didn't trust clear blue on its own so I did the red dye but Is it positive or negative

Positive or negative I need a second opinion please
Clairebear91 profile image

Telling parents and close family

Hi everyone, I’ve just found out I’m pregnant (currently only 5 weeks). It is my...
Bluebird94 profile image

First time pregnant

I took this today what is everyone's open on this test?? Some people I've showed...
chelz23 profile image

Baby observation

Hello, I am a psychotherapist completing a clinical doctorate, I live in East Ke...

severe illness 1st trimester

hi I’m wondering if I’m the only one. I’m 7 weeks pregnant and feel so ill all t...
Peanut5 profile image

Any advice on multiple pregnancy

I’m only 8 days late on my period and I’ve had really strong positive test. Is t...
Naws96 profile image

Endo pregnancy c section or vaginal birth ?

hi ladies any one with severe endo and adenymosis? Wondering if you went for a ...
Jade2006 profile image

brown discharge at 5 weeks 6 days

hi i have brown discharge once or twice a day after i pee, continuously from las...
Chocolover22 profile image

Pinard or fetoscope to listen to the baby

Has anyone bought and used pinard/fetoscope/stethoscope to check on the baby?We ...
konyaga profile image


Took a test last Friday and it was positive, went to the ER Monday and they did ...
Mommytobe25 profile image

TMI photos

Hi please read PHOTOS IN ORDER ON HOW IT STARTED!!! I have recently had a earl...

cooled boiled water

hi all, my baby is now 3 months old and taking her feeds as she should and some ...
AngelMum1 profile image

Slapped cheek and pregnancy

Hi, I'm 9 weeks pregnant and work in a school. I teach in a few different classe...

is this implantation bleeding ?

Sorry for the TMI picture However is this implantation bleeding ? I have never ...
Annanaj profile image

Am i pregnant?

Hello, I'm kinda in a situation where I'm confused whether I'm pregnant or not. ...
Engku79 profile image

East Kent

Hello, I am a psychotherapist in intensive training, I live in East Kent. Part o...

implantation or is it nothing?TW photo

hi I’m freaking out! Does this look like possible implantation bleeding?

11 month old with gastro sickness bug

Hi, our 11 month old (will be 1 in a few weeks) has had a gastro type bug since ...

Infant Observation East Kent

Hello, I am a psychotherapist in intensive training, I live in East Kent. Part o...

Does this look like implantation bleeding ???

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