any one have long bouts of depression... - Mental Health Sup...

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any one have long bouts of depression which causes them to reach the end of they'er tether ? or am i the only one

charlies profile image
8 Replies
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charlies profile image
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8 Replies
jonnywombat profile image

Hi Charlies,

You are not the only person to feel like you do, if you read the other questions and blog posts here, then you will see lots of people feel similarly.

Are you getting help? A good place to start is to go visit your GP and then take it from there.

Good luck


Cleaner profile image

Hi Charlies. I am going though a really bad stage of. Depression an Anxiaty at the moment and certainly no how you feel. I have been back to the Drs and I'm going to see a pyhcatherapis next week so I'm hopeing it will help. I don't think I can take any more of feeling like this . So like Jonny said try and see your GP . Take care


Yes, yes, yes. I think most of us who experience depression have been there at some time or another, often more than once.

When things are that bad this website is good, Samaritans are great if you feel really desperate, and I agree with Jonny that it si wroth seeing your GP if things feel impossible so that you can discuss what treatments might be helpful.


I am going through a hightened state of depression & anxiety at the moment. I have been feeling very low for the past few weeks. Today I recieved a brown envelope telling my my ESA Tribunal has been set for 18 December. I am a complete scared blubbering wreck thinking about it. I have been completely over taken by anxiety & dont know how I'm gonna cope until I can see a Dr on Monday to hopefully give me something to calm me down.

I have suffered this illness for 19 yrs. Lost 2 jobs, my marriage & my home. I cant take no more of this. I cant involve my parents for help as I would usually do because they have enough to worry about with my brother who through an accident 5 yrs ago is now paralysed from the neck down & his wife left him 2 months ago.

I have no friends as I cut myself of from everyone. I just dont know if I can take anymore of what the world thros at me?


in reply to

I'm so sorry Jac - I couldn't cope with my ESA interview and chickened out signing on JSA instead. I don't know how they can expect someone with depression to go through a beggers belief doesn't it? Just hang on in there if you can.

I will be thinking of you.

Let us know how you get on.

Bev x

No Charlies you are not. Depression is a terrible thing and unfortunately there are a lot of people (and organisations) which don't understand it. We all do here - you are not alone love.

Depression usually eases a bit in time so hold on to that., In the meantime be kind to yourself and if you have not seen your doctor make an appointment.

Let us know how you get on.

Bev x

Hi Bev

I will definately be attending the Tribunal. I worked 30 years, paid Tax & National Insurance. I think I am entitled to some help whilst being repeatly told I'm nit fit for wirk. Plus each time I take a dip in depression it seems to last longer & I ache with anxiety as well as being or feeling sick.

I will let you know how I get on.

Thank you Bev

Jac x

charlies profile image

Thank you very much jonnywombat I starterd i'm on 40 mg of citailpram and started theripy 5 weeks ago which i know will take a while

Yet my dr doest seem to understand should i change drs or try getting a surpport worker ?