Posts - Migraine Support | HealthUnlocked

Migraine Support

3,509 members468 posts

All posts for November 2019

Heart and head

Anyone with vestibular migraine and bppv suffer from ectopic heart beats?? I'm t...

Podcast For Migraine

We are the National Migraine Centre the only UK charity that treats migraine. Th...

Having chronic headaches as a child

Hello everybody, I am new to HealthUnlocked but unfortunately not new to headach...
chronichead profile image
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Vestibular Migraine

So I’m almost at the end of my first week of Couch to 5K and part of my motivati...
ChrisJames1993 profile image

4 day headache

Ive had a headache varying in intensity for the past 4 days. My sides of my head...
Ericamo1 profile image


I have just started taking topriamate for migraine and have taken 2 tablets inst...
jo37782 profile image

Cold turkey

I learned recently if I was taking migraine based drugs ( tension headace, tylen...

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