Visit to GP today: Well I went to my GP... - Mental Health Sup...

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Visit to GP today

7 Replies

Well I went to my GP today in a state of Anxiety. She was so nice I think she made me worse.

I told her about my Tribunal today at 3pm & that I felt I cant go through it. I told ber how bad I was on Saturday that I felt I wanted to go to hospital Pbysciatric Unit & ask them to take me in & help me.

She has given me Some Diazipam to keep me calm but I can tell you it worked for a while this pm but I can feel it coming back.

She checked my BP which is always high & she said its higher than its ever been & that my heart beat is very fast. I can actually feel it & its not lalpatations I am feeling.

She thi ks its because of the stress I am under about the ESA Tribunal. I'd say in part it is but I have been feeling my depression rising for a while now & with it comes the anxiety.

She has told me if I still feel the same in a couple of days to come back.

She is also referring me back to the CPN again & they may refer me to Physciatrist again.

I just wonder is it because I have been on the same AD at a high dose for 5 years my body is becoming imune go it. They prescribe you these drugs & leave yku to it. They never follow up on how you are?

Anyway I feel its going to be another long night of no sleep again. I have been like this for a week now. I am beyond exhausted.

Last week at my Mock Hearing when questioned by my Representative I could'nt answer his questions. I could tell he was getting frustrated which did'nt hp me.

I have had a week & thought of nothing else. I am now feeling if I can get words out of my mouth I will tell them exactly how my mental health effects me on a daily basis from the heart. What will be will be. My son is also picking me up & coming with me. He is a good lad for 22 & seems older beyond his years. He knows how to help keep me in control. I dont know if they will let him come in with me?

Anyway thats my report & I will let you know what happens. My main worry is that I take a a panic attack during it?

Best wishes to you all.


7 Replies

P.S. Excuse typos as I am using my phone. The screen shrinks & its hard to see what you are typing.


Flintstones profile image

Hi Jackie, it's not a wonder your feeling the way you do. I notice people ask about their medication but they them self are not following through with the dr go back again talk then ask when you should review again. Good luck with all and your family. I'm sure you will see light at the tunnel eventually. You seem quite aware of your circunstances it's just dealing with them 1-1.

downandout profile image

HI yeah i am on a drug that i have been on for four years and mental health are now checking it to see if it has reached the end of its lifespan if so it will be the second one now that has done that as like you i was prescibed the Dizapram and then after a while felt all the real bad feelings coming back if the doctor is not sure ask them to contact mental health as they are trained in the right medication for certain disorders and can quickly advise the doctor what to do and i really hope the tribunal went well and that you won, its a scary thing that, i was in pieces i ended up bursting into tears when i came out and i had won. And i hope you start to feel better soon


in reply to downandout

Yea Dr has referred me to Physciart & CPNs.

Thank you.


Playing1 profile image

Sorry you're feeling like this. Not an easy time by the sound of it! I'd say just do what you can when you get there, you deserve to be heard, you deserve to be listened to.

[BIG hug]

All my best wishes are with you. Good luck.


Thank you all for your kind support.

Best wishes


jrcnpg profile image

I feel for you, I really do. All these tribunals achieve is to make you feel worse than usual. Statistics show that 98% of those who have attended such a tribunal and have had their benefits changed, being found fit for work, moved from one group to another, have their benefits reinstated after an appeal. You ought to be getting help from your metal health team in one form or another. They will let your son in (I have a son who is 32 and completely indifferent to the way I am with my own depression and anxiety) to aid you and if you do begin to have a panic attack they will probably, or ought to, direct their questions to him whilst noting the absolute hell you are going through. I wish you nothing but good luck. A tear came to my eye when I read your piece.

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