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All posts for June 2014

Small 2-4mm lumps filled with clear liquid then gain small brown centre then skin around the lumps thickens before peeling away

I have had these lumps for years but over the last 6 months or so they are appea...

Has anyone had or heard of Eczemaherpiticum?

bonzi profile image

Has anyone any information about mushrooms helping with eczema?

I've been finding a lot about it, and was looking at these (http://www.alohamedi...
naturalgirl251 profile image
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Black Spots on left upper urm!!

I have this weird problem... Since 2-3 years I have noticed that their are black...
chaitanyakaul profile image

An insect bite I had many years ago keeps flaring up. My doctor said there is no cure for this. .

I cannot remember the name but I think it began with F
gran60662 profile image

Hair loss when on Acitretan

I've had pustular plantar psoriasis for nearly a year now and its affected my mo...
Bluehills profile image

Hi. I have hidradenitis suppurativa. does everyone else get the same antibiotic routine over and over?

Always starts with amoxicillan, then flucloxacillan, coamoxiclav and then oxytet...
shelleh1979 profile image

anyone need any plastering or painting/decorating doing.abit cheeky I know but worth a try xx

leefaz profile image

Any successful treatments of Rosacea? Help, pls!

Hello, everybody! I have Rosacea. The problem is not only in the visible capilla...
Miluccio profile image

Is there a solution to win the battle with acne?

I'm 25 and I still have acne. It's mainly on my chin and cheeks. I tried Accutan...
Laura_moi profile image

ive got dermatitis or I think it is on my face its quite painful at seems to flare up at different times.any ideas.

im new to this so bare with me xx
leefaz profile image

I have been seeing a rheumatologist for about a year for varying symptoms and today I have been diagnosed .....

by a dermatologist as having nail psoriasis. I don't have it anywhere else. my q...
Alex97 profile image

Suspicious mole, sudden appearance?

In addition to the post I made recently about a patch of red/scaly skin on my lo...
sjs1971 profile image

diagnosed with Rosacea but no meds given as Dr said as it's nearly summer they would cause probs with sun anyone else been told this ?

have lupus in the family also but not asked about this ,i have had blood tesed f...


I was diagnosed with this after my second child, 9 years ago. Over the last year...
HevJ profile image

Large red, scaly patch on leg

For a couple of years now, I have had a growing red, ill defined patch on my low...
sjs1971 profile image