Writing Blogs, asking and answering q... - Mental Health Sup...

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Writing Blogs, asking and answering questions is an outlet, but it can be a paradox for some people who understandably don't have the time.

3 Replies
3 Replies
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Hi Anxiety,

I find your question quite difficult to answer.

This is a difficult question because being truthful can sometimes incite cynicism, when it is not the intention at all. I suppose what you're asking is 'how much is too much?' and whether there can be a limit to the amount of support others can provide through Blogging and attempting to offer advice. And it is a difficult one to answer truthfully, honestly, and without offence. Even if we offer the best advice, and we aren't severely depressed ourselves, we're only human after all!

It sounds as if you are wondering whether depression is both feeds on itself and becomes contagious. That sounds about right to me, particularly if it is the main topic of discussion all the time. My advice to you would be: try and enjoy life. If things get difficult, do get that referral from your GP or speak to a counsellor. Try to be happy, and try not to be so anxious. I know this can be very difficult, because there are lots of things to worry about in life. But I think that you can do it.

Writing can be therapeutic, but perhaps writing about depression all the time can only remind you of depression - which is probably why you should start a Blog regarding something important and interesting to you!

This is not to say that Blogging is a futile exercise, because it clearly makes you happy - rather, that perhaps there are some things which can only be achieved beyond the keyboard and beyond the subject which brings you down.



I wasn't sure what your blog meant, but wonder whether you just feel too busy to spend time blogging and perhaps even envy those people who do have the time.

If that is so then I it may be important that you make the time for youself.


:) Thanks a lot for the advice. It was a very random Q! I don't think I was in the right frame of mind at the time, but thanks again.